Author: HEF Admin

  • Protect Marriage — have your say…

    By a vote of 80 for, 40 against (and 1 absent), the Same-Sex Marriage Bill is off to the Select Committee. This means that people like you can make submissions and have your say direct to the MP’s – and we’ll help you every step of the way with information and resources so as to make it as simple as possible! The vote last night also shows that only 20 MP’s need to change their vote to defeat this bill.

    Please note that although we have presented the first batch of signatures (48,000), we are still collecting signatures. We would love to be able to present 100,000 signatures to the Select Committee. So our basic message is: Keep Signing. Keep Sending them in. Please note – you can only sign the petition once, but please encourage others to sign.

    40 MP’s voted to Protect Marriage last night. Please thank them. We are grateful for their stand for marriage. To read more go to here:

    To send an email of thanks to the 40 MP’s, click here

  • Disturbing Trends in Latest Smacking Report

    Disturbing Trends in Latest Smacking Report

    23 August 2012

    Media Release 24 August 2012
    Family First NZ says that the latest review of police activity related to the anti-smacking law shows disturbing trends.

    “The latest sales pitch on the smacking law by police will be cold comfort to parents. Almost 550 kiwi families have had a police investigation for allegations of smacking or minor acts of physical discipline since the anti-smacking law was passed yet only 8% of them have been serious enough to warrant charges being laid,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ. “A law is obviously a ‘dog’s breakfast’ when there is such a high rate (92%) of cases warranting no further action by the police.”

    “Ironically, the police have finally figured out what they mean by ‘smacking’ and ‘minor acts of physical discipline’ – something the politicians and CYF have been unable to do. And parents will be surprised by the types of actions which the police are taking to court – despite the guarantees of the Prime Minister.”

    “Of most concern is that the report refers to an upward trend in smacking cases, and ‘more widespread use of the legislation’ by the police. Does this mean that the honeymoon period is over for parents, and that the real effects of the law are taking effect – despite the promises?” asks Mr McCoskrie. “We know that this is already the case with CYF with a zero tolerance policy for smacking.”

    “The other huge concern is the big increase in false allegations of assault. This may come from neighbours or even the children themselves. Unfortunately, this confusing law has been used as a weapon against good parents – rather than targeting rotten parents who are abusing their kids.”

    “It seems incredible that we are wasting time investigating hundreds of families who obviously don’t warrant that investigation, are putting those families through the stress of a potentially prolonged investigation, and are diverting valuable police resources from serious crime and rotten parents where actual abuse is happening,”

    “Parents have been stripped of a parenting technique which, when used appropriately, has been proven to be effective and appropriate. And tragically, our child abuse death rate continues unabated,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    “The report also fails to quantify the high level of intervention into good families from CYF which even CYF is unable to verify.”

    Family First continues to call for an amendment to the anti-smacking law to clearly define what is reasonable physical correction, to decriminalise non-abusive smacking, and to then target our vital police resources at rotten parents who are abusing their kids.


    Please also read the following:

    The Experience of Parents

    Family First has run the following adverts in major papers throughout New Zealand. They contain story after story of the experience of families whom the anti-smacking law has affected.


  • Parents Demand Apology For Inaccurate Smacking Review


    24 August 2012

    Parents Demand Apology For Inaccurate Smacking Review

    A Timaru couple whose experience of the anti-smacking law was used in the Prime Minister’s report on Section 59 by psychologist Nigel Latta, and whose integrity and honesty was called in to question along with a number of other parents, now have the government paperwork to prove that the report is based on false information, and are demanding an apology.

    The parents’ experience has been featured both in NZ on the documentary “My Mummy’s A Criminal”, and on 60 Minutes in Australia.

    Parents Erik and Lisa Peterson whose children were removed from their home for 72 hours because of a botched CYF investigation over a smack have fought for over three years for the truth to be told. In their letter to Nigel Latta, they say:

    “Your summary was based on our case file, and we took a great deal of issue with it. We also took great issue with you calling our integrity and honesty into question, albeit indirectly, on national television. You will by now have received a letter from the Ministry of Social Development containing a number of corrections to the error ridden file that you based that summary on. (Review panelist and MSD Head) Peter Hughes says your summary was accurate because you read our case file – the same case file which required a staggering two and a half pages of corrections! ….

