First published in November 2001 by the
Ministry of Justice
PO Box 180
New Zealand
Ph (04) 494-9700
Fax (04) 494-9701
ISSN 0-478-20159-1 © Copyright
The telephone survey was undertaken by a research company, the National Research Bureau Ltd, during June 2001.
Type of physical punishment
The results showed that 80% of the public agreed that a person parenting a child should be allowed by law to smack the child with an open hand if they are naughty. The use of objects to smack a child and smacking them in the head and neck area drew an overwhelmingly negative response from the public, indicating that only using an open hand was acceptable to most people.
- Fifteen percent agreed with the viewpoint that a person parenting a child should be legally allowed to use objects like a wooden spoon or a belt to punish the child if they are naughty.
Severity of physical punishment
The responses indicated that only a smack that left no mark was acceptable to the majority of people (75%).
- 6% thought it was acceptable to use physical punishment that leaves a red mark that lasts a few days.
Age groups of children
- 23% thought it was acceptable to physically discipline children under two years old.
- 62% thought it was acceptable to physically discipline children 2-5 years old.
- 72% thought it was acceptable to physically discipline children 6-10 years old.
- 43% thought it was acceptable to physically discipline children 11-14 years old.
- 16% thought it was acceptable to physically discipline children 15-17 year olds.
Full Report available at:
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