Author: HEF Admin

  • Father found guilty of 11-week-old’s murder

    Hall of Shame:

    Father found guilty of 11-week-old’s murder

    A South Auckland man accused of starving, beating and finally killing his 11-week-old daughter has been found guilty of murder.

    The 12 day trial for Azees Mahomed, 31, and his wife Tabbasum Mahomed, 26, came to a close at Auckland’s High Court yesterday morning.

    The six-woman and five-man jury deliberated for five hours before returning the unanimous verdicts this morning.

    The couple’s daughter, 11-week-old Tahani Mahomed, died in Auckland’s Starship Hospital on New Years Day, 2008, after she arrived at Middlemore Hospital on December 28, 2007, with severe head injuries.

    Azees Mahomed was found guilty of murdering Tahani.

    The jury also found him guilty of two charges of grievous bodily harm – which relate to breaking his daughter’s leg and giving her a head injury so severe it caused brain damage between October 7 and December 26, 2007 – and one count of failing to provide the necessaries of life.

    Tabbasum Mahomed was found guilty of one charge of failing to provide the necessaries of life.

    Justice Harrison thanked the jury for their service in “a particularly difficult and traumatic trial”.

    “The circumstances have been extraordinary and traumatic.”

    The jury forewoman broke down in tears after delivering the verdict.

    Justice Rhys Harrison summed up the case yesterday morning, telling the jury that given the tragic circumstances of baby Tahani’s death it was “only natural” if they had felt an “emotional response” during the trial.

    “However I ask you when you sit down in the jury room to put those emotions aside and focus purely on the evidence.”

    The burden of proof lay with the crown and the jury would have to be sure that each charge had been proven beyond reasonable doubt, Justice Harrison said.

    On the opening day of the trial crown prosecutor Philip Hamlin had told the jury the South African born couple had treated their young daughter with “systematic neglect and violence”.

    Tahani had been born healthy and of a good weight on October 7, 2007, but, just over two months later, lay dead, Mr Hamlin said.

    “In 11 weeks, baby Tahani has been neglected and not fed.

    “In 11 weeks, baby Tahani has been left in a hot car for hours.

    “In 11 weeks, baby Tahani has brain injury from the first injury she suffered.

    “In 11 weeks, baby Tahani was the victim of the second and fatal head injury,” Mr Hamlin told the jury.

    The Crown alleged Tahani was murdered by her father when her head was “slammed against a very hard surface, twice”.

    The second blow to head had been of such violence the child never recovered, Mr Hamlin said. Azees Mohamed was also responsible for pulling the baby’s left leg so hard it broke her shin bone, he said.

    When the parents finally took their daughter to hospital on December 28, 2007, she was gravely ill, the court heard.

    The doctor who examined Tahani when she arrived at Middlemore Hospital described her as severely “malnourished”, estimating her weight to be only 4 kilograms.

    Mr Hamlin said that, when the Mahomeds had arrived at the hospital, they had told medical staff “they could not understand how or why the baby was in such a critical condition”.

    Detective Senior Sergeant Dave Lynch of Manukau police said he was pleased with the outcome.

    “It was clear very early on in the investigation that these were non-accidental injuries and there were only two people who could have inflicted them.

    “I’d like to pay tribute to the investigation team and the Crown prosecution team for getting this result today.”

    Police bugged the Mahomed’s home after the incident, and the intercepted taped conversations were played to the jury during the trial.

    These tapes were very useful to police during the investigation, Mr Lynch said.

    In the taped conversations, the couple could be heard praying to Allah and talking about how the infant could have been fatally injured.

    The Mahomeds were remanded in custody until sentencing on December 15.

  • Should politicians have to listen to you?

    Please feel free share this information



    Should politicians have to listen to you?

    The politicians have a bad track record with citizen’s initiated referendums..

    o          In 1999, 82% of NZ’ers said the number of MP’s should be reduced to 99 – the politicians ignored it

    o          In 1999, 92% of NZ’ers said that the needs of victims should have greater emphasis, restitution and compensation should be provided, and there should be minimum sentences and hard labour for all serious violent offences – in response, the politicians reduced parole eligibility to 1/3’rd of sentences, instructed judges to impose the least restrictive sentence, and have made unenforceable token gestures towards victims

    o          In 2009, 87.4% said that a smack for the purpose of correction should not be a crime under the law – the politicians ignored it

    o          And some people believe that we need a referendum on the proposed Auckland ‘Supercity’ because of the major changes it makes to the form of citizen representation.

    It’s about time the politicians got the message!

    As you know, we are working with businessman Colin Craig on the March for Democracy

    Colin Craig has been quoted as saying that he finds it “ deeply disturbing that such a clear message from the people of this country to government has been ignored. My forefathers fought for a democracy and in a democracy the government does not pass and retain laws that nearly 90% of the people don’t want. It is my turn to help fight for the rights of ordinary New Zealanders.”

