FI – 337 – U4L; Assault Charge

6 January 2008 – Family Integrity #337 — U4L; Assault Charge

—–Original Message—–337
From: Craig Hill []
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 8:56 PM
Subject: U4L; Assault Charge

Hi All,

If you have not already heard through the media there was an incident at a table in Pukekohe on Friday. A woman tried to take and destroy collected signatures, the young lady manning the table managed to retrieve the signatures and was pushed to the ground in the process.

For your information, no doubt I will be accused of being negligent, however the young lady at the table is 18 years of age, not a child. Also, there was an on duty security guard who pulled the woman off the young lady. The media has already suggested the girl was only 16 years of age and was slapped.

Also, it must be noted that most of our volunteers are or have been woman and children. Sadly, the absence of men is quite noticeable. We have been deafened by their silence. It is my hope that as the deadline approaches we will see more men placing their hand to the plow.

For all those in the Auckland area, door knocking at Manurewa tomorrow night. This event will run on Monday nights until the end of February. Locations will change from week to week.
Meeting at Grand Vue Reserve (cnr Great South Rd and Grand Vue Rd, Manurewa) 6pm, door knocking from 6.30 to 8pm.
For more details, contact or phone 0210767211

Looking forward to seeing you.

Thank you,

Our Press release concerning the above incident,

Teenager Collecting Signatures Against Bradford Law Assaulted

4 January 2008

Unity for Liberty leader, Craig Hill, is stunned with the behavior of an opponent to the petition against the Sue Bradford anti-smacking law.

Mr Hill’s 18 year old daughter was pushed to the ground by a woman who was trying to destroy the petition forms that had been signed at a shopping centre in Pukekohe this afternoon.

An assault complaint has been laid to the Police.

“It seems ironic that people who claim they are against abuse have no problems assaulting a teenage girl,” says Mr Hill. “They seem unable to differentiate the difference between a smack and child abuse, and they also have no problem using unreasonable force on other people.”

Unity for Liberty has collectors throughout NZ collecting signatures demanding a Referendum against Bradford’s anti-smacking bill and demanding that the politicians tackle the real causes of child abuse.

Over 250,000 signatures have been collected already, and Mr Hill’s daughter has been collecting signatures every weekend over the past 5 months and during the holiday period.

For further details, contact:
Craig Hill 021 746 113
Unity for Liberty

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing
(Edmund Burke 1728-1797)


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