12 September 2007 – Family Integrity #293 — World Congress oniFamiliesen line Dear Friends,
If you have half an hour to spare, please watch this most encouraging video about the Fourth World Congress on the Family recently held in Warsaw, Poland. I nearly travelled there with a friend from California, but couldn’t pull it together at the last minute. This Video is filmed by a Latvian group and is in English. Latvia and Poland appear to be the two European countries standing firm against the EU push for recognition of “alternative” family types.
We who value and know that the traditional family is the cornerstone of society, of any nation, and who know that the present anti-family, anti-parent policies of this current government our country is cursed with are only going to self destruct in time, can know from this video that the curse we are experiencing is happening world wide and that there are some very capable people in high places working for what is right.
It may be that someone here in NZ can liaise closely with these groups, keeping us in the loop so that we can be of mutual help and encouragement for the struggles ahead.
Some of you will not be able to immediately get either of these links to work. I don’t know why it is that some people get these links doubled with “<” and “>” added to the front and back of the repeated url. If this happens to you, look carefully for the start and finish of the url before it starts repeating itself, select that group of letters, paste in your browser, and it should take you straight to the 28 minute video.
Craig Smith
National Director
Family Integrity
PO Box 9064
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Ph: (06) 357-4399
Fax: (06) 357-4389
Our Home….Our Castle
6 September, 2007 – Family Integrity #291 — $14 M ad campaign |
Gidday Friends,
Watch this short ad….it is your $14 Million the Government is using to make this ad and to air it on TV and to give Families Commissioner Rajeen Prasad something to talk about.
Craig Smith
National Director
Family Integrity
PO Box 9064
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Ph: (06) 357-4399
Fax: (06) 357-4389
Our Home….Our Castle
if Section59 is repealed – or replaced…
6 September 06, 2007 – Family Integrity #290 — Unity for Liberty; Rodney Report |
Greetings all,
Please read the following which I’m forwarding on behalf.
Craig Smith
Family Integrity
—–Original Message—–
From: Craig Hill [mailto:craighill@maxnet.co.nz]
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 3:02 PM
To: Craig
Subject: Unity for Liberty; Rodney Report
Hi All,
Arna Mountain has weaved some magic and is now setting the pace and it’s all happening again on Sat 15th Sept(). Here’s her report from Rodney’s Campaign
On Saturday 1 September from 9-12.00 noon a group of about 30 supporters from Unity for Liberty and Voice Rodney went out on the streets in Orewa, Whangaparaoa, Silverdale and Warkworth. With their placards and enthusiasm they asked people to sign petitions pushing for the two referendums. The group split and went to 4 different locations. Sports playing fields in Stanmore Bay,and outside The Plaza, Silverdale, and the Orewa shopping centre. There was also a group in the Warkworth Shopping area.
Although a little disappointed that so few people turned up we were very encouraged that 1174 signatures were collected in 3 hours.
People stopped their cars when they saw the placards and hopped out to sign the petitions. At times we had a number of people wanting to sign at the same time and they would wait till one the clip boards were free. Some shop assistants came over from the local supermarket to see what we were doing during their breaks. It was obviously a topic of conversation.
I think we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg of discontent. There are 1000’s out there who want to sign these petitions. They no longer want the government to intrude into their family life. They have gone too far!
We were fortunate that two reporters from local papers stopped and wanted photos and details of what we were doing.
I encourage others to start campaigns in their areas. It may seem formidable but 83% of the nation will be behind this and will support you, as many of us are finding out.
We are having another campaign in Rodney on Sat 15 September 9-12 noon. Please join us this time and make a difference. It is not hard to get signatures. Meet again.at 8:40am at Gateway Church Carpark, Red Beach Rd.
Arna Mountain
email rodney@unityforliberty.net.nz
All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing” (Edmund Burke 1729-1797)