Tag: Child Abuse

  • Comments on TVNZ Online eye-to-eye: debate


    Well…I’ve watched this Eye2Eye program.

    It’s the usual useless sort of TV setup that uses a ‘crisis’ as a means of entertainment and solves nothing.

    Anyway…yes, Christine and Richard landed some good hits and got a bit of clarity, but at the end they both fell into a Marxist semantic trap, and unbeknown to themselves began arguing for the other side.

    They started using the language of State/Society ownership of children – “Our children, our babies…” etc, as though corporate man/class man/Marxist man has a greater interest and stake in the welfare of children than parents do, or that parents somehow raise children for the State. (‘State’ and ‘Society’ are intentionally capitalized because today ‘the State’ is the most powerful of modern gods). This view is utterly false and just indicates the degree to which Marxists have captured the language, and thus control the debate. Christine it seemed to me was statist in many of her statements, as was Willie in his closing comment, both effectively saying the State had to solve the problem. In fact ‘the cause of problem’ was never even identified. The swiftness with which they all (not sure about Richard) invoked State intervention at the end was worrying.

    To use Marxist language of State/Society ownership should be anathema to us, as it hands the debate to the Marxists who have the upper hand at the moment. We should look very carefully at all our language and expunge any Marxist terms from our vocab.

    Within the Biblical worldview that has controlled much of Western thought on parenting and children in the past, parents don’t ‘own’ children any more than the state does. God the Creator is the ultimate owner of everything, including children and their parents, and states. However, in this view, what parents do have which the state does not have (ideally a very limited state with little connection to modern day, all encompassing, Socialist States), is the God-given responsibility to raise ‘their’ children (in the sense of offspring rather than ownership) to be God honouring, law abiding, productive people who serve others. Children are given to parents on trust by God, and parents are to steward their children on behalf of God. Parents in many ways stand in the place of God to their children, as his representatives to them as guides, nurturers, and administrators of justice as defined by God. Neither parents nor children are creatures or possessions of States. Thus parents do not raise children and steward them as surrogates of the State.

    And ‘the cause of the problem’?

    It is not ‘environmental’, i.e., colonization, class oppression, disparity of incomes, poor education, hard births or tight nappies as a child. It is ‘internal’ in that humans are individually and corporately rebels against God, and work that rebellion out in a multitude of ways, one of which is for the image of God in children to be abused.

    Unfortunately Richard identified ‘poverty’ as one of the causes of child abuse. This is nothing but a thoughtless and unjustified slur on the myriads of parents throughout all time – the present being no exception – who have been poor but have not abused their children.

    ‘Poverty’ however is another great Marxist lever. Only they have redefined it to mean ‘relative poverty’. Thus, in the latest Investigate Mag, there is a critique of some social action group – clearly Marxist in orientation – who want to set the poverty level in NZ at ‘60% of the median household disposable income after housing costs.’ People with such an income aren’t poor, just relatively poor. They are actually incomprehensibly rich compared to the genuinely poor of the world. Unless their worldview allows for it or endorses it, the genuine poor who live in grinding poverty, are no more abusive than anyone else. We have the irony that the majority of those in the New Zealand Parliament (specifically including Sue Bradford and Helen Clark), and those in the highest positions appointed by the present Government (specifically Cindy Kiro) – all of whom are extremely wealthy, have a worldview that explicitly calls for and justifies the ultimate in child abuse. And so 18000 children are killed in their mother’s wombs every year in New Zealand. The gall of these people to brazenly say they are against child abuse and that poverty is a major cause, and yet exult over the wanton destruction of thousands of children, is almost beyond belief.

    Material wealth or poverty is not an indicator of the likelihood of abuse. Moral/spiritual poverty however is and this may also be externally expressed by drunkenness, drug addiction, crime (dishonesty, theft, violence), promiscuity, unwillingness to work, etc. All of these things head a person to material poverty, and mark some of the distinctions in the book of Proverbs in the Bible between the deserving and undeserving poor.

    The solution? The genuine conversion of violent, abusive individuals to the Christian Gospel, will over night remove those individuals from being abusive to others. If such conversion, with its accompanying transformation of the individual, does not occur and so does not remove the individual from the ranks of the abusers, then the abuse must be responded to as a matter of justice, of a wrong being committed against another. Unfortunately there is a problem at this level also, as today’s NZ Justice System not longer administers justice. Because of the rejection of its Christian roots grounded in the absolute standards of the Biblical worldview, it has lost all philosophical connection to real justice.

    For a number of reasons, the Christian analysis of the problem and solution to it, is not even considered by most today as having any relevance to public societal matters. Thus the real solution is locked away from ever being applied.

    All the best


  • Jail for man who tossed baby onto concrete path


    4:05PM Thursday May 29, 2008

    A man has been jailed for tossing his one-year-old daughter into the air and letting her fall on to a concrete path and slashing a relative with a machete when he went to the baby’s aid.

    Raymond Kereti Ratu, 22, was sentenced to 20 months imprisonment after pleading guilty in Tauranga District Court yesterday to assaulting a child, injuring with regardless disregard for the safety of others, and possession of an offensive weapon, The Bay of Plenty Times reported.

    Crown prosecutor Sheree Christensen told Judge Stephen O’Driscoll it was fortuitous that neither the baby, who suffered bruises and grazes to her head, and Ratu’s other victim, who required nine stitches for a cut to his hand, were not more seriously injured.

    She said Ratu became angry his partner had left him looking after their baby while she went off in a car with friends.

    On her return Ratu confronted her at the car and fearing for her safety she locked the door, angering him even more.

