Author: HEF Admin

  • It’s Okay for Parents to Spank

    It’s Okay for Parents to Spank
    MEDIA ADVISORY, Dec. 3 /Christian Newswire/ — The American College of Pediatricians carefully reviewed the available research on corporal punishment and concludes, in its position statement on the subject, that disciplinary spanking by parents can be effective when properly used. “It is clear that parents should not solely rely upon disciplinary spanking to accomplish control of their child’s behavior. Evidence suggests that it can be a useful and necessary part of a successful disciplinary plan,” notes the just-released position statement.

    “When a child defies a parent’s instruction, spanking is one of a few options parents can consider to correct the misbehavior,” says Den Trumbull, MD, FCP, principal author of the statement. “Spanking is most appropriate with children 2 to 6 years old, and when milder types of correction have failed.”

    The complete policy and position statements with guidelines can be found at

    The American College of Pediatricians is a national medical association of licensed physicians and healthcare professionals who specialize in the care of infants, children, and adolescents. The mission of the College is “to enable all children to reach their optimal, physical and emotional health and well- being.” We promote “a society where all children from the moment of their conception are valued unselfishly.” The College further notes, “that children are the future of our nation and society.”

  • Daughter (16) Hidden from Parents Under Privacy Act

    29 November 2007

    Daughter (16) Hidden from Parents Under Privacy Act

    Family First is blasting the effects of the Privacy Act which has meant that a Manukau City family has been unable to find out where their runaway daughter is.

    “It is a disgrace that the role of parents and the right of parents to know where their children are, is being undermined by privacy legislation and the so-called rights of children,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

    “This is not a dysfunctional home where the child is unsafe. This is not a family who don’t care – in fact they have spent hours roaming the street since the November 6 disappearance of their 16 year old daughter. Yet despite all that, the police are protecting the whereabouts of the daughter. The parents have been left in the dark. According to the Manukau Courier the police are saying that a young person under 17 can dictate whether their parents are told where they are.”

    “Politicians, with the support of the UN, Children’s Commissioner and Youth Law Project to name a few, have sought to increase children’s rights without considering the vital role of parents, and ways of strengthening families rather than splitting them.”

    “On one hand, a parent is responsible for the actions and costs of their child in the community and school, but at the same time their role is being undermined by criminalising effective methods of parental correction, providing the Independent Youth Benefit, provision of contraception and abortion without the consent or even knowledge of the parents, and the recent example of a school dobbing in a parent to CYF for giving their child a light smack.”

    “The Privacy Act and children’s rights are being used as a blunt instrument against parents,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    “If the government wants parents to be responsible parents, the law must firstly respect their authority and role.”

    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:
    Bob McCoskrie JP – National Director
    Tel. 09 261 2426 | Mob. 027 55 555 42

  • threatened by violent children


    By CARLY UDY Frightened parents are taking out protection orders against their children after being threatened with knifes or assaulted as a new type of family violence escalates in the Bay.

    Others are feeling suicidal and depressed trying to cope with children as young as seven who are physically violent towards them.

    Local social agencies say sibling violence and kids being violent towards their parents are both issues “escalating” in the Bay.

    Agencies say the problem is widespread, with doctors, lawyers, police officers, teachers and business people all seeking help for their abusive children, who range in age from primary school age to young adults.


    In the past two weeks, seven incidents of this type of violence have been referred to family support organisation Toughlove, by Tauranga Moana Abuse Prevention Strategy (TMAPS). Examples include a 15-year-old holding a knife up to his mum and dad, then hitting them because he couldn’t get his own way.

    In another case, a 14-year-old screamed at his parents and tipped over furniture when he wasn’t given money to top up his cellphone.

    Tauranga police say they attend such incidents on a semi-regular basis and have prosecuted abusive children through both the Tauranga District and Youth Courts for it.

    “Who does a parent turn to when your kid is threatening you with a weapon? You turn to the police and so you should,” Sergeant Jason Perry, former family violence co-ordinator, said.

    “These are good parents and it’s a terrible position to be in, to have to call the police on your own children.”

    Julia Silvester, community social worker for Toughlove, said the problem was widespread across all sectors of society.

    Just last weekend, a 19-year-old from Tauranga was arrested after allegedly stabbing his mother’s boyfriend following a domestic incident.

    And in August, a 19-year-old man from Tauranga admitted stabbing his 40-year-old mother multiple times with a paring knife because “she made him sick”.

    Statistics show violent offending by teenagers nationwide has increased, and earlier this month the Bay of Plenty Times reported that local principals want more counsellors in primary schools because social issues at home were rubbing off on youngsters at an earlier age.

    “There are parents with bruises on them because their children are kicking and punching them because they can’t get their own way, and there are seven-year-old’s being stood down from school,” Ms Silvester said.

    “Someone was telling me they were in the supermarket the other day and overheard a three-year-old tell his mother `I’ll do what I like, you can’t smack me.’ This is a three-year-old,” she said.

    “There are parents out there who are literally scared of their seven and eight-year-olds, they’re scared of what they’re going to do.”

    And the problem is just as bad with older children. Toughlove heard about a brother and sister in their early 20s who were physically fighting at their mother’s home in Tauranga.

    “Someone is going to get killed _ that’s the reality,” Ms Silvester said.

    “It can start over the smallest things like fighting over the remote, money or a cellphone and it just escalates.

    “They kick and punch each other, they’re not hospitalising each other but they’re assaulting each other. Before you know it, it’s World War 2.”

    Jessica Trask, family violence co-ordinator for the Tauranga Moana Abuse Prevention group, said half of all murders in New Zealand resulted from family violence.

    “These are young people with no conflict resolution skills. There needs to be boundaries in place [from day one] and following through with the consequences. It’s good basic parenting. Don’t wait until it’s too late,” she said.

    Les Simmonds, clinical director for Relationship Services in the Bay of Plenty and Gisborne, said just because a child was violent did not mean their parents were.

    “Children have always challenged their parents. It’s a developmental thing but the violence isn’t,” he said.

  • Archives

    Marches – Christchurch and Auckland

    27 Nov 2007

    From Family First

    If the Electoral Finance Bill is pushed through next week in its current form, we believe it will severely limit the speech of community organisations, special interest groups and individuals in an election year. Yet at the same time political parties will be able to take large anonymous donations and large amounts of taxpayer funding

    We believe voters have the same right to be heard as political parties.

    Please join us as we

    MARCH against the

    Electoral Finance Bill

    Victoria Square Christchurch Wednesday (tomorrow) 12.30pm

    Auckland Town Hall, Queen St Saturday 2pm

    CLICK HERE for more details about why we oppose the Bill

    Groups like Family First and other pro-family groups, churches and community groups will be significantly muzzled and restricted by this legislation – and for the whole of 2008! During an election year, we need to be able to promote and debate the pro-life, pro-family and pro-marriage messages.

    Speak up now – before it’s too late

    ps – if you are attending these marches and are available to assist in carrying our large banner, please email The last group who did it were on TV1 News!!

    U4L, upcoming weekend events


    Taupo – Larry Baldock is targeting the Taupo Bike Race, we have heard that this event attracts 20,000. If any volunteers are interested with helping it will be much appreciated. Please contact for details.

