FI-370-U4L, Dodgy Results

30 April 2008 Family Integrity #370 — U4L, Dodgy Results

—–Original Message—–
From: Craig Hill []

Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 7:44 AM
Subject: U4L, Dodgy Results

Hi All,

It’s been a little while since I last sent out an email, as you would have heard on the news we have fallen short of the mark by approx 16 odd thousand.

The good news is that Larry Baldock has received 20 thousand, since the petition was handed in.

Our problem is and one must ask the question “How far does Helen Clark’s tentacles reach”.

For example lets quickly look at the math.

324,511 signatures were handed in.
29,501 signatures were scrutinized
25,754 legitimate signatures

Divide 324,511 by 29,501 equals 11 parts so one would think that multiplying the legitimate signatures by 25,754 by 11 would give us the final count.

25,754 x 11 = 283,294 signatures

The governments statistician has arrived at the figure of 267,000. Interesting!!!!

As I started this email, I received an unexpected call from a friends wife, she wanted to know the full story.

Then she went on to tell me her experiences collecting. She collected several hundred from work, targeting business areas in her lunch break and also collecting at local malls. She found that the typical ratio was about 1 in 100, very similar to reports from right round the country.

It’s very encouraging to hear these stories.

Will be back in contact soon with more updates from around the country as they come in.

Well done to all those who have placed their hand to the plow, “Remember, We’re almost there”. Let’s bring this home.

Thanks again,

Craig Hill
021 746 113

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing” (Edmund Burke 1729-1797)