From Family First-CIR Petition

3 weeks to go

95% of the signatures required already collected

Only 15,000 to go

Let’s not fail at the last hurdle!

The organisers of the two petitions demanding a Referendum on both the anti-smacking law and the need to target the real causes of child abuse need to deliver 300,000 signatures on BOTH petitions to Parliament by Feb 29 (last day of Feb).

Family First wants to help them achieve that target, and to make this issue not only the political issue of 2007 but also of 2008!

Would you consider :

1. Printing off the petition form containing the 2 petitions

2. Getting as many signatures as you can on both petitions

3. Sending them in to the address at the bottom of the petition form as soon as possible – but at the latest by Feb 22 . (Even forms only half filled should still be sent in as soon as)

We believe the politicians need to listen to the voice of the NZ public on this issue.

Thanks for your support. It has been a phenomenal effort.

Kind regards

Bob McCoskrie
National Director