    “Mr. Latta, the section 59 Review states that you found “the agencies responded appropriately and proportionately” in each of the cases. I cannot speak for anyone else, but our family was not treated appropriately or proportionately. CYF were responsible for at least three breaches of the Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989 in the investigation of our family. Until very recently, they were also in breach of the Privacy Act. Hardly appropriate behaviour. We lost our children for 72 hours because the local workers couldn’t be bothered to meet on a Friday afternoon. Hardly an appropriate or proportional response.

    “It is my view that you owe our family an apology. I would suggest our experience is not unique among those families reviewed. It is most probable that you owe several families an apology.

    “With hope of closure after a three and a half year battle. Erik and Lisa Petersen”

    Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ adds: “The Latta review contained glaring errors including misrepresentation of basic facts, contained alleged actions of parents which were found to have no basis in court but which still presents the parent as being abusive, and failed to take into account the response of the court including discharges without conviction for what were previously claimed as serious assaults. The terms of reference of the Review failed to allow the voices of families who had been victims of the new law to be heard. It also failed to examine the outcomes of the investigations and whether the law was being applied as Parliament intended. It clearly is not.”

    A group of parents, whose experiences were included in the report, released a statement immediately after the Prime Minister and Nigel Latta presented the report in 2009, saying

    “This is a one-sided report and fails to objectively hear the evidence from both sides. We reject the notion that we have misrepresented the facts to Family First, and that Family First has lied in their advocacy work in this area. Family First has been one of the few organizations willing to hear our side of the story and advocate for our concerns. We are not child abusers, yet this report continues to make that accusation, and does so without providing an opportunity for rebuttal or a full assessment of the facts. The effect of the experience of being investigated and in some cases prosecuted has had a huge effect on our families including our children, yet this has been minimized or ignored.”

    “The Peterson’s have sought to set the record straight. We will be encouraging other parents misrepresented in the report to do likewise,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    “Official Information Act documentation requested by Family First seems to indicate that the review involved only two meetings of the full panel, ‘rides in a cop car’, sitting at the Police Communications Centre for a couple of hours, and misinterpreting and misrepresenting cases put forward by us,” says Mr McCoskrie. “New cases are being brought to our attention on a regular basis – many of which have been featured in the media.”

    The full evidence of the Petersen case and four others can be viewed here


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

    Bob McCoskrie – National Director

    Mob. 027 55 555 42

    Sign up now to received FREE email updates of issues affecting families – be informed!


    From the Smiths:

    Updated 23 August 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


    Needing help for your home schooling journey:


    Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:


    This link is motivational:

  • 10th review of Crimes Amendment Act 2007 (Substitution Section 59)

    Please read this link before reading the report below:


    Police has published its tenth review of activity following enactment of the Crimes (Substituted s 59) Amendment Act 2007.
    This review covers the period 22 June to 21 December 2011.

    500 child assault events were attended by police during this period.  Of these, 23  events involved ‘smacking’ and 45 involved ‘minor acts of physical discipline’. (See note 2 below for definitions)

    Of the 23 ‘smacking’ events, 3 resulted in prosecution, 18 resulted in a warning and 2 resulted in other / no further action being taken. Of the 45 ‘minor acts of physical discipline’ events, 6 resulted in prosecution, 36 resulted in warnings and 3 resulted in other / no further action being taken.

    The three “smacking” event prosecutions involved a charge of Assaults Child (Manually). The first defendant pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six months supervision. The second pleaded guilty and was sentenced to nine months supervision and 100 hours community work. The remaining prosecution was subsequently withdrawn due to insufficient evidence.

    There have now been 8 prosecutions for a ‘smacking’ event since enactment of the Amendment in June 2007.

    Assistant Commissioner, Malcolm Burgess says the review findings continue to be consistent with previous reviews.

    “We continue to be happy with the way the legislation is being applied by police staff” says Mr Burgess.

    “Numbers of events in most of the categories, including smacking have trended up. We attribute this to the more widespread use of the legislation by police as it becomes embedded in our enforcement practices and also to increased reporting as public awareness of the legislation grows.

    “There have been just eight prosecutions for smacking events since the Amendment was enacted in June 2007. This suggests the practice guidelines on this matter issued by the Commissioner continue to work well and police continue to apply their discretion appropriately in these cases”.

