FI385-U4L; It’s now or never

30 May 2008 – Family Integrity #385 — U4L; It’s now or never

—–Original Message—–
From: Craig Hill []
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 7:51 AM
To: Craig; Craig
Subject: U4L; It’s now or never

Hi All,


*It has been a conscious effort on the part of Unity for Liberty not to
send out *too many e-mails* over the last few months. But now that we
are at the business end, all is becoming serious.

I would like to thank those who have placed their hand to the plow, it
has been through these efforts on your part that have put us on a
pathway to keep our politicians honest and restoring common sense to
this country.


*Larry Baldock explains the current situation below, please read._*

The new goal.

At least 370,000

The final plan.
We have until the end of June before the final deadline to resubmit the
petition with all the additional signatures.
However I am a little concerned that since they take 2 months to
complete the audit, and then there is another month allowance under the
Act before the Governor General sets a date I do not want to find that
the PM has set the election date and dissolved parliament before the
date for the referendum is set to coincide with polling day.

We know that the election won’t be before October 1st as that is when
all the lollies are given out from the budget .However parliament can be
dissolved 5 weeks before polling day.
This means Parliament could rise for the elections anytime from about
the end of Aug.
My own view, along with many others is that the elections will not be
until November 15th.
However it would be wise to get our signatures collected and in as soon
as possible.

If we have a good weekend over Queens’s birthday, our total could be
well over 360,000 by the first week of June. With a concerted effort
then for the two weeks of June we could reach our new target of 370,000
by about June 14th and be ready to hand them in.

I have had discussion with Craig Hill from Unity4Liberty about a final
effort in Auckland the weekend of June 7 & 8 through to June 14th. It
will be tables on footpaths in normal shopping areas, (not malls) for a
few hours everyday over lunchtimes.
Can I please hear from anyone who could volunteer some time for this in
Auckland or Hamilton to include efforts at Mystery Creek if we can get in.

/From Natalie, Southland/

I am calling on you all to make contact with people that you may know to
help collect signatures this week during the Gold Guitars in Gore. This
is a big event and some help would be super. There will be busking
Thursday, Friday and Saturday so I do need to plan with H&J Smith’s.
All that is required is a warm coat,gloves, hat and a smile. Come along
to The Gold Guitar events at the same time. Gore is the place to be this
Queens Birthday weekend. My prayers will be with you and your team this
weekend Andy.

Kind regards
Phone 0272174666

From Craig,

Yes, we are gearing up for a big push in Auckland and Hamilton. Looking
for all possible assistance.

Phone 021746113


Kind Regards

Craig Hill

“All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do
(Edmund Burke 1729-1797)