Family Integrity #460 — Bob McCoskrie’s speech is “Why the Referendum Answer is No”
Dear all,
Please note the following in your diaries, those able to attend.
Craig Smith
Family Integrity
PO Box 9064
Palmerston North 4441
New Zealand
Ph. +64 6 357-4399
Rodney Hide Invites You To His Constituent Forum
Theme: The “anti smacking referendum”
Friday 24 July, 5.30pm
Mecca Café , Cnr Remuera Road and Nuffield Street, Newmarket
Special Guest speaker: Bob McCoskrie, National Director, Family First
The title of Bob’s speech is “Why the Referendum Answer is No”
Go to Bob’s website
Free Entry. Cash bar available. Everyone welcome
RSVP Further info Phone 09 524 6173