Referendum Votes Pouring In


7 August 2009

Referendum Votes Pouring In

Family First NZ is stoked that almost 600,000 voters have already returned their voting papers on the anti-smacking Referendum less than a week after they were sent to voters.

“Voters are obviously ignoring the attempt to dismiss this Referendum. This huge response after such a short time, and when some people have only just received their voting papers, shows just how relevant this issue is to NZ’ers. Almost double the number of people who signed the petition asking for the Referendum have now responded,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

“It has been shameful that politicians who introduced the Citizens Initiated Referenda Act in the first place have then tried to undermine the process.”

“It is now quite evident that NZ’ers understand the question and want their say.”

Family First is encouraging all NZ’ers to take advantage of the Referendum to have their say on this issue.

“There are people around the world who would love to live in a country where there is such free and open democracy. The greatest enemy to our democracy is apathy when we have this opportunity,’ says Mr McCoskrie.


For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

Bob McCoskrieNational Director

Mob. 027 55 555 42

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