    Police will continue to report on the impact of the Amendment through until June 2012 with the final report due to be completed by the end of 2012.

    Editors note:
    (1) Further details of the 10th review can be found on the NZ Police website.

    (2) The number of child assault events identified in each review period does not reflect the total number of child assault events attended by police during this time. The events are those most likely to identify
    • Actual physical action used in the child assault; and
    • The context and the surrounding circumstances, as outlined in the practice guidelines (Commissioners Circular).

    (3) Following the December 2009 review Police agreed to continue monitoring the impact of the Amendment on a six monthly basis until June 2012. Further details of the review can be found at:

    (4) The practice guide (Commissioner’s Circular) on this issue released in June 2007 can be found on the police website:


    From the Smiths:

    Updated 23 August 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


    Needing help for your home schooling journey:


    Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:


    This link is motivational:

  • MARRIAGE PETITION – A big push before the 1st Reading

    From Family First:
    BIG Push before

    the 1st Reading

    Hi Barbara

    We are inching towards 30,000 signatures on our Protect Marriage Petition! It has been an incredible response in such a short time.

    We’ve been asked whether there is a deadline for the petitions?
    Answer: We would like to get as many signatures as possible BEFORE the 1st Reading of this Bill in Parliament (estimated to be Wednesday 29th August),

    BUT we will continue collecting signatures until the matter is resolved!!

    YOUR MISSION…. (should you decide to accept it!!)
    Could you encourage just 4-5 people / friends / family / colleagues to sign the petition?

    Next time someone visits you, or you visit them, or somebody comes by your computer, get them to sign! In Australia, they achieved a total of just over 100,000 signatures with a population pool of 22 million. So we are doing well already! And remember that in Australia, the attempt to redefine marriage has ‘stalled’!

    There are downloadable petition forms which can be passed around and the emailed or posted back to us
    Word version
    Pdf version

    Alternative, just copy and paste the following into an email and send to all your CONTACTS:
    Hi there

    I’ve signed the Marriage Petition – along with almost 30,000 others – which says:

    “I support the definition of marriage in New Zealand being maintained as One Man One Woman. I oppose any attempt to redefine it.”

    It only takes a minute to do but is an easy way to register your view.

    If you agree with the statement above, please consider signing it also

    Thanks for your consideration

    Thank you for speaking up on this issue. Our message is only as strong as the support that rises with it.

    Kind regards

    Bob McCoskrie
    National Director

    PS: Would you also consider donating to our “Protect Marriage” Fund – click the DONATE NOW button below.

    Copyright © 2012 Family First, All rights reserved.
    Our mailing address is:

    Family First

    P.O.Box 276-133

    Manukau City, Auckland 2241

    New Zealand

    Add us to your address book

    Our phone number is: 09 261 2426

    Donate Now to support our work

  • Marriage Website Launched

    This site is down at the moment
    Here is a post from their Facebook page:
    “Our web host just informed us that the Denial of Service attack our site sustained this morning was the largest in NZ history.
    Our tech team is in the process of moving the site to a more resilient offshore server.”
    Dear Barbara

    A website to protect the current definition of marriage as ‘one man one woman’ has been launched today. The website is and has been launched in response to the private members bill of Labour MP Louisa Wall which seeks to redefine marriage.

    “The website will provide research, latest news, quotes of interest, free downloadable resources about the role and function of marriage, and will host an online petition which will be presented to Parliament,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ. “It also has the haveyoursay tool which enables people to easily contact their local MP, all MP’s, or a select group of MP’s to express their view.”

    “Politicians have been hammered recently with the reasons for taking the twink bottle to the dictionary and to redefine ‘marriage’. This website will help balance the debate. Ultimately, the state – which did not invent marriage – has no authority to re-invent it.”

    Family First also rejects the notion that NZ’ers are ready for same-sex marriage. In the US, polls have also shown support for same-sex marriage increasing, yet in every state where the issue has been on the ballet, voters have rejected it.

    “Equality does not mean we must redefine marriage. Same-sex couples have the option of civil unions to recognise their relationship so there is no need for redefining marriage. If the law was redefined to allow same-sex marriage, and only same-sex marriage, we would then be discriminating against those seeking, for example, polygamous, polyamorous, or adult incest unions,” says Mr McCoskrie. “If we are going to have a debate about same-sex marriage and liberalising adoption laws, it is essential that the politicians acknowledge just how far this is going to go.”

