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1. Cindy Kiro’s term ending!
Herald on Sunday 25 January 2009
Controversial Children’s Commissioner Cindy Kiro will finish her five-year term in April. The Ministry of Social Development has advertised the high-profile role, with an annual salary of $195,100 . Critics have accused Kiro as being a toothless figurehead, but she has defended her record as an independent voice for children. READ MORE
Family First Comment : Cindy Kiro has been openly hostile towards Family First, and in fact to any people who may have a christian faith – no matter how qualified they are to speak up. Apart from completely misrepresenting the facts in the smacking debate and mispresenting Family First’s position, last February she attempted to discredit the 300,000+ NZ’ers who had signed the petitions on the anti-smacking law by saying that previous generations of parents didn’t parent as positively and were less qualified in knowing how to raise their children than parents of today !!
We also would like to know why she was
– silent after the pathetic sentence handed down to the caregivers of Ngatikauri Ngati who abused the little 3 year old to death
– silent during the Trevor Mallard incident during the “It’s Never OK” Violence Campaign funded by the government.
– silent when the prostitution report from South Auckland was released last year highlighting the number of young teenagers prostituting themselves
– silent when Police refused to prosecute a 21 year old who got a 13 year old pregnant (after starting the relationship when she was 11)
– silent over the recent cancelling of the sentence for a woman who pleaded guilty to infanticide
– silent over the ultimate child abuse of abortion
….yet is more interested in the rights of children to be able to purchase spray cans of paint for the purposes of tagging, and wanting to monitor every child with a social worker as soon as they are born!!!
The problem is not just with Dr Kiro but with the office itself. Children’s interests are best served in the context of their own family . Government support for children must be through their families, not apart from families. Any office or structure which even appears to separate children from their parents and families will be destructive in the long run – no matter how well intentioned. Laws are already in place which protect children in seriously dysfunctional families.
If the National government is serious about doing away with unecessary governmental spending , this would be a good place to start – rather than just cancelling a few conferences. So why are they advertising for a new Commissioner?????
READ MORE “Parents deserve the right to raise their children.”
This is from Family First’ e-newsletter. To subscribe send an email to:
6 responses to “Cindy Kiro’s term ending!”
ex Greenpeace activist and Childrens Commissioner Cindy Ciro commented today the 8th April 2009 only hours ago and agreeing with her new Very Vocal successor Pryor that they know best SO they just continue to bombard the media with all these wrong unproven facts – by daily patronising the Kiwi caregivers that their nonsence way of just reasoning, pleading, explaining with a defiant toddler works much better than a quick stinging smack that doesn’t bruise or maime our little darlings.A smack used to correct or protect or train a little toddler WORKS Words can be more harmful than a slight reddening of the skin for 30 seconds, WORDS damage how do you outlaw that. They are so out of touch with the majority Mums, Dads and Grandparents who are trying to do the best they can raising their children so 83%continue to reject this antismacking law without a doubt a smack to correct or protect is NOT CHILD ABUSE I believe both of these woman like Helen Clark and Sue Bradford are determined to win well lets hope commonsence will prevail if Chester Borrows amendment to section 59 is restored soon by the Act Party acting.
Mrs Dianne Woodward Says:
May 17th, 2009 at 5:31 am
MP Paula Bennett proves she is a woman listening to what Kiwis want as she polled voters in her area in 2007 really upsetting a very vocal Sue Bradford as results clearly showed Majority Mums,Dads, Grandparents agreed with prosmackers Christine Rankin, Dianne Woodward, Simon Barnett on TV3s Campbell Live Smacking Debate 2nd April 2007, Sheryl Savil and Larry Baldocks 2007 legal 390,000 signature Referendum rejecting antismacking law now due for a postal vote July 2009 because Helen Clark ignored our wishes to answer the question last election day. Familyfirst spokeswoman Sue Reid in NZ Herald Report 19th April 2009 questions Family Commission stating smacking = child abuse. Not knowing the other family commissioners names or history means from the 13th to 17th May 2009 only one commissioner Christine has been scrutinized and appears to be a threat to Peter Dunnes desires, Dare I say she could be the only unpolitically correct voice in the team how do the others think or are they told what to believe Rankins opinion ooppps obsolete over or optimistically ongoing oh babies need her voice along with Radio Lives John Tamahere commonsence.
Dianne, you have got to stop posting moronic comments – you sound like a broken record. And maybe you should brush up on your english skills instead of spending so much time advocating child violence.
Christine Rankin and Paula Bennett speak up like 95% of Kiwi Mums, Dads and caregivers expect to hear from leaders thankfully they give us commonsence answers. We need people in power pushing for practical workable solutions. Costly Families Commission reports surveying a handful of Kiwis is pointless useless information
“whoops Sam Julie & Lucy I need to go back to school Diannes Plain English not acceptable in your eyes, so sorry NOT how about replying to me with your surnames this time I am curious are you in the Labour or Green Party? just no more phone calls to my home please”
Peter Dunne and Jan Pryor’s push to ban smacking is a failure, their agenda backed by Barnadoes beyond belief a 5% minority are completely out of touch when 95% of us know a smack to Protect or Correct Children is not violence as the Famililies Commission stated. I prefer to listen to the facts that Muriel Newman, Larry Baldock and Sue Reid give us at least they give us the truth about child abuse and workable ways to fix it. CAN JAN not get it. John Boscawen, Tamihere, the Key.
July 29th, 2010 at 2:12 am
another dear little baby killed by a monster murderer politicians must fix this our leaders need to lead and repeal the antismacking law
It was known during her time on the Auckland Hospital Board & when she was social work tutor at ACE, how Cindy has had little time for Christianity.