    Catlins – Natalie has organized a table at the Balclutha A&P Show this Saturday, and it’s under cover. Any volunteers in the area please contact Natalie by e-mail or or mob 021746113

    Nelson – We have a request from Jan, this is her request-Can anyone help me gather signatures for the petitions at Nelson A&P Show in Richmond this weekend, entry tickets provided. I’m 65 and not much use without support so I hope people can come while the news reports are fresh in their minds.
    Yours sincerely,
    Please contact me by either e-mailing or mobile 021746113

    Henderson – John is currently organising some tables at the Whanua Day Out run by the Ezekiel 33 Trust. Please contact me by either e-mailing or mobile 021746113

    Rodney – Arna is about to weave some more magic up there, she is looking at the Albany area as well. She can be contacted through

    Howick – Targeting a Christmas parade on Saturday at Picton Street, for more details contact me by either e-mailing or mobile 021746113

    Upcoming activities – November 2007

    “The Great New Zealand Table Challenge”

    List of tables/door-knocking campaigns:
    Rodney: Anna Mountain is back in the country and is about to weave some more of her magic, please click here
    North Shore: a lot of work is happening behind the scenes, please click here
    Manurewa: is about to fire, please click here
    Pukekohe: locals are taking ownership, good stuff
    Waiuku: about to fire as well
    Hawkes Bay: venues have been confirmed, please click here
    Christchurch: the tables are continuing and there are volunteers beginning to put up there hands, remember the table at the A&P Show, please click here
    Catlins: some good ideas here, please click here

    Again all coordinators need volunteers, if you have a spare day it won’t be wasted, it’s for the future of your children.

    Larry Baldock’s travel plans and the CIR Petition

    Our Congratulations go this week to Andy Moore who has been organising a small team to work in Christchurch on Saturday mornings at the netball courts. He has collected more than a thousand in 3 weeks of activity just for a few hours on a Saturday. If you can help this Saturday or any Saturday pls contact Andy at 0211140751.

    This Saturday we will be out at Blake Park in Mt Maunganui to collect amongst the netball, rugby and hockey spectators. All welcome. Pls call us on 5430600 if you can help.

    BE A GOOD SPORT – Collect Signatures This Saturday at your local Sports Field

  • Archives



    I need people for this Saturday (24 November).

    This Saturday we plan to collect signatures first in Hagley Park near the pedestrian overbridge into the Botanic Gardens (call 03 357 4599 to let us know if you can help with this), and…

    Coca Cola Christmas in the Park is also on on Saturday night. I need a team of volunteers to collect signatures from people as they go into the concert.

    These are two great opportunities people, don’t let us down, get in touch with me – come along for even just 2 hours if you can, it all counts!

    Remember. All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. (Edmund Burke)

    Andy Moore
    phone: 021 1140 751
    God Defend New Zealand

    Opportunity in Auckland this Saturday

    Opportunity in Auckland this Saturday

    23 November 2007
    To: Larry Baldock
    Subject: Opportunity in Auckland this Sunday


    I just received this email from Max about a gathering in Pah’s Park this Saturday.

    I realise it is short notice but can anyone respond to this opportunity??

    15,000 people is a lot of people.

    Hey Larry,

    You might get a group to go to the Ezekiel 33 gathering at Pah’s park Glen Eden this coming Saturday,…as from 10am thru to 6pm. There will be 15,000 people there..some folks in our church are running a prayer tent ,and doing outreach …this kind of place could give you petition a great boost.


    Stop the Labour/NZ First/Greens Electoral Finance

    Stop the Labour/NZ First/Greens Electoral Finance “Gagging Bill”

    What you can do:

    Protest March: Auckland this Saturday 17 November from the Auckland Town Hall at 10.30am (assemble from 10am)

    Protest: Wellington next Wednesday, 21 November, for a march on

    This is to invite you to stand up and be counted.

    ACT member John Boscawen is organising marches in Auckland and Wellington to protest the Labour led Government’s attack on democracy.

    The Electoral Finance Bill is designed to curb political activity.

    Labour and NZ First with help from the Greens and United Future are about to ram through a law to gag free speech.

    This despite vociferous objection from the Human Rights Commission, the Law Society, Grey Power and concerned citizens from every sector of New Zealand society.

    The plan is to give Labour freedom to say what it likes in election year and gag everyone else.

    Once the Gagging Bill goes through – possibly as soon as next week – it will be against the law for me to send an email such as this.

    That’s why the Human Rights Commission talks about a “chilling” impact on democracy.

    That’s why this is a Gagging Bill by any other name and must be stopped.

    Join the marches

    If you want to help contact

    Sat, 1 September 2007 – FEET ON FOOTPATHS – Rodney

    SAT 1st September, 9am to 12noon
    The Rodney Awareness Campaign


    This is an opportunity for concerned New Zealand citizens to launch themselves to action through Unity For Liberty and Voice Rodney


    § To publicly voice our frustration at the Government’s arrogant disdain of the ordinary New Zealander evidenced in the passing of the Crimes (Abolition of Force as a Justification for Child Discipline) Amendment Bill.

    § To raise public awareness of Sheryl Savill’s petition for a Citizens Initiated Referendum and to collect signatures for the petition.

    § To publicly demand that the government look deeper at the wider causes of family breakdown, violence and abuse and to collect signatures for Larry Baldock’s Citizen’s Initiated Referendum petition on this issue.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    “What is a Citizens Initiated Referendum?”
    A Citizens Initiated Referendum is where all New Zealand voters are required to answer yes or no to a question(s), in this case, at the 2008 election, voters will be asked two questions.
    The first one reads:

    Should a smack as a part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?

    The second question reads:

    Should the government give urgent priority to understanding and addressing the wider causes of family breakdown, family violence and child abuse in New Zealand?

    We are not asking people to answer yes or no to the referendum questions. We are simply asking if they think that every New Zealander should have the opportunity to say yes or no to the questions in a referendum at the 2008 election.

    “How many signatures do we need?”
    Just over 300,000 (10% of the electoral roll). 200.000 have already been collected.

    “Where do I send the filled-in petition forms?”
    C/- Larry Baldock. P.O. Box 9228 Greerton Tauranga


    Make time on 1st September between 9am and 12am to join other concerned citizens on the street. We are calling for volunteers to be pedestrians, walking or standing on the footpaths of the selected campaign area (Whangaparaoa Peninsula, Orewa, Warkworth). You will carry petition forms and small placards bearing a message that is focused on the issue.

    We aim to be in the Whangaparaoa, Orewa, or Warkworth area from 9am to 12noon. The area will be divided into sections and within each section families, youth groups, churches and interest groups can work together in the same geographical area. It is suggested that teenagers/youth groups work in teams, standing in pairs, and even rotating jobs over the course of the morning.

    Depending upon enthusiasm and time, volunteers may use other means to heighten the awareness of the petition and gain signatures. This may involve door knocking for signatures, parking your car (nearby) with signs on the window, or any other appropriate options. It’s all up to you!

    Unity For Liberty and Voice Rodney hopes that as local residents go about their daily business, they will be confronted by a succession of clear messages and pleasant people. The impact of this event should be the talking point for at least 80% of all the homes in the area.
    In order to coordinate a successful campaign in this area, we will need an indication of numbers. If you intend to join in this event, please let us know so we can allocate people to different areas. We intend to overload areas so no one will be isolated.
    Group registrations are accepted and members will be placed together throughout the morning.

    All activity involving Unity For Liberty and Voice Rodney is of a peaceful nature; any illegal or irresponsible actions will not be tolerated.

    Some Helpful Guidelines:
    In any case of confrontation, remember you are a pedestrian “walk away”.
    If any responses are to be given, “we oppose child abuse and sign the 2nd question”.
    Do not be an obstruction to the general public.
    Do not enter commercial business areas. There are by-laws in place that would be infringed.

    Some ball-point pens, a clipboard or two, copies of the petition which you can download from here , placards with the following messages: ‘Good Parents Aren’t Criminals’, ‘Sign The Petition’, ‘No to Nanny State’, ‘Parents Will Be Locked Up’, etc. All signage should be focused on the issue.
    Food or drink if required.

