FII-345-U4L update 1 Feb 08

February 2008 Family Integrity #345 — U4L update 1 Feb 08

From: Craig Hill []
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 7:45 AM
Subject: U4L update

Hi All,

The ‘thems’ and ‘those’ are at it again.

Have you heard of ‘that website’? I overheard an anti smacker spreading propaganda on talk back. The comment of interest was “I’m getting tired of hearing Rodney Hide on radio, and listening to him promoting ‘that website’“.

This means that if we are that website then you must be those people. Lets bring on the referendum so we can show them how many of those are out there.One of them people explained to me that the law of the land should be decided by the majority, and then went on to say that 80% of NZer’s promoted the new law. I do hope the them folk will remain consistent with this view.

The thems are hurting, yet we the those have no interest in criminalizing them.

Keep up the good work, lets bring some order back to our land.

Coming events,

Manurewa Doorknocking Monday night, meeting between 6-6.15pm, collecting until 8.30pm.
on the 4th & 11th of Feb, we’re meeting at Wattle Farm Reserve, off Wattle Farm Road, Wattle Downs
A limited supply of clipboards will be available.
contact Gaylene: or 021 076 7211 for more information

Franklin A&P Show 15,16,17th Feb contact Craig or 021 746 113

West Auckland; Kumeu Beer and Wine Festival Sat 9th (to be confirmed)

Christchurch – Classical Sparks, 5th Feburary contact Andy

Katikata A & P show this Sunday Feb 3rd. Contact Travis & Tina Boyd 5491510

We very keen to get a team to the Martinborough fair in the Wairarapa as they have 20-30,000 attend there on Feb 2nd and March 1st. Contact Tony Arcus 06 3796668

Gore A & P Show this Sat Feb 2nd contact Natalie Souness 03 415 8243

Dannevirke A & P show Friday & Sat Feb 1st & 2nd contact Stephen 068578138

Te Puke A & P
show Feb 9th. Larry 021864833

Napier Art Deco week Feb 12-17th 021864833

And Natalie is also looking for helpers at the Waimumu Field Days Feb 13-15th

Also this weekend the Wellington Sevens. Friday -Saturday. There will be thousands all around the Cake Tin that will be ready to sign.
Contact Wayne 049775501

A & P Show Taumaranui Feb 9th Barb and Larry will be there but need to leave after lunch so we would appreciate someone who could take over then for us.

A & P show Te Puke Feb 9th. Larry 021864833

Fielding Field Days March 13th & 14th

Dragon Boat Festival Wellington March 16th

The Dargaville Field Days Feb 28-March 1st is also a good gathering I am told.

Last Weeks Numbers:

South Auckland 1750
Parachute 1850
Catlins 800
Wellington 399
Hamilton 84
Westcoast 178
Chch 228
Rodney 270


There will be no email update next week, as we will be off air until the 12th February.

Thank you,

Craig Hill


All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing” (Edmund Burke 1729-1797)