    “Almost every culture in every time and place has had some institution that resembles what we know as marriage, and it has always been associated with procreation. Every society needs natural marriage. Nature also discriminates against same-sex couples. Same-sex couples cannot have children. Only a man and a woman can produce children. This discloses something of the purposes and providence of nature, and the role and purpose of marriage,”

    “We would encourage politicians to spend their valuable time focussing on major issues such as family poverty, negotiating our way through the world recession, child abuse, and getting people employed – rather than taking to the dictionary with a twink bottle,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    Kind regards

    Bob McCoskrie
    National Director

  • Cases Reveal CYF Ignoring Intent of Anti-Smacking Law


    19 June 2012

    Cases Reveal CYF Ignoring Intent of Anti-Smacking Law

    Family First NZ has released further cases highlighting how the anti-smacking law is being used to criminalise and persecute good parents.

    “These cases add to the extensive list of cases already listed on the website and our documentary “My Mummy’s A Criminal” highlighting five families and the inaccuracies of the Prime Ministerial review led by Psychologist Nigel Latta,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

    “These latest cases show a disturbing trend. Not only are police resources being wasted on investigating ‘smacking’ allegations, but Child Youth and Family (CYF) are ignoring the intent of the law and are removing children from good homes where the parents may use a smack, are failing to adequately investigate the background of families before uplifting children and traumatising families, and are refusing to place children with extended family who may use a smack even when CYF acknowledge the expertise and safety of the parents. They are also ignoring the fact that in many cases, the police are seeing no reason to prosecute.”

    At the time of the law being passed, Prime Minister John Key said “Good parents want to have confidence that they will not be criminalised by this legislation if they give their children a light smack. It sends a strong signal that the level of violence against children in our society is unacceptable, but at the same time gives parents confidence that they will not be criminalised for carrying out their normal parenting duties.”

    “The law was always sold to the public by pretending that non-abusive smacking would not result in a visit by the police or a social worker to remove the children. But the cases released today – and previously – show the exact opposite is happening,” says Mr McCoskrie. “Parenting has been put on trial in New Zealand, and they have every right to be concerned about a flawed, confusing, and badly applied law.”

    “It is significant that the ‘discretion’ clause only applied to police and not CYF. At least with the police, parents get to have their day in court to defend themselves – even if it means going all the way to the Court of Appeal as one of our cases highlights. But with CYF, they are unaccountable to the families.”

    Family First continues to call on politicians to adopt the ‘Borrows’ amendment which did not ban smacking but which clearly stated what was abusive and what was not. This has been successfully used in other jurisdictions such as the UK and Australia.


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

    Bob McCoskrie – National Director

    Mob. 027 55 555 42

    You thought it was all over? Think again.


    Mum and dad – who are now grandparents – currently have custody of their daughter’s 8 year old son. They have had him since he was 3 months old. CYF also gave them custody of their niece (13). Their daughter had another child (girl) who was taken by CYF from the daughter at 9 months old. Mum and dad applied for custody of this 17 month old granddaughter. Mum has been an approved caregiver for 13 years supporting various whanau. CYF actually asked mum to have the granddaughter, and when they applied, the social worker indicated that they would be approved. They also went to the 8 year old’s school and interviewed him. Two social workers who interviewed mum and dad before the formal approval were very affirming and said that “this is the perfect home” for the 2 year old, and that the 8 year old is “a happy healthy boy – no problem with him.” However, during the interview, mum and dad admitted that if methods of correction such as time-out, withdrawal of privileges, and other consequences for defiant and unacceptable behaviour didn’t work, she might use a smack on the hand with a half-size wooden spoon. The two social workers – both who had just recently graduated – then said that the grandparents would not be able to have the granddaughter. A letter confirming this decision was sent, saying that the reason for not letting the granddaughter stay with her grandparents was because of “the disciplining methods and unwillingness to change these”.