    Contact the co-ordinator:
    Arna Mountain phone 021 166 2924 email

    Christchurch Feet on Footpaths Campaign – 1 September 07

    Where: Around Riccarton Mall (Riccarton Road, Christchurch)
    When: 9:30am – 11:30am 1 September 07
    Who: Contact coordinator Andy Moore (
    Why: To publicly voice our frustration at the Government’s arrogant disdain of the ordinary New Zealander evidenced in the passing of the Crimes (Abolition of Force as a Justification for Child Discipline) Amendment Bill. Also, to raise public awareness of Larry Baldock’s petition for a Citizens Initiated Referendum and to collect signatures for the petition.
    What: We will be focussing on raising the awareness of the public to the anti-parental-authority law. This will involve the volunteers taking a placard and standing on the footpath in the Riccarton Mall area. Others will be holding clipboards, gathering signatures for Larry Baldock’s petition And others will be looking after the trestle tables (we hope to have two at least).

    Following several successful Feet on Footpaths campaigns in the North Island, Unity for Liberty is launching it’s first public awareness campaign in Christchurch on 1 September 07.

    Groups such as Family First NZ and political party Future New Zealand have expressed support for Unity for Liberty’s efforts to collect the required 300,000 signatures.

    If you are a concerned New Zealander who is concerned about your rights as a parent regarding discipline, and for future generations in New Zealand, then please get in contact with Andy (contact details below), and come along to the Feet on Footpaths campaign on 1 September. You do not have to stay for the whole time – even one or two hours would be much appreciated. Please pass this information on to anyone else you think may be interested.

    Contact us
    cell: 021 1140 751
    phone: 03 357 4599

    Further Details and more information

    · Make time on Saturday 1th September to join other concerned citizens on the street. We are calling for volunteers to be pedestrians, walking or standing on the footpaths of the selected campaign area (Riccarton Mall area). You will carry petition forms and small placards bearing a message that is focused on the issue.
    · We aim to be in the Riccarton mall area from 9:30am til 11:30am. The area will be divided into sections and within each area we will suggest strategic places to stand for optimum coverage. Volunteers have the option to meet those working in their section at approximately 9am, before starting. (Upon registering for this event, we will inform you of your area.) In this way, families, youth groups, churches and interest groups can work together in the same geographical area. It is suggested that teenagers/youth groups work in teams, standing in pairs, and even rotating jobs over the course of the morning.
    · Depending upon enthusiasm and time, volunteers may use other means to heighten the awareness of the petition and gain signatures. This may involve door knocking for signatures, parking your car (nearby) with signs on the window, or any other appropriate options. It’s all up to you!
    · Unity For Liberty hopes that as local residents go about their daily business, they will be confronted by a succession of clear messages and pleasant people. The impact of this event should be the talking point for at least 80% of all the homes in the area. For example- 300 people spaced at 1 km apart. The campaign will cover 300 kms over the Riccarton area.
    · In order to coordinate a successful campaign in this area, we will need an indication of numbers. If you intend to join in this event, please let us know so we can allocate people to different areas. We intend to overload areas so no one will be isolated. Group registrations are accepted and members will be placed together throughout the morning.
    · All activity involving Unity For Liberty is of a peaceful nature; any illegal or irresponsible actions will not be tolerated.

    Some Helpful Guidelines

    · In any case of confrontation, remember you are a pedestrian “walk away”.
    · If people do not wish to sign the top petition, you can encourage them to sign the bottom petition – “we oppose child abuse and sign the 2nd question”.
    · Do not be an obstruction to the general public.
    · Do not enter commercial business areas. There are by-laws in place that would be infringed.

    What to bring

    · Some ball-point pens,
    · a clipboard or two,
    · copies of the petition which you can download from here ,
    · placards with the following messages (as examples): ‘Good Parents Aren’t Criminals’, ‘Sign The Petition’, ‘No to Nanny State’, ‘Parents Will Be Locked Up’, etc. All signage should be focused on the issue.
    · Food or drink if required.
    · A good warm jacket.

    Frequently asked questions concerning Larry Baldock’s petition

    “Where do I send the filled-in petition forms to?”
    C/- Larry Baldock. P.O. Box 9228 Greerton Tauranga
    “What is the Citizens Initiated Referendum? ”

    The CIR contains two questions for Referendum at the 2008 election. The first one reads:

    Should a smack as a part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?

    The second question reads:

    Should the government give urgent priority to understanding and addressing the wider causes of family breakdown, family violence and child abuse in New Zealand?

    We are not asking you to answer yes or no to the petition questions. We are asking if you think that every New Zealander should have the opportunity to say yes or no to these questions in a referendum at the 2008 election. For this to happen, we have to collect 300,000 signatures on these petitions.

    A Referendum is where all New Zealand voters are required to say yes or no to a question, so in this case, at the 2008 election, Kiwis will be asked both of the above questions.

    “How many signatures do we need?”
    Just over 300,000 (10% of the electoral roll)

    Sat, 11 August 2007 – FEET ON FOOTPATHS – Howick/Pakuranga

    SAT 11TH AUG, 9am to 12noon
    The Howick/Pakuranga Awareness Campaign


    This is an opportunity for concerned New Zealand citizens to launch themselves to action through Unity For Liberty


    To publicly voice our frustration at the Government’s arrogant disdain of the ordinary New Zealander evidenced in the passing of the Crimes (Abolition of Force as a Justification for Child Discipline) Amendment Bill.

    To raise public awareness of Larry Baldock’s petition for a Citizens Initiated Referendum and to collect signatures for the petition.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    “What is a Citizens Initiated Referendum?”
    A Citizens Initiated Referendum is where all New Zealand voters are required to answer yes or no to a question(s), in this case, at the 2008 election, voters will be asked two questions.
    The first one reads:

    Should a smack as a part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?

    The second question reads:

    Should the government give urgent priority to understanding and addressing the wider causes of family breakdown, family violence and child abuse in New Zealand?

    At this stage we are not asking people to answer yes or no to the referendum questions. We are asking if they think that every New Zealander should have the opportunity to say yes or no to the questions in a referendum at the 2008 election.

    “How many signatures do we need?”
    Just over 300,000 (10% of the electoral roll)

    “Where do I send the filled-in petition forms?”
    C/- Larry Baldock. P.O. Box 9228 Greerton Tauranga


    Make time on Saturday 11th Aug to join other concerned citizens on the street. We are calling for volunteers to be pedestrians, walking or standing on the footpaths of the selected campaign area (Howick/Pakuranga). You will carry petition forms and small placards bearing a message that is focused on the issue.

    We aim to be in the Howick/Pakuranga area from 9am to 12noon. The area will be divided into sections and within each area we will suggest strategic places to stand for optimum coverage. Volunteers have the option to meet those working in their section at approximately 8.45am, before starting. (Upon registering for this event, we will inform you of your area.) In this way, families, youth groups, churches and interest groups can work together in the same geographical area. It is suggested that teenagers/youth groups work in teams, standing in pairs, and even rotating jobs over the course of the morning.

    Depending upon enthusiasm and time, volunteers may use other means to heighten the awareness of the petition and gain signatures. This may involve door knocking for signatures, parking your car (nearby) with signs on the window, or any other appropriate options. It’s all up to you!

    Unity For Liberty hopes that as local residents go about their daily business, they will be confronted by a succession of clear messages and pleasant people. The impact of this event should be the talking point for at least 80% of all the homes in the area. For example- 300 people spaced at 1 km apart. The campaign will cover 300 kms over the Howick/Pakuranga area.

    In order to coordinate a successful campaign in this area, we will need an indication of numbers. If you intend to join in this event, please let us know so we can allocate people to different areas. We intend to overload areas so no one will be isolated.

    Group registrations are accepted and members will be placed together throughout the morning.

    All activity involving Unity For Liberty is of a peaceful nature; any illegal or irresponsible actions will not be tolerated.

    Some Helpful Guidelines:
    In any case of confrontation, remember you are a pedestrian “walk away”.
    If any responses are to be given, “we oppose child abuse and sign the 2nd question”.
    Do not be an obstruction to the general public.
    Do not enter commercial business areas. There are by-laws in place that would be infringed.

    Some ball-point pens, a clipboard or two, copies of the petition which you can download from here or here, placards with the following messages: ‘Good Parents Aren’t Criminals’, ‘Sign The Petition’, ‘No to Nanny State’, ‘Parents Will Be Locked Up’, etc. All signage should be focused on the issue.
    Food or drink if required.

    Contact the co-ordinator: Craig Hill
    Phone: 021 746 113 (feel free to text or ring)


    SAT 28TH JULY, 9am to 12noon
    The Howick/Pakuranga Awareness Campaign


    This is an opportunity for concerned New Zealand citizens to launch themselves to action through Unity For Liberty


    To publicly voice our frustration at the Government’s arrogant disdain of the ordinary New Zealander evidenced in the passing of the Crimes (Abolition of Force as a Justification for Child Discipline) Amendment Bill.

    To raise public awareness of Larry Baldock’s petition for a Citizens Initiated Referendum and to collect signatures for the petition.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    “What is a Citizens Initiated Referendum?”
    A Citizens Initiated Referendum is where all New Zealand voters are required to answer yes or no to a question(s), in this case, at the 2008 election, voters will be asked two questions.

    The first one reads:

    Should a smack as a part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?

    The second question reads:

    Should the government give urgent priority to understanding and addressing the wider causes of family breakdown, family violence and child abuse in New Zealand?

    At this stage we are not asking people to answer yes or no to the referendum questions. We are asking if they think that every New Zealander should have the opportunity to say yes or no to the questions in a referendum at the 2008 election.

    “How many signatures do we need?”
    Just over 300,000 (10% of the electoral roll)

    “Where do I send the filled-in petition forms?”
    C/- Larry Baldock. P.O. Box 9228 Greerton Tauranga


    Make time on Saturday 28th July to join other concerned citizens on the street. We are calling for volunteers to be pedestrians, walking or standing on the footpaths of the selected campaign area (Howick/Pakuranga). You will carry petition forms and small placards baring a message that is focused on the issue.

    We aim to be in the Howick/Pakuranga area from 9am to 12noon. The area will be divided into sections and within each area we will suggest strategic places to stand for optimum coverage. Volunteers have the option to meet those working in their section at approximately 8.45am, before starting. (Upon registering for this event, we will inform you of your area.) In this way, families, youth groups, churches and interest groups can work together in the same geographical area. It is suggested that teenagers/youth groups work in teams, standing in pairs, and even rotating jobs over the course of the morning.

    Depending upon enthusiasm and time, volunteers may use other means to heighten the awareness of the petition and gain signatures. This may involve door knocking for signatures, parking your car (nearby) with signs on the window, or any other appropriate options. It’s all up to you!

    Unity For Liberty hopes that as local residents go about their daily business, they will be confronted by a succession of clear messages and pleasant people. The impact of this event should be the talking point for at least 80% of all the homes in the area. For example- 300 people spaced at 1 km apart. The campaign will cover 300 kms over the Howick/Pakuranga area.

    In order to coordinate a successful campaign in this area, we will need an indication of numbers. If you intend to join in this event, please let us know so we can allocate people to different areas. We intend to overload areas so no one will be isolated.

    Group registrations are accepted and members will be placed together throughout the morning.

    All activity involving Unity For Liberty is of a peaceful nature; any illegal or irresponsible actions will not be tolerated.

    Some Helpful Guidelines:
    In any case of confrontation, remember you are a pedestrian “walk away”.
    If any responses are to be given, “we oppose child abuse”.
    Do not be an obstruction to the general public.
    Do not enter commercial business areas. There are by-laws in place that would be infringed.

    Some ball-point pens, a clipboard or two, copies of the petition which you can download from here or, placards with the following messages: ‘Good Parents Aren’t Criminals’, ‘Sign The Petition’, ‘No to Nanny State’, ‘Parents Will Be Locked Up’, etc. All signage should be focused on the issue.
    Food or drink if required.

    Contact the co-ordinator: Craig Hill
    Phone: 021 746 113 (SAT 28TH JULY – FEET ON FOOTPATHSfeel free to text or ring)

    Section 59 now to be signed by the Governor General

    Bill must be signed by the Governor General

    Once the Governor General has signed the bill, it will come into effect in one month.

    So this Bill could be law in 6 to 8 weeks – end of June.

    Larry Baldock’s Travel plans

    Travel plans

    Hamilton Tuesday 1st Celebrating Age Centre 30 Victoria 7.30pm

    Hastings Wednesday 2nd Elim Church Cnr Miller St, 7.30pm

    Napier Thursday 3rd New Life Church 96 Meeanee Rd, 7.30pm

    Gisborne Sunday 6th and Monday 7th TBA.

    Larry Baldock’s travel plans

    Travel plans

    Barbara and I will be in Christchurch from the 11th-15th and would like to meet those of you from the area at 7.00pm Monday night at Grace Vineyard. 150 Ferry Rd, Christchurch for a discussion on how we complete the task and other ideas.

    If we can be of any help at any other meetings over the weekend or if you can arrange any speaking opportunities, please contact me.

    Auckland 16th-18th and because we postponed going to Gisborne last weekend we will be there May 27th.

    Unfortunately we have been denied permission to collect signatures outside the gates at Mystery Creek for the field days starting June 13th. We can work inside if we are able to connect with any other sites, so if anyone has any ideas, or friends with displays please let me know. Disapointed!!

    Closeup on TV One tonight – 7pm

    I hope you receive this in time to watch Close Up onTV One tonight at 7pm. Simon Barnett and Larry Baldock will be debating Sue Bradford and Tariana Turia.

    2 April 2007 – March in Feilding

    Second protest over bill

    Manawatu Standard | Friday, 30 March 2007

    Mother-of-four Dianne Woodward is fronting a second protest against the anti-smacking bill in Feilding within a week.

    The protest will be at the Feilding clock tower at noon on Monday – seven days after 350 people protested the Sue Bradford bill at the same location.

    Mrs Woodward, who has become the face of those against the bill in Manawatu, said she had received overwhelming support for her stand from various quarters in the community. She had been encouraged to keep the pressure on the Government so had agreed to stage another protest. If the bill is passed, parents who smack their children will not be able to use the excuse of reasonable force.

    “I am so wound up by this, but I will be quite restrained and sensible (at the protest),” Mrs Woodward said.

    “So many people have commended me for getting off my backside and standing there and speaking from the heart.”

    She did not care if parents smacked or not, but did care that the Government was telling her how to raise her children, she said.

    The Government announcement that it will review the anti-smacking bill two years after it is passed is a “pathetic smokescreen”.

    28 March 2007 – MARCH ON PARLIAMENT

    28 March 2007 – MARCH ON PARLIAMENT


    Against Anti Smacking Bill


    Then do something about it BEFORE it’s too late!

    Join us in a PEACEFUL protest

    Wednesday 28th March 2007

    Beginning at Civic Square at 12pm then advancing to Parliament

    *This march will be peaceful, and children will be present. If anyone turns violent, we will be helping the police cart you off to jail.

    For more information, see
    or e-mail

    Mitch Lees
    Phone: 027 243 1676

    Pass the word around about this please

    28 March 2007 – March in Christchurch

    28 March 2007 – March in Christchurch

    Defending the Role of Parents and the Well-Being of our Children

    Everyone in Christchurch is encouraged to come to the Peaceful Protest March that will begin in Victoria Square, in the center of Christchurch.

    “Reasonable Force is Reasonable”

    Where? Victoria Square
    When? Wednesday 28 March at 12pm

    “The police won’t prosecute parents – as if!”


    We encourage people to bring along placards, posters, signs, balloons, etc.

    The material that Real-estate signs are made of is good to write your message to the Government on. Use a stencil, or paint, or a good thick marker pen.

    We are not going to be attacking the character of Sue Bradford, Helen Clark, or any other MP at this March.

    Violence of any sort will not be tolerated, and the Police will be on hand to escort any offenders off to the Police Station.

    26 March 2007 – Save Our Society – Nelson

    26 March 2007 – Save Our Society – Nelson

    S O S
    Save Our Society
    S O S
    Show Of Strength
    Against Anti Smacking Bill

    At The Cathedral Steps Steps
    On Monday the 26th March
    Between 12 Noon and 1 p.m.

    Please show your support against this bill by simply turning up and sitting on a step.

    We encourage you to write a personal letter that you can post in a black bag at the steps. We will also have a petition there that you can sign.

    Nick Smith will arrive around 1.p.m to pick up the mail and the petition and take it through to Parliament the next day.

    We would also encourage you to wear a black arm band and bring a banner with your personal sentiments on; but the most important thing is to turn up as a show of strength against this bill.

    26 March 2007 – Rally in Feilding

    There will be a protest gathering in Feilding on Monday, 12 noon, at the
    clock tower. Bring balloons and placards.

    Coming Events – Larry Baldock

    Upcoming meetings and events.

    Monday 19th March
    Lunchtime meeting Greymouth

    Afternoon meeting Westport

    7.00pm Reformed Church of Nelson at 15 Burrough Place, Enner Glynn. (corner of Waimea Rd & The Ridgeway)

    Tuesday 20th March
    Putararu Baptist Church 7.30pm

    Wednesday 21st March
    Kingsway Events Centre 7.30pm

    Thursday 22nd March
    Mahurangi Presbyterian Church 7 Pullham Rd, 7.30pm

    Monday 26th March
    Helensville War Memorial 7.30pm

    Tuesday 27th March
    Huntly TBA

    23 March 2007 – Rally in Rangiora

    23 March 2007 – Rally in Rangiora

    North Canterbury: There’s a rally starting at
    the townhall in Rangiora at 10 a.m. Friday 23 March

    23 March 2007 – March in Masterton

    23 March 2007 – March in Masterton

    Contact George 06 377 5420. 12.30 pm Friday 23rd of March at Queen Elizabeth Park gates on Park Rd.

    9 March 2007 – National Party police and welfare spokesman Chester Borrows will talk about the anti-smacking bill in Palmerston North on March 9.

    Hear Hawera MP Chester Borrows speak and answer questions about Sue Bradford’s Bill and his proposed amendments to limit its effects, at the Convention Centre, next Friday March 9th at 7.30pm. Chester is a committed Christian and former policeman with a Law degree. An offering will be taken for expenses. Here’s your opportunity to have an influence!



    The above legislation has been a concern since it was introduced. In its original form it would have made criminals out of good parents who occasionally smacked their children. In its new amended form it becomes the anti-correction bill, specifically banning the use of any force for the purposes of correction.

    It is of such concern to the future of New Zealand Families that I have been discussing what should be done about it with leaders from many churches, family and parenting organizations, and other organizations such as ‘sensible sentencing trust’ and ‘for the sake of our children.’ I have received strong support for plans to promote two Citizens initiated referendum petitions that will put two questions on the ballot at the next election.

    More information is enclosed with this letter about our plans, but the purpose of this letter is to let you know about meetings in your area during February as my wife and I travel by road around the Sth Island to promote these petitions. We can answer more questions then and explain in more detail what the proposed bill says and explain the broader strategy behind the two petitions.

    I realize with this short notice it may not be possible for you to come, so in that case I hope you will reply by mail or email with the form enclosed. I will be happy to respond to any of your queries,

    Warm regards,

    Larry Baldock.

    The Petition forms with guideline cover sheet will be available to download from the following websites;

    Ashburton Feb12th 10.00am Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron St

    Timaru Feb 12th 1.00pm New Life Christian Centre 134 Morgans Rd

    Cromwell Feb 13th 10.30am Cromwell Presbytarian Church Elspeth St West of New World

    Queenstown Feb 13th 1.00pm Impact Church 14 Yewlett Cres, Frankton

    Invercargill Feb 13th 7.00pm Cornerstone New Life Church Cnr Clyde & Tay St.

    Gore Feb 14th 9.30am Gore New Life Church 11 Jacob St

    Dunedin Feb 14th 3.00pm 106 Easther Crescent

    Oamaru Feb 15th 10.00am Union Parish, at 22 Eden St, Oamaru

    Christchurch Feb 16th 10.00am & 3.00pm 1st floor 320 Manchester St

    Blenheim Feb 19th 3.00pm St Christopher’s Hall Lounge, 90 Weld Street Redwoodtown Opp-Supervalue.

    Nelson Feb 19th 6.30pm Mission Fellowship 237 Trafalgar St, above Postie Plus enter through Buxton car park

    Richmond Feb 19th 7.30pm Richmond New Life, 85 Wensley Road, Richmond

    Meetings will last 45-mins to 1hr depending on the number of questions


    Select Committee Report re. Crimes Amendment Bill now out

    Select Committee Report re. Crimes Amendment Bill now out
    Process for Private Members’ Bills

    According to information on the Parliamentary web site, “A bill can be read a second time no sooner than the third sitting day after the select committee reports to the House.” For Bradford’s Bill on Section 59 it looks like this: the Select Committee’s report was tabled in Parliament on 20 November 2006. The first sitting, that is, the first day Parliament sits to consider Private Members’ Bills such as the one to repeal Section 59, is Wednesday 22 November 2006. Parliament sits to consider Private Members’ Bills on every second Wednesday, that is, fortnightly (when Parliament is sitting). It is therefore probable that the second sitting day will be Wednesday 13 December 2006. So the probable third sitting, and the earliest that the Bill could be debated again in Parliament, is Wednesday 21 February 2007. So it appears that the next time Parliament addresses this Bill will be no sooner than Wednesday 21 February or possibly into March.


    Thursday, 1 Feb 2007
    CONFERENCE – Christchurch
    Contact: Barbara (06) 357-4399 (cell ph.) 021 027 82221
    Venue: Parklands Baptist Church
    7:00pm Registration
    7.30-9.30 Public Meeting
    Address: Is it possible to discipline our children in an undisciplined society? And Section 59 Issues – Craig Smith
    Gold coin entry for those who have not attended the conference during the rest of the day.
    Please invite your friends and family.


    Submissions to Parliament’s Justice and Electoral Select Committee on the bill closed 28 February 2006. This committee received 1712 submissions, with around 300 requesting to appear before the committee to speak to their submission. It is due to report back to Parliament by 22 November.


    Sue Bradford Interview

    We understand that Sue Bradford will be appearing on Sky News this Thursday 2 November 2006 at 9.30pm.


    The Listener – Interview With Craig Smith

    On Monday 4th September Craig Smith was interviewed by The Listener (magazine), and this interview is scheduled to appear in the issue of that magazine due to come out on Friday 15th September


    “Should parents be allowed to use reasonable force to discipline their children?”

    It has recently come to our attention that our Poll, concerning the use of reasonable force by parents to discipline their children, has been hijacked by the anti-smacking lobby, who have been urging people, on the basis of lies, to go to the poll and register a negative vote. We have quoted, below, the email being sent around by them, and have put their slander in bold.

    Family Integrity has never advocated “beating” children, let alone doing it for 15 minutes, as their out-of-context reference to words in our brochure would have people wrongly believe. The slanderous remarks are dealt with on the DVD mentioned above “For the Love of our Children” for $10.00.

    “Good Afternoon
    I would like to bring your attention to the attached e-mail as below and subsequent website link. We encourage our Centres and interested and affiliated parties to vote “no” to using force against our children.
    You will find the poll half way down the home page”
    Warm wishes
    Viv Gurrey
    Chief Executive Officer
    Parents Centres NZ Inc

    From: Mike Coleman []
    Sent: Wednesday, 6 September 2006 12:33 p.m.
    To: Mike Coleman
    Subject: A vote for children
    “Family Integrity is the extreme fundamentalist group who have been
    leading the campaign to retain section 59 of the Crimes Act and oppose Sue
    Bradford’s repeal bill. They believe that children are “little bundles
    of depravity” who need to have the evil beaten out of them with a rod in 15 minute sessions. They told the parliamentary select committee on 28 August that physical punishment of children is a first resort and not a last resort with them.

    They have been running a poll on their website on the question “Should
    parents be allowed to use reasonable force in disciplining their
    children”. We have been encouraging those who support repeal of section 59 to go to the website and cast a vote for children. Just over 40% of the poll have now voted ‘No’ to the question of whether parents should have the right to use reasonable force in the disciplining of their children. This must be a real disappointment and embarrassment to Family Integrity. Isn’t it great therefore that on their own poll 40% say no to parents using physical punishment. If you haven’t voted already, please do.

    Step one: Go to
    Step two: scroll down the home page until you find “Click HERE to vote
    in our poll”
    Step three: follow the instructions and click no to the poll question.

    Forward this email to others who you think will vote for children also.”


    Forum Concerning Sue Bradford’s Anti – Parental Authority Bill

    Craig Smith has been invited to participate in a forum, together with two other speakers on both sides of the issue concerning the proposed repeal of Section 59 of the Crimes Act. This is set to take place on the evening of Monday 28 August 2006 at 7.30pm.

    The three speakers will be Sue Bradford, Peter Dunne, and Craig Smith. The forum will be chaired by Dr Maureen Garing, who will be recording the discussion for Radio New Zealand. Each speaker will be invited to put forward their views in a seven minute speech, and then the Forum will be opened up for questions.
    The venue for the Forum is:

      Khandallah Presbyterian Church
      33 Ganges Road (opposite New World Supermarket)

    This event is open to the public.


    Hearing Dates for Select Committee re. Crimes Amendment Bill

    We received (10/08/06) the following email from the Secretary of the S.P.C.S.:

    “Re S. 59 Bill submissions to select committee

    I have just spoken to Cath Anyon, Clerk to Justice & Electoral Select Committee. The final day for hearing oral submissions on Sue Bradford’s Bill will be Monday 28 August. The committee will soon be contacting all those groups and individuals yet to make an oral submission, who clearly indicated in their written submission that they wished to do so, to arrange a speaking time on 28 August. Cath said that the committee hopes to wrap up its findings on that day. It must report back to parliament on the bill no later than 31 October 2006.”

    Barbara and Craig Smith (representing Family Integrity) have been scheduled to come before the Select Committee on 28 August 2006 at 11.20am and 11.30am respectively.

    Note that these hearings will be open to the public. If you will be appearing before the committee, or if you go along to observe, we would be keen to receive a report of your impressions.

    The Manawatu Christian Apologetics Society presents: Is there a Biblical Case For Smacking? (Public Meeting)

    Suggested audience: ages 15 and over

    Craig Smith, director of Family Integrity (, will be answering this question and many more:

    Is smacking Biblical?
    Is smacking a form of abuse?
    Is beating the same as smacking?
    Are children born good, bad or neutral?
    Is there research on the effects of smacking?
    Is smacking abuse or an effective form of discipline?
    Should Christians be concerned about smacking being outlawed?
    Is ‘Time Out’ better than smacking or is it psychological abuse?
    And many others…….

    The talk will be followed by questions and answers with the aim of encouraging reasoned and informed discussion.

    Meeting is 7pm, Tuesday 22nd August at St Albans Presbyterian Church,
    339 Albert Street, Palmerston North.

    Do you know others who are interested?

    Please forward this information on to them.

    It would be appreciated if you could bring a gold coin donation to help cover expenses.

    To contact MCAS, please email


    A number of people/groups will be appearing before the Justice and Electoral Select Committee in Auckland today (8th June ’06) to make oral submissions in opposition to the Crimes Amendment Bill. Please consider this as an item for prayer.

    Note also that these hearings are open to the public. If you are intending to appear before the committee at some stage you might like to go along today and observe, in order to get a better idea of what is involved. If you do go along to observe, we would be keen to receive a report of your impressions.


    P.O. Box 132-683 Johnsonville


    All Society Members and friends are invited to attend the AGM

    Monday 19 June 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.

    Connolly Hall, Guilford Tce, Thorndon

    Followed by a Public Meeting to which all are cordially invited

    Public Lecture 8 p.m.
    (followed by discussion)

    “Family Integrity v. State Intrusion Into Families”

    (With special reference to the proposed ‘anti-smacking’ legislation)

    Note: Lecture Followed by supper at 9.15 p.m.

    Guest Speaker: Craig Smith
    National Director: Family Integrity. Home Education Foundation.

    1-3 July Kids Fair 2006 — The children’s Expo!

    Family Integrity and The Home Education Foundation will have a stand at the Kids Fair 1 – 3 July
    The stand will be mainly promotional.
    We will be wanting to promote the keeping of Section 59 of the Crimes Act to the general public who pass the stand.
    We will be giving away flyers about keeping Section 59 of the Crimes Act.
    We also have a number of brochures that we will be giving away.
    We will be selling our range of products on Saturday and Monday. There will definately be no sales on Sunday.
    The stand number is 225 in Hall 2 next to the wall of Hall 3.
    Hall 1 has the food plus stands, Hall 2 is the main Hall with all stands, and Hall 3 has the Sports for kids and Demo Interactive Area plus stands
    For more information on the Kids Fair go to:
    If you come to the show then please pop in and say Hi to us.

    Where MPs Stood re. section 59 In 2005

    1st reading for Repealing Section 59 of the Crimes Act
    Wednesday 27 July 2005
    65 MPs for
    54 MPs against

    Support for 1st reading:
    The Progressives
    The Maori Party
    Two of NZ First’s 13 MPs

    MP’s who have not given a clear answer to the way they will be voting on wednesday in relation to repealing Section 59
    1. Ron Mark Comment New Zealand First has determined that there will be a conscience vote on the repeal of Section 59 of the Crimes Act 1961, and accordingly Mr Mark will listen to all deliberations and opinions. While he has seen the results of child abuse he also abhors the continued interference of the government in parents’ bringing up of children. This is a timely debate and a welcome one. Jan Dyer Executive Secretary to Ron Mark MP, New Zealand First

    MP’s in favour of keeping Section 59:
    1. Stephen Franks [] Comments: Please suggest that the website organisers create a list of MPs showing how they stand. I think I am the only MP who has been consistently standing against a change since 2000, and I do not want to be bombarded by messages.
    2. Bernie Ogilvy United Future Comments: We will be voting against this Bill.
    3. The National Party has stated that they will not be supporting this bill. Emma Holmes, Parliamentary Executive Assistant to John Key MP
    4. Richard Worth MP for Epsom and Shadow Minister for Justice & Attorney General Comments: The problem with repealing the reasonable force provisions in section 59 is that parents will face criminal liability under section 194 of the Crimes Act. I am also doubtful whether an alternative argument which is to define “reasonable force” is possible. I noted on a recent “Eye to Eye” programme that the sort of issues which would arise would be whether there should be a statutory ban on weapons, head blows, striking with closed fists etc. National does not support the proposed change but we are absolutely committed to preventative strategies in connection with child abuse.
    5. Judy Turner Comment I certainly believe that without Section 59, caring parents will be criminalised for smacking their children.
    6. John Key MP for Helensville Comment: The National Party have indicated that they will not support Sue Bradford’s private members bill on this issue.
    7. Simon Power Comment: The National Party will be voting against this Bill. However, we feel that far more work needs to go into this issue to avoid child abuse occurring under the cover of S59.
    8. Gordon F Copeland MP Comment: I will be voting against Sue Bradford’s Bill.

