This is Child Abuse not reasonable force by way of correction:
Mum who beat son with gumboots bailed
Tuesday, 09 September 2008
A judge has called for a victim impact report on a six-year-old boy who was lifted by the ears and beaten with a gumboot by his 28-year-old mother.
Helen Dawn Jones admitted both the charges of assault on a child when she appeared before Judge Stephen Erber in Christchurch District Court today.
Police prosecutor Trudi Aickin told the court both assaults occurred between June 7 and 10 at the mother’s Christchurch home.
On the first occasion the boy ignored his mother who had asked him to go to his room.
Jones grabbed him by the ears and pulled him up, leaving the ears bruised and bleeding.
A health nurse later noticed blood behind the ears and bruising.
A few days later, the boy threw a gumboot at his mother. She then beat him with the gumboot on the back of his legs and feet. The significant bruising was noticed by a caregiver when she was bathing the boy, Miss Aickin said.
Judge Erber remanded Jones on bail to November 17 for a probation report and sentence and also ordered a victim impact report on the boy.
Defence counsel Andrew Riches asked for a variation of Jones’ bail conditions so that she could have contact with the boy who was now in Child, Youth and Family care.
Judge Erber altered her bail to allow the contact.