Author: HEF Admin


    "I believe it is time for us to speak up for what is best for families." family issue


    A new resource for families to contact MP’s
    Hi Barbara

    Family First NZ has launched a brand new resource for families.

    HAVE YOUR SAY helps you communicate with Members of Parliament by email. It is important that our elected representatives hear your voice on issues that are important to you and your family.

    The site is designed to make it easy for you to contact a politician/s when you feel strongly on a family issue.

    You have the option of either emailing your local MP (and the website will help you find your local MP simply by entering your street address!) or All MP’s or a select group of MP’s (e.g. from a particular party)

    The site contains some basic guidelines to avoid busy politicians receiving SPAM emails or emails that are irrelevant to them, and of course encouraging politeness in all correspondence :-).

    We hope that this will be a valuable resource so that our elected representatives hear your views and concerns.

    Please be sure to check it out

    Kind regards

    Bob McCoskrie
    National Director

  • Daycare Report Calls For Recognition of Effects on Children


    “Full-time parenting should be seen as a child’s right.”

    “New Zealand should undergo a timely and long overdue re-evaluation of motherhood.” – Dr Aric Sigman

    A new report examining daycare, and the new generation of research from the biosciences, argues that policymakers and governments are not presenting the full picture of the real-time effects of extended daycare on children.

    The report WHO CARES? Mothers, Daycare and Child Wellbeing in New Zealand was commissioned by the family group Family First NZ, and prepared by UK psychologist Dr Aric Sigman. Dr Sigman is a Fellow of the Society of Biology, and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. He has addressed the European Parliament Working Group on the Quality of Childhood in the European Union in Brussels, and has also presented research to the same group on the impact of electronic media on child and adolescent health. He authored a 2011 report, also commissioned by Family First, on the medical evidence of alcohol on young people, and which called for the drinking age in NZ to be raised to 21.

    In “WHO CARES?”, Dr Sigman argues that attending daycare for an extended time, and the consequent separation from parents, is a significant source of stress for many young children which could have potential long-term consequences for their mental and physical health as adults. He argues that what has previously proved elusive is an understanding of how the young child is affected emotionally and physiologically, and how they experience day care while they are actually there.

    “There is growing evidence of profound beneficial neurobiological effects a mother’s physical presence has on her young child that cannot be achieved by anyone else including paid childcare workers,” says Dr Sigman. “Mothers have been undervalued. NZ should undergo a timely and long overdue re-evaluation of motherhood.”

    Full-time parenting should be seen as a child’s right, and any discussion of daycare should cease communicating what is assumed adults are interested in and instead make judgments about what is likely to be in children’s best interests. Terms, such as ‘family-friendly policies’, ‘flexi-hours’ and ‘maternity leave’ often amount to meeting the needs of the parent and the economy, not the child.”

    The report makes a number of recommendations including:

    • discussions of childcare must have the wellbeing of the child as the main priority, not parental guilt
    • the current bias whereby the government invests in professionals to care for children while offering no tax breaks or economic incentives for parents who sacrifice careers and income to be full-time carers for their young children should be removed
    • full-time mothers should be recognised and valued, and full-time parenting should be seen as a child’s right
    • the quality of care should not be used to override or distract attention from the unavoidable fundamental issue of the quantity of care
    • paid parental leave should be extended considerably so that parents are not compelled to compromise good parenting because they have to work full-time to survive financially.

    Family First is welcoming the report, and says that with government spending on early childhood education almost tripling in the past ten years, it is essential that the benefits of the investment in ECE are weighed against the real needs of children and their families – based on the latest research.

    “This report provides compelling evidence that the political and policy focus has been on the needs of the economy and the demands on mothers, rather than on the welfare of children and the vital role of parents,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

    The Full Report can be downloaded from


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact:

    Bob McCoskrie – National Director Family First NZ    Mob. 027 555 5542

    Dr Sigman is also available for interview (UK-based)

  • A little common sense, coming from Britain – calls to change smacking laws

    “As usual, a little common sense, coming from Britain. ” – Ruby Harrold-Claesson

    Two articles:

    ‘Labour MP: Smacking ban led to riots because parents fear children will be taken away if they discipline them’
    * Tottenham MP David Lammy calls for return to Victorian laws on discipline
    * Parents are ‘no longer sovereign in their own homes’

    By Simon Walters

    Last updated at 11:32 AM on 29th January 2012

    Comments (525)

    The ban on smacking children must be overturned to help prevent a repeat of last summer´s riots, according to a senior Labour MP.