    Colin isn’t just talking. He’s putting his money where his mouth is. And we need to get in behind him.

    As you can see, the purpose of this March goes even further than just the anti-smacking law. When NZ’ers and families speak with such a loud and united voice, as they have on these issues, the politicians must not be allowed to ignore them. It is significant that politicians are willing to accept democracy when it is to their benefit (i.e. getting elected!) but are willing to blatantly ignore it when suits their political agenda.

    The March is not a one-off – it is part of a long term strategy to bring representative democracy back to NZ

    Ironically, it appears that political parties are keen to accept petitions in their favour – United Future on daylight saving ,  Labour on night-classes – and they also support Referendums – National on MMP , Labour on the Auckland SuperCity , and the Greens on the Monarchy – but when it’s a Citizen’s Initiated Referendum, they suddenly go deaf!

    When the law was passed in 1993 allowing referendums to be initiated by the people, senior National MP Sir Doug Graham said “ will be obvious that, if the public overwhelmingly supported a proposition contained in a referendum, clearly it would have great persuasive weight and any Government that simply ignored it would do so at its peril .”

    PLEASE MARK 1.30pm SATURDAY 21 NOVEMBER (meeting at the bottom of Queen St Auckland) IN YOUR DIARY – AND MARCH FOR DEMOCRACY!

    More details will be added to the website over the next couple of weeks

    Thanks for your consideration.

    Kind regards

    Bob McCoskrie
    National Director

  • Family Integrity #483 — Girls and Gardasil

    Family Integrity #483 — Girls and Gardasil

    (From Family First’s Mid-Week update):

    Girls and Gardasil: the protection game
    MercatorNet 22 Oct 09
    A mother and public health student offers ten reasons not to vaccinate children against a sexually transmitted disease. The arguments for and against this particular immunisation are rarely provided by schools, yet parents, for the sake of their children, need to consider carefully the messages they are conveying by agreeing to this vaccine.

  • The March for Democracy will be held

    The March for Democracy will be held

    1.30pm Sat 21 November, Queen St Auckland

    Official Website :

    More details to come
    The ad campaign so far….

  • Barnardos Labels Marchers ‘Ignorant’!

    Barnardos Labels Marchers ‘Ignorant’!

    In an incredible outburst, Advocacy Manager for Barnardos Deborah Morris-Travers, who ran the Yes vote campaign at the recent election, has written to the NZ Herald and attacked the upcoming March for Democracy, saying that the march will ” mobilise the ignorant “! This is an example of the lack of respect that some government funded organisations and some politicians and ex-politicians have for the democratic process and the voice of NZ families. It is ironic that Morris-Travers was a Minister of the Crown complements of a change in the voting system from FPP to MMP that less people voted for than voted in the anti-smacking Referendum.

    If you want a reason to march , stand up against being labelled IGNORANT simply because you want a democratic country that listens to the voice of NZ’ers, and you want to tackle real abuse – not real parents.

    March to call for action on smacking referendum
    NZ Herald Oct 27, 2009
    A march to protest the Government’s lack of action following the so-called anti-smacking referendum has been announced today. Colin Craig, an Auckland businessman said the march is about democracy and the government has so far ignored the majority of referendum respondents who voted against the repeal of Section 59 of the Crimes Act. …Family First director Bob McCroskie said his group wanted to tackle “rotten parents” but the repeal of Section 59 was not the answer. “A bad law is still a bad law even if law abiding citizens follow it,” Mr McCroskie said.

    Got a comment on this issue? Email

  • Commission of Inquiry into Child Abuse Essential


    29 October 2009

    Commission of Inquiry into Child Abuse Essential

    ‘How many more children have to die before we do something?’

    Family First NZ is repeating its call for a Commission of Enquiry into the unacceptable levels of child abuse and deaths in NZ.

    The call comes following the suspected child abuse death of Wanganui toddler Karl Perigo-Check Junior which is the 18th case since the passing of the anti-smacking law.

    “We must take pro-active action and tackle head-on the difficult issues of family breakdown, drug and alcohol abuse, violence in our media, mental illness, low maternal age, and other key factors identified by UNICEF, CYF and Children’s Commissioner reports,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First.

    “Over the past 30 years we have allowed a succession of policies to diminish the importance of family structure and marriage. We have watched as politicians have given adults the right to silence, bail and parole while the rights of children to be safe have been ignored. We have allowed children to be raised in homes with an unacceptable level of drug abuse, family dysfunction and physical and emotional harm. And we’ve allowed the media to fill our minds with increasing levels of sexual and violent images in the name of entertainment and freedom of speech.”

    “The 88% of voters who oppose the anti-smacking law are not people who are demanding the right to ‘assault’ and ‘beat’ children. They are simply kiwis who are exasperated with the fact that politicians and supposed family welfare groups are more interested in targeting good parents than tackling these much tougher issues.”

    “Since the passing of the anti-smacking law, there has been a continual stream of child abuse cases and the rate of child abuse deaths has continued at the same rate as before the new law with at least 18 deaths since the law was passed,” says Mr McCoskrie. “Sue Bradford was right when she said that her law was never intended to deal with the problem of child abuse.”

    “These latest cases are yet another wake-up call that children will never be safe until we are honest enough as a country to identify and tackle the real causes of child abuse.”

    “An independent Inquiry free of political correctness and agendas would be an important first step,” says Mr McCoskrie.


    Since Anti-smacking law was passed

    1. 16 month old Sachin Dhani June 2007

    2. 28-year-old woman charged with murdering a newborn baby found dead in the backyard of a Te Mome Road property in Alicetown – June 2007

    3. 22-month-old Tyla-Maree Darryl Flynn June 2007

    4. 3 year old Nia Glassie July 2007

    5. Ten-month-old Jyniah Mary Te Awa September 2007 Manurewa

    6. Two-month-old Tahani Mahomed December 2007 Otahuhu

    7. 3 year old Dylan Hohepa Tonga Rimoni April 2008 Drury

    8. A 27-year-old Dunedin mother of five admitted infanticide. On May 26 she lost control, banged the baby’s head repeatedly against the couch, choked her, then threw her on the bed and covered her with a blanket. May 2008

    9. 7-year-old Duwayne Toetu Taote Pailegutu. July 2008

    10.  16-month old Riley Justin Osborne (Kerikeri) boy Dec 2008

    11. Three-year-old Cherish Tahuri-Wright (Marton) Feb 2009

    12. Five-week-old Jayrhis Ian Te Koha Lock-Tata (Taupo) Mar 2009

    13. One-year-old Trent James Matthews – aka Michael Matthews Jun 2009

    14. Two-year-old Jacqui Peterson-Davis Kaitaia Aug 09

    15. Three-year-old Kash McKinnon Palmerston North Aug 09

    16. Baby death arrest Green Bay 26 Aug 2009

    17. 22 month old Hail-Sage McClutchie Morrinsville 27 Sep 2009 

    18. Karl Perigo-Check Junior Wanganui 25 Oct 2009


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

    Bob McCoskrie JP – National Director

    Tel. 09 261 2426 | Mob. 027 55 555 42

    Sign up now to received FREE email updates of issues affecting families – be informed!

  • Family Integrity #483 — We Need Your Feet!

    A special request.

    We need you! – your energy – and your networking ability – to get the message out!

    The March for Democracy will be held
    1.30pm Sat 21 November, Queen St Auckland

    and will be calling on the government to amend s59 of the Crimes Act so that the law does not treat light smacking for the purpose of correction as a criminal offence, and to respect the democratic voice of NZ’ers.

    Please mark this date in your diaries as we make a stand for families and for democracy in New Zealand.

    Would you please consider distributing this info amongst your contacts and spreading the word?

    Colin Craig, an Auckland businessman who is funding the march, says “I find it deeply disturbing that such a clear message from the people of this country to government has been ignored. My forefathers fought for a democracy and in a democracy the government does not pass and retain laws that nearly 90% of the people don’t want. It is my turn to help fight for the rights of ordinary New Zealanders.”

    He’s absolutely right – but he’s not just moaning about it.

    He’s putting his money where his mouth is. He wants to host the biggest public march NZ has seen – and we need to get in behind him.

    When families speak with such a loud and united voice, as they have on the issue of the anti-smacking law, the politicians must not be allowed to ignore it. It is significant that politicians are willing to accept democracy when it is to their benefit but are willing to blatantly ignore it when it highlights wrong decisions. Voters clearly called for a law change – not comfort and more reviews of a rejected law change.

    An average of 83% in the polls over the past 4 years have consistently opposed the anti-smacking law. The high threshold of 285,000 signatures was met for having the Referendum (in fact 310,000 valid signatures in the end), 87.4% of those who voted supported the law change, and yet within a couple of hours, the result was completely dismissed.

    A Private Members Bill by ACT MP John Boscawen drawn just 3 days later, against all the odds, was then unilaterally ‘kicked for touch’ by the Prime Minister.

    This is now far greater than just the smacking issue. It’s an issue of democracy in New Zealand, and the dismissal of the views of an overwhelming majority of voters by our elected representatives.

    It may not be the smacking issue that ‘presses your button’. But imagine if an issue you were passionate about – that had the overwhelming support of the public – was simply ignored, belittled, and dismissed by the politicians. Is that the kind of representative democracy we want?

    It appears that political parties are keen to accept petitions in their favour – United Future on daylight saving,  Labour on night-classes – and support binding Referendums – National on MMP, Labour on the Super City, and the Greens on the Monarchy – but when it’s a Citizen’s Initiated Referendum, they suddenly go deaf!

    Families need to speak up for democracy – and this is our opportunity.

    Official Website :

    Thanks for your consideration.

    Sign up now to received FREE email updates of issues affecting families – be informed!