Category: NZ Research and Commentary
The Parental Use of Physical Discipline in New Zealand
he Parental Use of Physical Discipline in New Zealand – Part 1 The Parental Use of Physical Discipline in New Zealand(Part I) by Robert van Wichen, LLB Introduction If I asked you “Is it legal to smack your child?,” how would you answer? “Yes,” or “No” … or after scratching your head for a while,…
Taking Smacking Seriously
By Rex Ahdar and James Allan This is an edited version of an article from The New Zealand Law Review [2001]. The complete article is available from NZEDF. Section 59 of the Crimes Act 1961 currently permits parents to administer moderate corporal punishment to correct their children’s misbehaviour. Various groups contend that corporal punishment should…
Lawyer John Hancocks summary of section 59 cases
The anti-smacking lobby argues that abuse and violence hide behind the provisions of Section 59 of the Crimes Act 1961. The facts do not appear to support this contention. John Hancock of Action for Children and Youth Aotearoa Inc., summarised such cases in a document titled Parental Corporal Punishment of Children in New Zealand for…
Hansard – 16 May 2007 – 3rd reading Section 59
Hansard – 16 May 2007 – 3rd reading Section 59 Hansard – 16 May 2007 – 3rd reading Section 59 Hansard is now up for the 3rd reading: or more specifically: Child Abuse—Child, Youth and Family Discretion Gordon Copeland— Resignation from United Future Crimes (Substituted Section 59) Amendment Bill Third Reading…