    He threw the baby into the air about 4m causing her to land on the concrete footpath.

    His partner drove off to a relative’s home to get help.

    On her return, when two relatives tried to divert his attention to take the baby, he lashed out with the machete striking one on the hand.

    The baby was taken to Tauranga Hospital and spent one night under observation.

    – NZPA

  • Woman charged with toddler’s murder


    Woman charged with toddler’s murder

    5:00AM Friday May 30, 2008

    A 26-year-old woman has been charged with murder following the death of a 22-month-old girl at a Dunedin house on Monday evening.

    The woman will appear in the Dunedin District Court today.

    Southern district crime manager Detective Inspector Ross Pinkham said emergency services were called to the St Kilda house about 5.45pm on Monday. He declined to say who made the call, what the toddler’s injuries were or the relationship between the woman and child.

    He also would not comment on whether the child’s parents had been spoken to or whether the deceased child lived at the house, but did say police had spoken to members of the toddler’s family.
    He said it was not appropriate to comment on whether Child, Youth and Family had been alerted before the child’s death.

    Mr Pinkham said inquiries were still to be completed and there was ongoing liaison with the child’s family.
    He would not comment on whether police were investigating anywhere else or whether anyone else could face charges relating to the death.

    A post-mortem examination had been carried out by Dunedin coroner David Crerar and police were waiting on the final results of that, he said.

    The body of the girl had been returned to family.

    Mike Fox, who lives nearby, said a middle-aged couple lived at the address and had done for the past year and a half. He understood they owned the home.


  • TVNZ Online-eye to eye: debate

    Hi Family Integrity
    I thought you might be interested in this debate broadcast on Sunday TV1 Eye to Eye. It involves Christine Rankin and Richard Lewis against Sue Bradford and Paora Maxwell on child abuse and the anti smacking law. I think Rankin and Lewis do a particularly good job.
    It can be viewed from this link
    Comments on tvnz online-eye-to-eye debate

  • NZ Herald editorial reeks of arrogance!

    Responding to the NZ Herald editorial this morning, Petition organiser & Kiwi Party leader Larry Baldock said the author’s opinion would change rapidly if they were a parent and had just received a visit from the Police or CYFS.

    “The author is right about one thing and one thing only. The law change has made no difference to the awful rates of child abuse it was intended to address. When it comes to the 48% of good parent’s in the survey that have admitted to still occasionally smacking their children it is not true to say it has been business as usual. We have heard tens of thousands of Kiwi Parents at our petition tables express that they now operate in a climate of fear. That is what this law change has done and the amendment of John Key has done nothing much to alleviate that.
    The NZ Herald shows an enormous contradiction in their attitude when they railed against the EFA and said it had to be repealed, but are prepared to allow the climate of fear to prevail over the majority of good Mums and Dads in this country with a do nothing about it attitude.

    By publishing the true and accurate accounts of those affected by this law, Bob McCoskrie at Family First has done everyone in this country a service. That is hardly alarmism. There have been many other stories identified but because of the fear of further consequences some have not wanted to publicly tell their stories.

    The arrogance and superior attitude behind the editorial statement “there are, as every sensible parent knows, better ways to correct bad behaviour, but if parents sometimes use more primitive means the law can be reasonable,” makes my blood boil. For thousands of years loving hard working parents have raised healthy well balanced respectful kids by using appropriate physical discipline and this journalist, with a stroke of their pen, feels so enlightened in our modern world to be able to pass judgement upon them by calling their parenting primitive. That is appalling!
    What will definitely create a primitive society and return to us the barbarianism of the past, is the failure to properly discipline children and teach them respect for authority.

    If the author is worried about the debate being stirred up all over again after the election and the referendum I would put their mind at rest. If the Kiwi Party is in a position to exercise influence over a National led government the Bradford Act will be gone by lunchtime. No drawn out select committee with submissions and debates. One session of urgency is all it will take, and good parents will be able to get on with the most important job in this country, that of raising good kids, without having to look over their shoulder all the time to see what liberal do-gooder might be watching and waiting to dobb them in.

    Finally I have to say how disappointing it was to see that the author was unwilling to put their name to their opinion piece. More than 350,000 Kiwis have been concerned enough about the Bradford anti-smacking law that they have placed their name to the petition in broad daylight. Some of them, like police, social workers and Plunket employees have done so while expressing a concern that there have been veiled suggestions that they should not be doing so.
    We undermine our freedom when we lack the courage to put our name to our convictions,” said Mr Baldock.


    Larry Baldock
    Party Leader Kiwi Party
    Phone: 021 86 4833
    Email: l.baldock@xtra.co.nz

  • Child deaths by neglect or violence from 1990 – 2001

    Child deaths by neglect or violence from 1990 – 2001

    Some statistics on Child Abuse cases in NZ before Section 59 was amended:


    In New Zealand more Maori children than any other nationality are killed by neglect or violence. From 1990 to 2001, for every 100,000 children in New Zealand 24 Maori children were killed, 12 Asian, nine Pakeha and six polynesian children.

  • Hansard – 16 May 2007 – 3rd reading Section 59

    Hansard – 16 May 2007 – 3rd reading Section 59

    Hansard – 16 May 2007 – 3rd reading Section 59
    Hansard is now up for the 3rd reading:


    or more specifically:

    Child Abuse—Child, Youth and Family Discretion

    Gordon Copeland— Resignation from United Future

    Crimes (Substituted Section 59) Amendment Bill
    Third Reading

    Points of Order
    Votes—Crimes (Substituted Section 59) Amendment Bill



    Or this link with coloured photos of MPs: