25 August 2009
Vote Against Smacking Law Exceeds Vote For MMP
Family First NZ says that more NZ’ers voted against the smacking law than voted for our Electoral system to change to MMP.
“The final turnout for the anti-smacking Referendum was 56% with 87.4% voting no. The turnout for the MMP referendum was 55% with only 70% voting for MMP,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ. “More NZ’ers voted for the decriminalization of light smacking than voted for MMP.”
“The politicians have turned a deaf ear to the results of the anti-smacking Referendum and the clear voice of NZ’ers, but have warmly welcomed the vote on MMP. This is selective democracy.”
“It is also significant that Green MP Sue Bradford wants to ignore the anti-smacking Referendum yet has no problem accepting the benefit of an electoral system which has worked hugely in her favour – on a lesser amount of votes!”
For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:
Bob McCoskrie – National Director
Mob. 027 55 555 42
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