    Nana applied to have custody of her two grandnephews A(5) and B(3). She had been a caregiver with CYF previously, caring for nine children over a number of years. Her two great-nephews had been in foster care all their life and had been moved throughout various whanau unsuccessfully. CYF acknowledged that they had both medical and behavioural difficulties but offered support to Nana. They closely monitored Nana’s caregiving for a number of weeks before they formally assigned custody to Nana. Their behaviour was a challenge for Nana including incidences of climbing on the roof of the house, sticking fingers in to wall sockets, inappropriate toilet behaviour, and generally not obeying specific instructions. Nana regularly rang CYF for assistance but was either unable to contact the social worker assigned to her case, or was fobbed off – once being told to just ‘keep a log’ of the misbehaviour. CYF even suggested that the behaviour only started at Nana’s – but official records show that there were already concerns before placement, and an assessment by CYF of Nana after the incident detailed below says “home environment appears very child friendly and cosy… the boys seemed very settled, happy and bright.” CYF documents also show that they admit that their services and lack of co-ordination between offices was ‘not always consistent’. All of this resulted in stress and health concerns for Nana. On one occasion, A grabbed a butcher knife and hit B on the head, drawing blood. Nana growled A and gave him a smack on the hand with a wooden spoon. A trainee psychologist who was working with A contacted CYF regarding the incident. The boys were removed without any written notification or specific reason being given to Nana. Nana and the boys have not seen each other since – and Nana has still not been given a reason as to their removal.

    (This information has been corroborated with documents obtained under the Official Information Act.)


    Mum was engaged to be re-married, and had custody of her 8 year old (G). She also has two adult children. G has been diagnosed with ADHD and could, at times, be extremely challenging and defiant. Mum has regularly sought the help of medical professionals.  Everyone that mum went to for help – including CYF – basically turned their backs on her.  On one occasion, neighbours called the police when G was sent outside because of her defiant behavior and started screaming when her step-dad told her to apologise to her mum.  On another occasion G told her step-mum that mum had smacked her on the bottom – which she had, when G was being defiant and swore at her. The step-mum complained to the police. In both cases, the police told G off for not listening to her mum. During a visit from the police G even started to get mouthy to the policeman who told her to behave herself. G’s stepmother had told G that “if your mother ever smacks you, you are to tell me”.  The step-mum and dad applied for custody, and because of the complaints about “alleged assaults”, the Family Court judge refused all access between mum and G (and her other siblings and grandparents) while CYF investigated. This absolutely destroyed G’s mother to the point where she couldn’t go to work for a couple of days due to being so distraught. The CYF investigation took three months to complete – despite the Family Court judge requesting an urgent assessment! This also meant that G had to be supervised while being a flower girl at her mother’s wedding! G was not allowed to have contact with any family members. Affidavits show that the step-mum and dad had no good reason or evidence that mum used any violence – and even admitted that G ‘does sometimes exaggerate things’. Because of G constantly threatening mum with reporting her to the police, G is now living with her dad and step-mum and visiting her mum every 2nd weekend. The step-mum has apologized for her actions, and has acknowledged the difficulties with controlling G’s behaviour.


    Mum has two children aged 10 and 8. The oldest child (P) had been very difficult and mum sought help from her school, social workers, and mental health organisations who told mum that P was ‘displaying’ ADHD but was ‘just naughty’. Mum and her partner did a parenting programme, and even have the certificate! They had been having trouble with P lighting fires which was particularly dangerous given that they live rurally right by a forest area. Mum had even got the local fireman to explain to P the problem with fires. On this particular occasion, P lit a fire right by the garage shed which has flammable materials (and during a particularly dry period of summer). When Mum confronted him with the seriousness of what he had done and what could have happened, he told her “F** you”. Mum gave him two smacks on his clothed bottom with a women’s cloth belt. Every other deterrent she had tried to stop him lighting stuff didn’t seem to work. Four days later, she admitted to a social worker what she had done and said “I need help. Your advice isn’t working”. The social worker said that she would be reporting mum. Next day, CYF removed both boys to the birth father. The police investigated and after two weeks, informed mum that no charges would be laid, that the law was dumb, and that she was officially warned (although she received no written documentation relating to this). After seven weeks of supervised access to the children (and despite the police investigation being concluded five weeks earlier), mum tried to contact the social worker at CYF a number of times to enquire when she would be able to have the kids back. She managed to get hold of another social worker who checked the file and ‘thought’ it might be ok. The boys returned home. 18 months later, they have still heard nothing from CYF. They even submitted an Official Information Act request but got no response. Mum says that there is simply no support for parents who struggle with difficult children, but authorities are quick to take action when a parent puts a foot wrong.


