WWW.PROTECTGOODPARENTS.ORG.NZ – In 2007 the NZ Parliament removed the right of Kiwi parents to use reasonable force to physically discipline their children for the purpose of correction. Despite assurances to the contrary, families have been torn apart, accused of lying and dragged through the courts with disturbing results. These are just a few of the many examples….http://www.protectgoodparents.org.nz


2 responses to “My Mummy’s A Criminal”

  1. My dearest friend,

    My tears I ask if I can share with you, my three precious babies my boy – age 10,my two little girls age 8 & 9 taken from the aroha,the awhi and the korowai of their mama’s heart and that of my people July 23 2009 from Rotorua. Mischief father and his partner’s support influenced evidence interviews by falsifying documents as a witness to allegations, CYFS took my babies and then they pissed off! when I released documentation that had contradicted their procedures- and the allegations. Today I have a Judge in litigation for the part she played or lack of!, 2 sets of lawyers who emailed to other colleagues that quote, “she’s a nutter” because I knew more than they did about the court processess and therefore I didn’t have problems instructing them, ….OMG….thats the short summary of my journey. Today I am fighting the judicial system and I am taking the Judge with whom I had a mistrial in August 2011 to the Judicial Conduct commissioner for trying to take me to the slaughter house without a fair trial, awaitng my trial in April in order to slapp a few tossers around!. I understand your pain, I understand your need to cradle and see your boy and the unsummountable emotional rollercoaster that we compare to as a tangi, however a tangi at least allows us to be passionate with our pain and we have the opportunity to surrender to let go!, the unreliability of not knowing when you will see him again denies us of that privilage.
    Stand fast in your convictions, weave your korowai of support and surround yourself with all things manaakitanga!! I have set up a Bay of Plenty Family Advocacy service here in Rotorua to protest through the pen and public marches, and internet awareness networks and I am coallating case studies to throw on the table of Paula Bennett to wake up, stop the lip service and AMEND the ACT because X amount of thousands of the nations system abused parents are over this movie and where ACTIONING our distainment. I have all the time in the world since they took my mother responsibilities away from me without whanau consultation I am now compulsory unemployed as I cannot work in my industry of Social services and I was enticed to leave my retail leaders position because of the owners close minded paranoia other than that life goes on…………..

    The above is a reply I had made to another mama suffering alone in her tears. My charges reflect the anti smacking law impact and the failure of CYFS to investigate and the courts to regulate their processess to align with the Family Court system RAPONI

  2. Kia ora to the author and Mama of these tamariki. I too am a victim of false circumstance and a vindictive career focused social worker by the name of DeeAnn Brown who was not only elusive but downright misleading. They took my tamariki away without even so much as a look at their progress, health or even their achievements. No longer is this process about whats best for my children, its all about bureaucracy and earning brownie points in the game of catch the bad guy. These incompentent practitioners continue to abuse my daughter who just turned 6 by telling her no, when she cries and pleads and begs to come home. Do they listen? No. To my daughter she tells me “they dont know mum, can you tell them??” But it all falls on deaf ears. No amount of reasoning condones keeping a child/children from a loving, caring two parent family and a hugely extended family on both sides.
    My children didnt have the flashest of everthing but they had everything. Warm clothes, full cupboards, loving, caring, nurturing parents who fully supported them in everything they wanted to do even if it meant all 4 children at camp at no less than $80 per child. That was the sacrifice we were willing to make to give our children as many experiences that we felt would enrich and grow their minds, bodies and futures. Regular family holidays, school trips, whanau hui, gatherings, birthdays, everything that a normal functioning family could ever hope to do is what I gave my kids. Now we stand accused of being abusive parents. We have come from being heart-broken empty forlorn parents to parents that want to assist and maintain our right to parent with everything that “Regional” isnt here to do including going for a ministerial as well as a court case in the high court. First things first, bring my babies home!! Arohanui to all the parents out there who have had their children taken from them. It hurts, it stings but you will get through. Stay strong for your tamariki xox

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