Dear Friends,
Our friend in Sweden, lawyer Ruby Harrold-Claussen sent this to us. Please sign this pro-life, pro-family, pro-home education petition and send out through your networks as well.
Thanks a million.
Craig & Barbara Smith
Home Education Foundation
Ph. +64 6 357-4399
Sent: Thursday, 15 October 2009 5:54 a.m.
Subject: VB: One Million Names for the Unborn Child
Dear Friends,
I am forwarding this message to you, just in case you haven’t seen it before.
I received it this morning, and when I signed the petition I brought the grand total to 514 429. A minute ago, I visited the site once again, and now the grand total is 517,293 signatures!
Kind regards
—-Ursprungligt meddelande—–
Från: Austin Ruse []
Skickat: den 14 oktober 2009 08:12
Ämne: One Million Names for the Unborn Child
October 14, 2009
Dear Friend, I am writing with some wonderful news. We have relaunched the UN Petition for the Unborn Child and the Family and in only a few days have received 30,000 signatures. As you recall, last year we launched this petition, which gathered 467,000 names in just a few weeks. We presented this petition to the UN at a press conference, which was broadcast throughout UN headquarters. The petition calls for Member States of the UN to interpret the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as protecting the unborn child from abortion. It also calls for special protection for the family! These are ideas that are right out of the original Universal Declaration but that have been forgotten over time. We must remind them! We have relaunched the petition with the view to getting a total of 1 million names by December 1. That’s right; 1,000,000 names to stand up for the unborn child and the family. A few years ago opponents of the death penalty presented one million names and they received global attention. Certainly, we can get that many for the defenseless unborn child! I urge you right now to go HERE and sign the petition. You may have signed the petition last year. If so, the system will let you know. The key thing is to send this message to your friends and family and get as many pro-lifers to sign the petition as possible. Even if you have signed this petition already, I urge you to forward this message to everyone you can think of, your entire address book if you feel so called! Go HERE and sign the petition. And then send this message to EVERYONE! When you go HERE you will also see the petition is translated into 15 languages! So, if your friends are Spanish, Chinese, German, Croatian, or others, they can read and sign the petition in their own language. We must show the UN there is global support for the unborn child and the family. Please go HERE and send this message to every pro-lifer you know. Remember to pray for the success of this good work, too! Sincerely, Austin Ruse |
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