    Timaru Herald July 2011

    A judge dismissed a charge against a Timaru father accused of hitting his seven-year-old with a belt. The charge arose after the boy told staff at his school that two bruises on his legs were caused by his father hitting him. The boy told police the same thing in a recorded interview in October last year, but told the Timaru District Court at a defended hearing on Wednesday he had lied because his teacher told him to say his father had hit him. When questioned by the police prosecutor, the boy said part of what he said was not true. He said the bruises were caused by his brother, who had thrown a clay cat and a toy dinosaur at him, when he had jumped onto his brother’s bed. He said he told a teacher aide because she asked him for news from home, and said he told her the bruises were caused by his brother. Yesterday, when asked if the boy had said his brother caused the bruises, the teacher aide said no. Following his conversation with the teacher aide, his teacher spoke to him and he said he told her his brother had caused the bruises. The teacher said his brother could not have done it, and it must have been his father, he said. “I had to say daddy hit me or she would just put my name on the board or she would bench me.” The boy also said he was scared his brother would go to jail.


    Mum and dad ‘s 11 year old daughter was getting bullied at school. Her parents weren’t aware of the extent of the bullying or impact it was having on her.  As a result of the bullying, she was being difficult at home, and mum and dad were having to be very strict and put clear boundaries on her, which she didn’t like. She got involved with a group of girls at school who were experimenting with ‘cutting’. One day she took a kitchen knife to school to use with her friends, and a teacher found it in her bag. She panicked, thinking that she would be in a lot of trouble at school for having the knife with her, so she told her school counsellor that dad had been smacking, punching and strangling her. (She had previously told her parents that they weren’t allowed to smack her or her siblings anymore as it was against the law). The school immediately referred this to the Police who in turn referred it to CYF. The same day, mum and dad’s four children were removed from the family home – without a court order.

    The family insisted CYF interview their other children, family members, friends, previous teachers, and their family doctor to get an idea of what their family was like. CYF were not interested in doing this but agreed to interview the older siblings after constant pressure from the family. No disclosure of abuse of any kind was made by either sibling. The mother was interviewed and also stated that husband had never abused their children at any time. A CYF worker then tried to tell the mother that she was a victim of domestic abuse from her husband and that she wasn’t safe to go home to him. They also told the mother and father that if they hadn’t taken their daughter out of the family home immediately she would have ended up on the front page of the NZ Herald within a week as a story of ‘another’ child who had been beaten to death by their father. Throughout this entire time the father had to leave the family home and was not allowed any contact with any of his children.

    Despite no corroboration or evidence of what the daughter was saying, CYF chose to rely only on the testimony of the 11 year old despite the fact that the parents have had no previous involvement with CYF or the police of any kind, and have had no issues from any school or any other social service agency. In fact, the father has a highly responsible community based job.

    While staying at her aunty’s, the 11 year admitted she had made up the stories because of the bullying. CYF were advised of this but stated that the family had forced her to recant and compared the family to the Kahui family. Mum and Dad’s lawyer pushed to get the 11 yr old referred to the child mental health unit at Starship Hospital to be assessed by an independent child psychologist. After one session of interviewing and observing, the child told the psychologist that she had lied. The psychologist became visibly upset in front of the parents and said that they had been treated appallingly. On two occasions the psychologist spoke with CYF and told them that he didn’t believe CYF had any reason to be involved with the family as the 11 yr old had made up the abuse allegations. After nine weeks the police finally completed their investigation and said that no charges would be laid and that there would be no further action from them.

    14 weeks after the hell started, the family were reunited. Despite no evidence of abuse, the family – including all the children – are now flagged officially with the police and CYF as “family violence”. The father has a flag against his name “Assaults Child”. This will affect the future career prospects of dad within his current employment and mum who is currently studying for a degree.


    Sunday Star Times 3 June 2012

    Mum has been trying to get help from CYF, CAMHS, and a psychologist, but they all said that not much could be done about her eight year old son’s oppositional behaviour and conduct problems. After a particularly extreme situation (not the first time), Mum asked her partner to discipline him in order to bring home the unacceptability of his actions. Mum’s partner smacked the boy with a folded belt on his clothed backside twice.