    Former Education Minister David Lammy, who represents the Tottenham area of North London where the disturbances started, says working-class parents need to be able to discipline their children physically to deter them from joining gangs and getting involved in knife crime.

    Calling for a return to the Victorian laws on discipline, Mr Lammy said parents were `no longer sovereign in their own homes´
    and lived under constant fear that social workers would take away their children if they chastised them.


    Boris Johnson has supported calls for a change in the law to allow parents to smack their children to instil discipline in their homes.

    Boris Johnson Photo: GEOFF PUGH

    The Telegraph

    ‘Boris Johnson backs calls for parents to be allowed to smack their children’

    Boris Johnson has supported calls for a change in the law to allow parents to smack their children to instil discipline in their homes.

    By Murray Wardrop

    9:52AM GMT 30 Jan 2012

    The Mayor of London said the current system left families feeling “anxious” that they would face prosecution if they attempted to impose authority over their children.

    Mr Johnson spoke after the Tottenham MP David Lammy claimed Labour’s 2004 decision to tighten up the smacking law was partly to blame for last summer’s riots, which erupted in his north
    London constituency.


    From the Smiths:

    Updated 30 January 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


    Needing help for your home schooling journey:


    Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:


  • Mississippi: Life Sentence for Spanking?

    We don’t want to see this in NZ either:

    Mississippi: Life Sentence for Spanking?

    Home School Legal Defense Association will continue to monitor a state Senate bill that could impose harsh penalties for parents who spank their children. Read more >>

  • New Zealand Food Bill 160-2

    “Liberty has never come from the government; it has always come from the subjects of it.
    The history of liberty is a history of limitation of governmental power, not the increase of it.”
    –Woodrow Wilson

    The Government is getting involved where it should not be – right into our homes and familes. We have to apply for an exemption to home educate our children, we can no longer use reasonable force to correct our children NOW they want to take our right to grow our own food from us. NOW is the time to ACT to protect this God given right. Who wants to apply for an exemption to grow food, save seeds, and even share the fruits of their labor with friends and family members?

    From Natural News

    The God-given human right to freely cultivate food is under attack in New Zealand (NZ) as special interest groups and others are currently attempting to push a “food security” bill through the nation’s parliament that will strip individuals of their right to grow food, save seeds, and even share the fruits of their labor with friends and family members.

    In accordance with the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Codex Alimentarius scheme for global food control, the NZ Food Bill, if passed, will essentially transfer primary control of food from individuals to corporations under the guise of food safety. And unless massive public outcry and awakened consciences within the NZ government are able to put a stop to it, the bill could become law very soon.

    According to NZ Food Security, a group working to protect the food freedom of New Zealanders, the bill will turn growing and sharing food into a government-granted privilege rather than a human right. It will also make it illegal to distribute any type of food based on the bill’s language. This includes seeds, nutrients, natural medicines, minerals, and even water — without expressed government permission.

    You see, agribusiness giants like Monsanto want full control of the food supply, which means putting an end to small-scale agriculture systems that operate “off the grid,” so to speak. This is why they have worked so hard in places like the US to convert conventional, staple crop systems to genetically-modified (GM) ones that are continually reliant upon new seeds and chemical interventions.

    As far as enforcement, the NZ bill also authorizes private companies to deploy “Food Safety Officers” that can raid private property without warrant…

    You can read a full summary of what the NZ Food Bill entails here:…

    What all this means, of course, is that the NZ government may soon be able to arbitrarily decide at any time to restrict individual freedom to plant vegetable gardens and share the produce with their neighbors, for instance. Even “cottage industries,” which include at-home food artisans, could be restricted under the new law.