    MP’s in favour of repealing Section 59:
    1. Sue Bradford
    2. Steve Maharey Comment:The Labour caucus has agreed that there is benefit in the issues surrounding section 59 being referred to a select committee for further discussion and debate. It has therefore agreed to support the referral of the Bill to the select committee, so a full range of options can be identified and carefully considered. Some of these options include repeal, amendment to give judicial guidance on what amounts to “reasonable force”, or repeal with a specific prohibition of what a majority of New Zealanders would find unacceptable by way of physical force used to discipline children. The government welcomes wide public debate on these matters.
    3. Jim Anderton M P for Wigram and Leader of the Progressive Party Comment:The Progressive Party believes that S.59 of the Act needs to be repealed in the interest of protecting children from violence.

    MP’s in favour of amending Section 59 with a members bill
    1. Larry Baldock Comment: I am in favour of amending sec 59 to make it clear parents can still apply appropriate loving discipline but to make it clear abuse is abuse and should not be tolerated. My colleague Murray Smith’s members bill will do just that, and we are hoping parliament will adopt his proposals to add to Sue Bradford’s. If not I will appose Sue Bradford’s bill.
    2. Murray Smith MP Comments: The advert. is a great summary of the differences and I will use it on the campaign trail. You will know that United Future is right behind you and, if you haven’t seen it, I attach a copy of the bill I have had in the ballot for the past year on this issue, seeking to distinguish between appropriate physical discipline and abuse. I note that you have, wisely, avoided the ‘implement’ issue. There are some who would ban all implements but my bill allows for them.
    3. Hon Peter Dunne MP for Ohariu Belmont
    Leader, United Future Comment: I do not think being “for” or “against” Section 59 is the issue. Being “for” or “against” violence to children is the real issue. I do not believe that Section 59 of itself protects children from violence, and nor do I think its repeal would have any impact in this regard. All it is likely to do is make criminals of parents in certain circumstances. Speaking personally, I therefore do not favour repealing Section 59 until and unless there is an accompanying change to offer a clearer definition of what constitutes violence against children, and a greater protection for parents.


    We are grateful for the overwhelming response to our urgent request for funds to enable Swedish
    lawyer Ruby Harrold-Claesson’s visit to NZ next month.

    The budget for this event has now been covered, and her visit will go ahead, the Lord willing.
    Having said that, there is still much more that we want to do to keep the momentum going between now
    and 31 October, when the Select Committee are due to present their findings and recommendations to Parliament. As we seek to keep up the pressure in our fight against the Crimes Amendment Bill, your prayers, financial contributions and moral support will continue to be most welcome.

    For Ruby Harrold-Claesson’s Itinerary For Public Engagements (so far) click HERE


    Press Release
    For Immediate Publication

    Anti-family Agenda

    Sue Bradford’s Bill to repeal Section 59 is very curious. It pulls Section 59 out of the larger Crimes Act, to consider on its own, when it is obvious that the Act meant for Sections 59 and 60 to be seen together. Indeed they occupy their own little sub-category titled “Powers of Discipline.”

    Section 59 says briefly: Domestic discipline
    Every parent of a child…is justified in using force by way of correction towards the child, if the force used is reasonable in the circumstances.

    Section 60 says: Discipline on ship or aircraft
    The master or officer in command of a ship… or the pilot in command of an aircraft… is justified in using and ordering the use of force for the purpose of maintaining good order and discipline… if he believes on reasonable grounds that the use of force is necessary, and if the force used is reasonable in the circumstances.

    NZ Law recognises that Parents, Pilots and Masters need to have the authority and powers of discipline to properly care for their charges, be they children or passengers. The “Repeal Section 59 lobby” wants to remove this authority only from the parents, not from pilots and masters. The repeal lobby appears not to trust parents to come to the same narrow conclusions they hold: that no force at all should be applied to children. There are many issues surrounding the repeal issue: see them at Repealing Section 59 is a strike at the heart of the traditional New Zealand family, a move to stop parents from exercising discipline and authority over their own children.

    Submitted by:
    Craig Smith
    National Director
    Family Integrity
    For an interview, phone: (06) 357-4399
    22 July 2005

    Locations of visitors to this page

  • Double standards on smacking law

    Double standards on smacking law
    Thursday, 22 November 2007, 2:11 pm
    Press Release: The Family Party

    Richard Lewis, leader of The Family Party, says yesterday’s criminal conviction of a Masterton father who smacked his child three times on the bottom with an open palm is a massive over-reaction and the outcome of very bad, anti-family law.

    “Based on the details that I’m aware of, this father was doing the responsible thing of addressing his son’s bad behaviour at school. He’s done what many thousands of responsible kiwi dads have done in the past and probably continue to do, and that’s smack their son on the bottom with an open palm in appropriate circumstances,” says Mr Lewis.

    He says parents should maintain the right to apply responsible corrective discipline in their home without fear of prosecution.

    “We are all against abuse. But there is a world of difference between abuse and an open palm smack on the bottom. Most New Zealand parents know the difference. The hypocrisy of all of this is that a senior government minister can punch a fellow MP in the face and get away with it while this father is dragged before the courts and given a criminal conviction,” Mr Lewis added.

    He warns that parents found in similar circumstances are in grave danger of unwarranted state intervention and prosecution.

    The Family Party aims to restore parental protection by reinstating Section 59 of the Crimes Act, which allowed parents to use ‘reasonable’ force in circumstances deemed to be appropriate and reasonable.


  • 9 – 22 November 2007

    22 November 2007

    Key Must Commit to Protecting Good Families From Bad Smacking Law

    Family First NZ is calling on National leader John Key to commit to changing the anti-smacking law after a father was the first parent convicted of assault for smacking his 8-year old on the bottom.

    “John Key said that the law should not criminalise good parents for lightly smacking their children,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ. “Here we have a young family, an expectant mother, a father attempting to do his very best, and a law which treats him as a criminal rather than a system that offers the support, encouragement and resources they may need.”

    “While community organisations working with at-risk families and Plunket are driven to their knees because of a lack of adequate funding, there seems to be no shortage of resources in investigating good parents who use a light smack.”

    Family First has highlighted five cases already where CYF and Police have conducted intensive investigations of families simply because of supposed ‘abuse’, including a grandmother interviewed by police for smacking a swearing granddaughter in a Warehouse store, three police appearing on the doorstep of a home where a 2 year old was having a bedtime tantrum, and a mother dobbed into CYF by the local school.

    There are similar cases being notified to Family First NZ on a weekly basis.

    “And many parents are confirming that children are telling them “you can’t touch me or I’ll tell the police’”

    “We are creating a ‘paranoid parenting’ environment,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    “This case has confirmed kiwi parents’ worst nightmare. This law will target good parents while child abuse continues at the same rate, and the real causes of family breakdown and stress, drug and alcohol abuse, poverty and other significant issues are ignored.”

    “The predictions made by the many community groups and 83% of NZ’ers opposing this law have, unfortunately, proved true.”


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:
    Bob McCoskrie JP – National Director
    Tel. 09 261 2426 | Mob. 027 55 555 42

    22 November 2007 – The Dominion Post – Three smacks and he’s ‘guilty’

    Three smacks and he’s ‘guilty’
    By TANYA KATTERNS – The Dominion Post | Thursday, 22 November 2007

    A father who spanked his eight-year-old son on the bottom three times for misbehaving at school is one of the first to be convicted of assault under the law against smacking.

    The Masterton man was sentenced to nine months’ supervision yesterday after admitting he had grabbed his son by the shoulder, held him on his knee and hit him with an open hand.

