FI – 338 – U4L; This Weekend

11 January 2008 – Family Integrity #338 — U4L; This Weekend
—–Original Message—–
From: Craig Hill []
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 9:59 PM
Subject: U4L; This Weekend

Hi All,

It’s been a successful last two weeks, the Hawke’s Bay team are leading the way and averaging 200sigs a day. Larry Baldock had a terrific day today with approx 1500sigs.

Grand total will be on web tomorrow night, still waiting for update. Will be between 256,500 and 258,000, and with a good effort this weekend, we should be at 260,000 plus.

The new equation will be something like 1125 folk x 40 sig = 45,000

This weekend most areas are all go, go to for your local contacts


Our man in Wellington is working overtime to drum up some action, If anyone can help this weekend please contact him at

Wayne’s Invitation

Hi all. I trust you had a wonderful Christmas and pleasant start to the new year.

I realize that the timing and the holiday period may not be particularly good for some of us but I am planning on a big push in Wellington on Saturday 12 Jan. I propose the venue be Cuba Mall. This obviously would be weather permitting.

While we have had some success with setting up a table on the corner of Cuba & Manners mall, I feel we could do better actually in Cuba Mall itself. I am hoping to set up the table AND have folks move about the crowd with clipboards.

For this to happen we need a good number of volunteers. For the size of Wellington, this shouldn’t really be a problem.

Please could you consider being available for the 12th and if you know of others who would be willing to help, please could you involve them also. I really want to push this and bring our contribution up.

Many thanks


I thank all those for their effort so far, now lets drive this thing home, we’re in the home straight and looking good.

Craig Hill
021 746 113

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing (Edmund Burke 1728-1797)

A huge thanks to everyone that come door knocking last Monday night. Although the majority of the volunteers had never door knocked before, they went fantastically, and soon looked like pros.

Lets see if next Monday can go just as well. Meeting again at Grande Vue Reserve, we hope to finish off the Hill Park area. More volunteers welcome!

Hope to see you there.

South Auckland Door Knocking Group
Meeting together one night every week to assist in collecting the remaining 45,000 signatures for the Citizens Initiated Referendum (CIR) on smacking.

When: every Monday night over the Jan/Feb period. Meeting at 6pm, door knocking from 6.30pm – 8pm.
Where: around the South Auckland area. Location to be advised weekly.
Monday 14th January: We’re meeting again in Grande Vue Reserve, corner of Grande Vue Road and Great South Road, Manurewa
Bring: pens, petition forms, and a clipboard (if you own one). A limited supply of clipboards will be made available each week.
Email: For more information, or to commit to one or more evenings, please contact Gaylene or 021 076 7211.

HELP DO YOUR BIT FOR OUR COUNTRY’S FUTURE. We only need a weekly commitment from 40 people, in order to collect over 1,000 signatures each week. Imagine how many signatures we could collect with even more volunteers….