Author: HEF Admin

  • Latest NZ abortion statistics are a grave tragedy for NZ women and their unborn babies

    A press release from Family Life International, New Zealand

    Contact: Brendan Malone: (03) 351 3225 – Mobile: 021 054 0762

    The latest New Zealand abortion statistics issued today by Statistics New Zealand show that in 2007 there were 450 more induced abortions than in 2006. This represents 450 more legally sanction acts which exposed NZ women to serious physical and psychological harm, and 450 more innocent Kiwi babies who lost their lives to abortion.

    The latest figures show that the abortion rate increased from 17,930 abortions in 2006 to 18,380 abortions last year, an increase of 2.5 percent in a one year period.

    If this current trend continues as it has for the last two years, then next year the number of induced abortions in New Zealand will be higher than it has ever been before in our history.

    The public debate that has occurred during the last week regarding Justice Millar’s High Court ruling about NZ abortions has simply exposed how very little most New Zealanders know about the true harmful effects of abortion, or about how seriously unsound much of the arguments used to support it actually are.

    It has also exposed that many of the pro-abortion supporters in this country are intolerant and hateful of individuals and opinions which dissent from their own. One pro-abortion editorial in the Dominion Post last week called pro-lifers the Teleban, and last week a hateful and obscene pro-abortion video posted on YouTube targeted a prominent NZ pro-life advocate with imagery which features a gun pointed at his head.

    While New Zealand women and their unborn babies continue to pay an unnecessary and horrific price, those who endorse and carry out abortions continue to ignore the harm that their ideology is doing to Kiwi women and their unborn babies, and those who support abortion continue to do so blindly, without properly considering the philosophical and moral validity of their pro-abortion position.


  • Abortions Increase – Tragedy for Teens and Families


    17 JUNE 2008

    The abortion figures for 2007 released by Statistics NZ today continue to paint a terrible picture for teenagers and families, and confirm the continued failure of the Abortion Supervisory Committee, as highlighted by the High Court case last week.

    Almost 4,300 teenagers had an abortion in 2007. Each week, over 80 teenagers have an abortion, and represent almost a quarter of all abortions performed in NZ.

    Since 1991, the number of 11-14 year olds having an abortion has increased by 141%. The number of abortions for 15-19 year olds has increased by 82%.

    “This is a tragedy for the girls involved, some as young as 11,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director. “It is also devastating for the extended family, especially if the young girl has been sneaked off for the abortion by Family Planning or a School Counselor without the parents’ knowledge or consent.”

    “It provides evidence that the myth of safe sex pushed by Family Planning, the AIDS Foundation and similar groups is miserably failing our vulnerable young people, who are being made even more vulnerable by then being encouraged to have an abortion,” says Bob McCoskrie. “This is why 83% of parents in a recent US Zogby poll believe that programs should reinforce the abstinence and ‘wait’ message.”

    The overall abortion rate is at its highest ever, except for 2003. More than 350 abortions happen every week.

    At the same time as over 18,000 abortions were being performed in NZ last year, adoptions totalled less than 90, according to the Adoption Option Trust.

    “Of huge concern is the fact that 22% of abortions are being performed at 12 weeks or greater despite all the pictures, scans and scientific understanding of the fetal development of the unborn child,” says Mr McCoskrie. “These images are obviously being kept hidden from some of the women seeking an abortion.”

    Family First NZ is calling for a law which requires informed consent (including ultrasound) for all potential abortions, and counselling to be provided only by non-providers of abortion services. Parental notification of teenage pregnancy and abortion should happen automatically except in exceptional circumstances approved by the court.


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

    Bob McCoskrie JP – National Director

    Tel. 09 261 2426 | Mob. 027 55 555 42

  • Sports & Fielddays Crowds Give CIR Petition Huge Boost

    Sports and Fielddays Crowds Give

    Anti-Smacking Petition Huge Boost

    Family First Media Release 15 June 2008

    Family First NZ says that the numbers of signatures on the petition against the anti-smacking law and demanding a Referendum at the upcoming Election has been hugely boosted by a number of large events over the past 2 weekends.

    Over 12,000 signatures have been collected at the two recent All Blacks tests, a Warriors game, the Waikato Fielddays, and other sporting and community events ,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

    The signature count from the Fielddays alone was a whopping 8,700. It has certainly reinforced to us the strong feeling against this unpopular and ineffective law by typical NZ’ers who are attending these events. There is no shortage of people wanting to sign the petition.”

    The organisers originally had a shortfall of 18,027 signatures after the audit of the original 324,216 signatures submitted in April. However, since then, more than 50,000 signatures have been collected. These will be submitted before the deadline of the end of the month.

    “This confirms that a Referendum will be held on the anti-smacking law at the same time as the Election, it confirms that a huge proportion of NZ’ers want the law changed to protect good parents, and it sends a very clear and loud message to the politicians that they should listen to the views of the voters who will be making a choice at the upcoming Election.”

    “It’s time to tackle the real causes of child abuse, violence and crime without criminalising the efforts of good parents raising productive and law-abiding citizens of the future,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    “There is good reason that only 23 of the almost 200 countries have adopted this law. NZ can lead the world by being the first country to reverse this flawed law before its effects are fully felt by families and the community.”


  • FI400-U4L; It’s now or never

    14 June 2008 Family Integrity #400 — U4L; It’s now or never
    —–Original Message—–
    From: Craig Hill []
    Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 8:11 PM
    Subject: U4L; It’s now or never

    Hi All,

    Calling all hands on deck, this weekend is the last weekend for collecting, all signatures must be in the post Monday 16th June. Please post fastpost.

    WWE Smackdown went well on Wednesday night, approx 600 signatures.

    Mystery Creek realized approx 2600 signatures on Thursday. Waiting for Friday’s result, there is also going to be a big team on Saturday. Should be a good result.


    40,000 tickets have been sold for this match. The logic is very simple “The bigger the collection team the greater the result”.

    Date, Saturday 14th June
    Location Eden Park
    Time Kick off 7:35pm

    We intend to start setting up about 5:00 pm, the rush will probably start at about 6:30 pm. Given the locality of Eden Park the more folk we have on deck the more signatures

    You can contact me on 021 746 113 or email

    Love to see you there.


    Craig Hill
    021 746 113

    All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing (Edmund Burke 1728-1797)


    13 Jun 2008

    Hi Barbara,

    Who said it????

    “She wants to busy herself with what goes on in the homes of the nation in areas which families regard as their own responsibility, and I think she’s going over a very dangerous line.”

    Who said this? HELEN CLARK IN 1998
    Who was she referring to? JENNY SHIPLEY – THE PRIME MINISTER AT THE TIME

    Source – Dominion Post 30 March 1998 (referring to Shipley’s proposed code of social and family responsibility, and her suggestion of values and religious teaching in schools – SHOCK HORROR!!!)