    The boy’s grandmother (who CYF no longer want the boy to live with) reported it to the police and both mum and her partner were charged with assault. When spoken to by police, mum unfortunately admitted that over the past two to three years, she had smacked her son on a couple of occasions when she believed he needed it due to his behavior and when other punishments didn’t work – but the last time she could recall doing was at least six months ago. The district court judge acknowledged that mum had sought help and assistance many times – but that she had ‘stepped outside the bounds of what is considered to be appropriate parental discipline..’ Because mum was an early childhood teacher – a ‘very good one’ as acknowledged in court documents – the judge said she was ‘supposed to know better’. Both she and her partner were convicted of assault. The district court judge said that the fact that the mother was not angry but that the smack was a ‘considered decision’ was an aggravating factor.

    On appeal to the High Court, mum’s partner was discharged without conviction on the basis of it being a ‘one-off incident in response to an extreme, highly unusual situation’ and that ‘a poor choice was made in response to a situation none of us would like to confront. It arose against a background where persistent efforts had been made to cope with the challenges presented.’ The judge also commented that there had been ‘sustained efforts over several years to cope with, and adjust, the boy’s behaviour.”

    However, because of mum’s admission that she had occasionally used smacking in the past, her conviction was upheld in the High Court, because ‘it cannot be said it was a one-off incident – despite her son presenting ‘unusual and difficult challenges’.

    She appealed to the Court of Appeal – and won. They acknowledged that mum had ‘sought appropriate expert assistance … and had utilized a range of non-physical measures to address the child’s behaviour and that the actions were at ‘the lower end of the scale’. They also held that the prior incidents were overstated by the District Court judge.

    Moral of the story? Be careful what you admit, even if John Key says a light smack is ok – and you think it is also.

    Sign up now to received FREE email updates of issues affecting families – be informed!


    Please also read this. Craig put it together a few years ago:

  • Appeal Court Rescues ‘Honest’ Mum From Smacking Law

    MEDIA RELEASE 3 June 2012

    Appeal Court Rescues ‘Honest’ Mum From Smacking Law

    The National government said they would change the law if they saw good parents being criminalized

    Family First NZ says that a mother had to appeal all the way to the Court of Appeal after voluntarily admitting using a few light smacks over the past couple of years, and that it sends a warning to all parents about what they admit to authorities regarding smacking. The mother was acquitted in the Court of Appeal.

    “Despite the sales pitch from police and CYF, and Prime Minister John Key declaring that a smack is ok and wouldn’t result in prosecution, this mother’s experience proves that this is not the case and may actually result in assault convictions, loss of reputation, ruined career, financial hardship, and having to appeal all the way to the Court of Appeal in order to gain some common sense,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

    “When a relative reported the mother for asking her partner to smack their 8 year old on the bottom, mum unfortunately admitted that over the past 2-3 years, she had smacked her son on a couple of occasions. The court acknowledged that mum had sought help and assistance many times – but said that the fact that the mother was not angry but that the smack was a ‘considered decision’ was an aggravating factor!

    When they appealed to the High Court, the partner was discharged without conviction. However, because of mum’s admission that she had used smacking in the past, her conviction was upheld in the High Court, because, according to the judgement, ‘it cannot be said it was a one-off incident in response to an extreme, highly unusual situation’ – despite her son presenting ‘unusual and difficult challenges’.

    She then appealed to the Court of Appeal and won an acquittal. They acknowledged that mum had ‘sought appropriate expert assistance … and had utilised a range of non-physical measures to address the child’s behaviour’ and that the actions were at ‘the lower end of the scale’. They also held that the prior incidents were overstated by the District Court judge.

    “John Key’s statement that light smacking is ok is essentially a load of crock. This mother has had her career damaged, a loss of income and lawyer’s fees, and caused irreparable damage to the family. She was honest, asked for help, went to the professionals, but they never came running to her with assistance – but were quick to prosecute.”

    “The warning to all good parents from this case is that they need to be careful what they admit – even if their actions of a smack are deemed reasonable and appropriate in the circumstances. The outcome of the anti-smacking law is only just coming home to roost,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    “The National government said they would change the law if they saw good parents being criminalised. This is just one more example to add to the growing evidence.”