    To learn more and to help defeat the NZ Food Bill, visit:

    This article was originally published at Natural News.

    Below is a petition you may like to sign:


    Sharing food is a basic human right.

    The Food Bill 160-2 will seriously impede initiatives like community gardens, food co-ops, heritage seed banks, farmers markets, bake sales, and roadside fruit & vegetable stalls.

    Sign this petition to show that you oppose Food Bill 160-2

    A link to the actual bill here –

    More information here –


    From the Smiths:

    Updated 10 December 2011: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


    Needing help for your home schooling journey:


    Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

  • Voice for Life website

    Voice for Life has a new look website:

    It has lots in it and members of Voice for Life or the public may sign up directly to the Voice for Life email newsletter here.
  • Candidate Survey: What are political candidates’ views on family issues

    Candidate Survey: What are political candidates’ views on family issues


    Before you vote for a politician or party, find out how they voted on laws affecting your family: Click on drop down box to check out both of the above

  • Mothers Are Victims of P.C. Rights Culture

    Family First NZ is rejecting comments by Celia Lashlie about mothers being too soft, and says that for most parents, the problem is that the authority and role of parents has been undermined and the concept of the ‘rights’ of young people has actually caused more harm than good.

    “Parenting has been put on trial in New Zealand as a result of dopey laws like the anti-smacking law, welfare payments like the Independent Youth Benefit, and the rights of young people being trumpeted as being more important than the role of the family,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

    “It seems we are no longer allowed to teach our children the concept of ‘respect’, and that is now showing in the way many young people deal with authority like the police and teachers.”

    “Parents are doing their darned best in difficult circumstances, knowing that they could be criminalised for setting boundaries and consequences, and then having a finger pointed at them by experts when young people play up.”

    “The lack of inaction on alcohol abuse and the drinking age is a perfect example of the political neglect when it comes to empowering families to protect their children,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    “As UK psychologist Aric Sigman said, parents, teachers, policemen, doctors, nurses now have to justify their actions like never before, and this just fuels young peoples’ views of their self-importance.”

    “Alcohol abuse by teenagers, risky behavior and dangerous driving, reports of knife attacks in primary schools, suspensions of new entrants for disobedience and aggression, and increasing levels of criminal assaults being committed by primary school age students is no surprise – and will worsen, especially when schools are pressured to accept and accommodate increasingly defiant and unacceptable behaviour by children, and as parental authority is undermined by politicians,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    “Celia Lashlie is correct in saying that there are ‘push-over parents’, but we need to address the far more important issue of how we are disempowering and demonising good parents.


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

    Bob McCoskrie – National Director

    Mob. 027 55 555 42

  • Stayin’ Alive 2011

    17000 abortions

    last YEAR

    only 100 adoptions:

    what’s happened to the adoption option?

    Stayin’ Alive workshop will

    dig into this issue and more

    starting this Friday at 6pm.

    It is not too late to Register!

    Remember it is only $30

    including food and


    Register Now for Stayin’ Alive Summer Workshop 2011.

    Thanks for your support,

    The Team at

    Kapiti Voice For Life

  • Colin Craig is a homeschool Dad!

    From Jillian Wilson a home educator in Auckland:

    Colin Craig is a homeschool Dad!

    Today I got talking to Colin’s wife, Helen. and I believe that Colin is a man of integrity and ability. They also homeschool their 6 year old daughter, Mckenzie.
    If your family would like to learn about government and the electoral process perhaps you might like to volunteer for a few hours this week at Conservative HQ, stuffing envelopes.  You might end up sitting next to a former mayor of North Shore Council, as I did, this afternoon :-)
    Conservative HQ is at 29 Gillies Ave, Epsom.  Volunteers can work from 9am this week. Ph 520 2082 or better still send a txt to Abigail on 021 024 89478.  Homeschoolers would be very welcome to come in and help during the day, when the office is fairly quiet.

    From the Smiths:

    New 14/11/11: Craig Smith’s Health page 6 click here

    Needing help for your home schooling journey:


    Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling: