Kiwi Party leader outlines first five pledges.

Addressing his party’s annual conference today, party leader Larry Baldock announced their first five priorities for action they would be working on after the election.

“Our number one priority is of course to stop the criminalisation of good parents by repealing the anti-smacking law. This has to be the most anti-family socially destructive legislation parliament has passed in a long while. Completing the petition to force a referendum was always only going to be the first stage of the battle,” said Mr Baldock

“It is simply not good enough for John Key to say he supports the peoples’ right to have their voice heard in a referendum without committing his Government to abide by the result.

“In fact when National’s leader John Key announced their pledge of 10 policy items at their conference last weekend not a single one of them addresses any of the social engineering Labour has forced upon the nation in the past 6 -9 years.

National surely is the party to maintain the status quo, easy she goes, don’t rock the boat.
It is essential therefore that the Kiwi party is able to exercise influence over National after this years election if voters want to see the social engineering of Labour repealed.

“Our message to the voters in this election is this, give the Kiwi party your support on Election Day and the Bradford anti-smacking law will be gone by lunchtime. Once the law has been repealed we must then get serious about the nations child abuse by appointing a Royal Commission  to understand and address the wider causes of family breakdown, family violence and child abuse in response to the more than 300, 000 kiwis that signed our petition on this matter.

“Then we must restore our democracy by ensuring that we can have binding referenda on controversial issues. It must never happen again that more than 90% of our elected representatives could ignore 80% of the population ever again……….

Contact Larry Baldock
Party Leader


One response to “Kiwi Party leader outlines first five pledges.”

  1. Yes, it is a great idea to fix the smacking law. But they aren’t the only party promising to do so. The Family Party is just as strong on this, with the added bonus that Christianity is actually written into our constitution (unlike Kiwi or UF) to ensure the party cannot ever be hijacked by other agendas.

    It will be interesting to read his entire speech when it becomes public.

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