    Green MP Sue Bradford has welcomed the conviction, saying the case is a good example of the May law change working as intended.

    The controversial legislation removed the defence of reasonable force for parents who physically discipline their children.

    But opponents say the conviction is a disgrace.

    Family First national director Bob McCroskrie said parents had every reason to be concerned.

    “It’s the first of what’s going to be many cases of the law targeting good parents. Our predictions have come true.”

    Masterton District Court judge Anthony Walsh told the man, whose wife is expecting their fourth child: “While you may have gotten away with this in the past, it is a case of not now.”

    The father, 33, who has name suppression to protect his son’s identity, smacked his son on October 29. He had returned home from work to hear that his son had caused some problems at school.

    The boy was in his bedroom and his father decided to confront him about his behaviour, the court was told.

    Becoming frustrated, the father grabbed his son’s clothes at the shoulder and pulled him on to the bed.

    The father then flipped the boy over his knee and smacked him three times on the bottom with an open palm, before roughly sitting him back up.

    The eight-year-old had bruising to his shoulder, the court was told.

    The boy’s mother, pregnant with the couple’s fourth child, is understood to have taken a photograph of the bruise and shown it to a relative, who told police several days later.

    The father admitted he had lost his temper. He refused to comment as he left court.

    Judge Walsh, hearing the case in Masterton’s newly established domestic violence court, said the smacking law change had redefined the way old attitudes toward disciplining children were viewed.

    “Our law was recently amended to make it clear that children should be protected. There are other ways that must be taken to discipline children, short of violence, and that means time out and loss of privileges.”

    Judge Walsh told the father: “A lot of us are parents, we know children can be challenging – but we are the adults.”

    The father, who pleaded guilty to assault, and his wife had already sought help with anger management, parenting skills and relationship counselling before yesterday’s sentencing.

    He was sentenced to nine months’ supervision – which means the state will now pay for the counselling.

    The law took effect in June, after National inserted a clause stating police should not prosecute inconsequential smacking, though guidelines for officers do not define “inconsequential”.

    Police were told by their bosses that it would be a matter for the courts to determine in test cases.

    Ms Bradford said she was pleased the case had been prosecuted.

    “Hitting a child is an assault and there is no longer the protection that there used to be where a case like this would never go before the courts.”

    Police national headquarters had no figures on smacking-related convictions since June. A report is being prepared.

    19 November 2007 – The Dominion Post – Hands off our lives say voters

    Hands off our lives say voters
    By TRACY WATKINS – The Dominion Post | Monday, 19 November 2007

    Voters fear Government is exerting too much control over their lives – and they believe it has got worse in the past two years.

    The finding in the latest Fairfax Media-Nielsen poll suggests the backlash over the so-called anti-smacking bill has left its mark, but could also be a response to the campaign against Labour’s bid to overhaul electoral finance laws with a regime criticised as draconian and a limit on free speech.

    Two thousand people protested in Auckland at the weekend against the Electoral Finance Bill, due to be reported back to Parliament today after being watered down by a select committee.

    In a poll of 1082 voters, people were asked whether the Government had more control over people’s daily lives than they would like and 57 per cent answered yes. A further 37 per cent of voters rejected the proposition and 6 per cent did not know.

    When asked whether the level of control had increased, decreased or stayed the same over the last two years, 61 per cent said it had increased, which points to the smacking debate as a major factor.

    Civil unions, Labour’s push to decriminalise prostitution and even sensitivity over the recent police raids may be other factors.

    Labour has come under concerted attack from National and conservative Christian groups for running a “nanny state” agenda.

    Family Party co-leader Richard Lewis said the Labour Government had continued to ram through unpopular policies.

    “The message I’ve been getting for some time now is that the Government has been stepping into areas they shouldn’t be when it comes to parental responsibility and the balance of rights of New Zealanders,” he said.

    Labour’s backing for the smacking legislation – which removes the defence of reasonable force for parents facing child abuse charges – sparked one of its biggest declines in popularity since it got into government.

    The latest poll shows Labour back on the path to recovery, with 40 per cent support, just 5 points behind National. But it suggests some concerns about government interference have stuck.

    Six months on from the introduction of the new smacking laws, however, those working at the coalface say fears that sparked the backlash have proved unfounded.

    Police are due to release a major review of the change within weeks, but family law and child welfare experts say there has been no noticeable change to the way child violence is being reported.

    There have been just two media reports of possible cases of parents being reported for smacking, with no action taken, while Child, Youth and Family reports there has been no significant rise in child abuse notifications since the law change….

    16 November 2007 – The Family Party – Anti Smacking Law Poses Significant Risks

    Anti Smacking Law Poses Significant Risks
    Friday, 16 November 2007, 11:07 am
    Press Release: The Family Party

    Richard Lewis, Leader of THE FAMILY PARTY, says a recent report from the Ministry of Social Development that there has not been a “huge increase in numbers of notifications,” since the law was passed in May, is no reflection of the ever-present danger the law poses to New Zealand families.

    “The government is hardly in a position to make credible statements on the affects of a law they rammed through parliament despite overwhelming public opposition. What we do know is that the law has not stopped incidents of abuse in the home. And we also know the law exposes decent, law-abiding parents to significant risk of unwarranted state intervention” says Mr Lewis.

    The anti smacking bill’s architect, Sue Bradford, says a public smack could be a sign of bigger problems occurring behind closed doors. A NZPA report quotes Ms Bradford as saying, “while on the surface it might appear like a simple smack…what we don’t know is what else is happening in that family with that child, or other children, or the mother or some other family member.”

    Mr Lewis says Ms Bradford’s statement reveals the true intent of the law, which is to gain unlimited access into the homes of New Zealand families.

    “This really is another example of state intrusion of the worst kind. Sure, there are legitimate cases of abuse that we are all concerned about. But the police and government departments were already adequately empowered to deal with such cases under the Crimes Act. Bradford’s law gives the state unlimited power to enter a home and scrutinize the lives of decent, law-abiding parents, which is inherently unjust and abusive,” he added.

    Mr Lewis says The Family Party aims to protect the rights and responsibilities of parents.


    9 November 2007 – Family First Disgusted with Ministry of Education Over Sex Abuse

    9 November 2007

    Family First Disgusted with Ministry of Education Over Sex Abuse

    Family First is shocked and disgusted with the actions of the Ministry of Education who knew about allegations of sexual abuse at Hato Paora College but did not instruct the school to contact police.

    It is quite incredible that schools will rush to CYF to report a hand-smack yet are willing to hide a far more serious case of sexual abuse,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

    “Both the Ministry and the Board of Trustees failed to contact the police despite the serious nature of these allegations. Any complaint of this type should be referred automatically to the police so that they can undertake their own investigation.”

    “For a government ministry to hide this information shows just how confused they are in determining real abuse versus the role of parents and reasonable parental correction.”

    This case follows other cases of government inaction in dealing with the real causes and cases of child abuse.

    The Government admitted last year that it was powerless to intervene after it was revealed that teachers with a history of drugs, violence and sex offences had been allowed back into the classroom.

    In July, it was revealed that a teacher convicted of sexually molesting a nine-year-old boy had been supported by his union when he was stood down from an earlier job for looking at child porn, and an art teacher who posted hard-core pornographic pictures of himself and two women on internet sex sites – with messages for girls “the younger the better” to contact him – had been allowed to continue teaching.

    The Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) tried to keep the case secret, and the Teachers Council would not reveal the teacher’s name.

    “It’s time the government and its departments figured out the real meaning of abuse, and started targeting it with full resources and an automatic referral to the police,” says Mr McCoskrie. “They are protecting ‘their own’ yet have no problem dobbing in good parents.”


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:
    Bob McCoskrie JP – National Director
    Tel. 09 261 2426 | Mob. 027 55 555 42