FI-341-U4L, attention please

23 January 2008 – Family Integrity #341 — U4L, attention please
From: Craig Hill []
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 9:24 PM
Subject: U4L, attention please

Hi All,



By the end of the working week, we will achieved 270,000 signatures. This means the target of 300,000 sigs is not beyond reach. These signatures will be marched up the steps of Parliament on the 29th of February, “Our politicians will be kept honest”.


1) Keep up the work, as the deadline approaches we can not afford to become complacent. Now is the time for all to step up and be counted, our future generations depend on us making this happen.

2) Send all petitions in as soon as possible, The count is based on received mail, please do not wait till the last week.

I wish to take this moment to thank everyone for all their effort to date, well done.

Our official count is 268,095 signatures, here is last week’s counts

From Larry:

Official count was 263,145
2050 from our trip to Taupo and Hastings
300 Steve and Angela in Wairoa. (bad weather halved the crowd)
1200 last week +500 this weekend from Craig
500 Andy Christchurch
400 Marion, Elspeth and team in Tauranga Friday Sat. (more than 1000 this week, and yes I am proud of them. The per capita winning city prize is looking within Tauranga’s sights now Andy J ! )

This gives the grand total of 268,095. Now since this figure was released we have received notice from Renton, he collected 700 at the Golden Bay A&P Show, plus 239 from the South Auckland door knocking group, another 30 from a friend and 110 from the Papakura table today. These figures are not included in the grand total.


Below are some interesting registrations for everyones encouragement:

I am an expat from Epsom electorate working in Brunei. Can i sign the petition and e-mail it to you or must it be in hard copy? AB.

Greetings, I read your Website, and agree totally with the erroneous arrogance of present day politicians. Briefly, I also work overseas, so am limited with my time commitment in assisting. Just to give me that warm fuzzy feeling, I have expedited a Petition List, and will forward this to you when I have as many names as possible, plus forwarding the same to other Friends. I have 25 signatures already the first 2 hours, and will with certainly have more to follow. Thank you for making the first Move. Regards DL.

Thank You All,

Craig Hill
021 746 113

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing
(Edmund Burke 1728-1797)


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