$9 Million Found To Cover Referendum


1 July 2009

$9 Million Found To Cover Referendum

Family First NZ says that Treasury figures reveal that $52 million has been budgeted for social policy advice for the financial year and that only a portion of this is needed to cover the cost of the Referendum.

“The upcoming Referendum is simply an outcome of political deafness but its cost is covered under projected government spending,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

“$52 million has been budgeted for Social Policy Advice under the Social Development Vote, and includes ‘the provision of information to, and discussion for, the public and other agencies on social policy issues’.

“The anti-smacking law is a massive social issue which has affected the role of parents and the functioning of families. The Referendum will allow the public to finally have a say on this issue after being completely ignored by the politicians.”

“Getting the anti-smacking law right will also have economic benefits. Latest figures on child abuse reported in the Christchurch Press show an incredible 2/3’rds of notifications to CYF requiring no further action.”

“By correcting the anti-smacking law to avoid unnecessary investigation and intervention, and with $433 million being budgeted for CYF according to Treasury papers, the $9 million on the Referendum is not just about a flawed law but correcting an expensive exercise in mis-defining real abuse.”

“We can now refer to the Referendum as Social Policy Advice,” says Mr McCoskrie. “Its cost is covered.”


For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

Bob McCoskrieNational Director

Mob. 027 55 555 42


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