Interesting comments from nzconservative
Cindy Kiro on Smacking being Violence creating Criminals
Cindy Kiro has an article in today’s Dominion Post that draws a rather long bow. She asserts that violence causes violence and implies that smacking is violence, therefore smacking creates violent individuals of the type that she has talked to in prison.
What I find even more disturbing than her tightly held belief that smacking is violence, is the statement that seems to come out of nowhere like a tourette’s expletive – “Punching a child in the head is not discipline and it may well kill them.”
What the!!!
Who is calling for the right to “punch a child in the head”???
Is Cindy on some kind of memory lane trip at this point where she remembers something horrible from her own childhood?
By putting that statement in her article, Cindy Kiro is directly implying that all of us who believe we need to be able to physically discipline our children (should it become necessary) and not be criminalised are potentially out of control child murderers that need to be dobbed in by our friends and neighbours.
Just what type of childhood did Cindy Kiro have?
Here is her article, if you can stomach reading it:
Read it here along with comments:
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