29 September 2008
Another Smacking Poll – Same Response
Family First NZ says that the NZ Herald poll showing 86% opposition to the anti-smacking law is further proof that the law is fundamentally wrong and should be changed.
“This is not 86% of NZ’ers who want to ‘thrash and beat’ their children as was suggested by the prime minister last year,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ. “This is simply NZ’ers saying that a law supposedly designed to tackle child abuse should not end up targeting good parents raising great kids.”
“Appropriate smacking for the purpose of correcting, training and teaching should never be a crime exposing parents to possible police investigation and CYF intervention.”
“The law is fundamentally flawed because it fails to deal with the problem it was supposed to – child abuse – and implicates law-abiding parents in the process.”
The latest poll follows a string of similar polls in 2008 including:
u 74% parents should be able to smack Research International Feb 2008
u 85% want law changed to allow light smacking Curia Research – poll commissioned by Family First May 08
u 85% anti-smacking law should be scrapped TVNZ Website poll June 08
u 81% say there should be referendum on smacking legislation at this year’s election NZ Herald Poll 25 June 2008 Total Votes: 4624
u One year on, do you think the anti-smacking Bill has proved to be effective? No 87% Unsure 7% Yes 7% Littlies Magazine online poll July 2008
“The guarded support for the ‘compromise’ amendment is parents simply hoping that the police may use some common sense in applying this flawed law. Yet evidence has shown that this is not the case, and many parents are more concerned about the way CYF are using the law for unwarranted intervention in good families.”
“The message is loud and clear to the politicians,” says Mr McCoskrie. “We don’t need a costly referendum to tell us what we already know. Simply change the law so that good parents are not criminalised, and then start targeting the real causes of child abuse including drug and alcohol abuse and family breakdown.”
For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:
3 responses to “Another Smacking Poll – Same Response”
Heather Roy and John Boscawen Act PM ignored them when they wanted to repeal the 2003 Greens Sue Bradford anti smacking bill.
alcohol abuse is also deadly if you are not able to treat it at the right time :;`