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

    Bob McCoskrie – National Director  Mob. 027 55 555 42

    More information here:

  • ADHD Drug Use In Kids Cause For Concern

    Description: FAMILY FIRST NZ logo

    MEDIA RELEASE 21 May 2012

    ADHD Drug Use In Kids Cause For Concern

    Family First NZ is alarmed at the number of children being prescribed drugs for hyperactivity and says that better diagnosis with second opinions and treatment of underlying problems should be the highest priority.

    “The prescriptions for ADHD drugs have almost doubled in the past decade to a rate where more than 1 in 10 of our children are bring given drugs for their behavior. But we may be just drugging kids up to mask the real issues of the effects of food additives, sleep deprivation, family breakdown and stress, lack of discipline, and under-stimulation for bright children,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

    “Doctors are under pressure for a quick fix when counselling, better diet, firm discipline and a decent sleep pattern would be better. We are aware of children being sent to doctors where the likelihood of a prognosis of ADHD is most likely. And teachers are putting pressure on pupils or their parents to seek the medication as funding for more expensive solutions are cut.”

    “Research is showing that Ritalin use is only a ‘band aid’ and may actually be harmful in the long term. A Study published in American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Journal showed that children treated with Ritalin improved their behaviour in the short term but with no lasting effects,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    A 2009 Australian report from the Therapeutic Goods Administration showed at least 30 children have had severe psychotic episodes and wanted to kill themselves. Serious reactions to ADHD drugs have doubled in three years, up to 827. But the report said that the true extent of the side effects was unknown, with many doctors and parents were believed to be under-reporting.

    An influential 2007 US study from the University of Buffalo also suggested long-term use of the drugs could stunt children’s growth, and that the benefits of drugs had previously been exaggerated. And a Michigan State University study published in the Journal of Health Economics found that misdiagnosis can have long-lasting effects including headaches, dizziness, and high blood pressure. The NZ Ministry of Health expressed concerns in 2010 over links to heart, brain and psychiatric disorders.

    “Some experts have said that rather than drugging children, perhaps we need to give parents a good dose of parenting. Maybe all we’re doing is drugging up naughty kids rather than dealing with the reasons why they’re naughty in the first place,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    While acknowledging that there are genuine cases of ADHD requiring medication, Family First believes medication should be a last resort and that at least two doctors should be consulted before any child is prescribed stimulant drugs.


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

    Bob McCoskrie – National Director

    Mob. 027 55 555 42

  • Focus Should Be Right to Care, Not Right To Die

    Family First NZ says that any bill to decriminalise euthanasia would lead to disabled, sick and elderly people coming to be viewed as a burden upon the taxpayer, society and their families – and that it would send a dangerous message to young people about suicide and the value of life.

    “A Sunday Star Times poll is trying to suggest that there is support for a law change – but hard and exceptional cases result in bad lawmaking, and this poll is inconsistent with other more independent and reliable polls,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

    “We should be focusing on making quality palliative and social care available – not promoting killing as an easy solution to a complex situation. In a culture of euthanasia, disabled, sick, socially disadvantaged, and elderly people come to be viewed as a burden upon the taxpayer, society and their families.”

    “This is not a ‘rights’ issue. This is a medical debate and how we better care for the weak and vulnerable in our society,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    “The safeguards which are suggested may sound good, but international experience has shown that they often don’t become reality. Despite written consent laws in Netherlands and Belgium, up to a 1/3’rd of euthanasia cases were carried out without request or consent. Despite mandatory reporting requirements, in Belgium, nearly half of all cases aren’t reported. In the Netherlands, at least 20 per cent of all cases aren’t reported.”

    “There is also huge concern about the slippery slope effect. Why deny euthanasia to a patient who was suffering but who was not terminally ill, such as someone with severe arthritis? Why deny euthanasia to people who were not sick but who wanted to die for other reasons, such as the loss of a beloved spouse, or animal, or because of long-term unemployment? Or an unhappy teenager who is simply unhappy with their life? This is the exact opposite message to that which governments, educators, therapists and social workers are trying to reinforce.

    In England in 2006, over 70 percent of members of the Royal College of Physicians (and over 95 percent of those in the specialty of palliative medicine) agreed with the following statement: “With improvements in palliative care, good clinical care can be provided within existing legislation and …patients can die with dignity. A change in legislation is not needed.”

    “The sick and dying deserve care and protection – not an underlying message that euthanasia will fix everything,” says Bob McCoskrie


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

    Bob McCoskrie – National Director

    Mob. 027 55 555 42