From: Craig Hill []
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:52 PM
Subject: ***SPAM*** U4L; Collectible Cartoon No 1
Unity for Liberty is running a series of cartoons, depicting the predicted reactions towards the probable Citizens Initiated Referendum by all the major players associated with the passing of the Anti-Smacking Law.
Why The Referendum?
The New Zealand public need to be heard. Download petition here, click it, sign it, post it.
Don’t Forget The History!!!
The Majority of our Political Leaders refused to listen to the overwhelming majority of the population that was against the passing of the anti-smacking law in every possible poll.
Our Two Major Party Leaders forced their MPs to vote according to party lines instead of their own consciences.
Remember both Helen Clark and John Key whipped their parties to pass this law, if it were a true conscience vote the anti smacking bill would never have become law.
Craig Hill
P.S. This may be our last chance to use democratic process to bring accountability to our politicians, we need your signature now. Thank you