Family Integrity #488 — MARCH FOR DEMOCRACY Update
For Your Information, information from Family First NZ
Craig & Barbara Smith
From: []
Sent: Friday, 13 November 2009 3:24 p.m.
Please spread the word this weekend. Families are worth marching for!
1. Another s59 Review-Same Sales Pitch
Media Release – Family First 11 November 09
Key points
* The SEVENTH review of this law in just over 2 years, and another to come in less than a month!
* Simply looks at figures but still fails to interview parents and families reported, investigated, and some even prosecuted. What is the effect of the law on them?
Family First is labelling the latest report on the anti-smacking law as the ‘Ostrich’ report – the head in the sand report – a non-independent report by a government department on behalf of the government trying to justify a flawed and ineffective law . Ironically they’re trying to justify a law by saying it’s doing nothing ! And most disturbingly the child abuse and assault rates march on – which the report acknowledges. There’s plenty of evidence of investigation and persecution of good parents already provided by Family First, but the bottom line is that the politicians are trying to justify criminalising an action that the overwhelming majority of NZ’ers don’t believe should be criminalised. We have never had so many reports trying to justify a law change ! As was famously stated, you can put lipstick on a pig but its still a pig! NZ’ers want the real causes of child abuse tackled – and urgently.
Tell our elected representatives to represent families
This weekend, at church or any social group that you may be attending, could you print out some flyers and distribute them. They have all the details you need (shown below)
The originals can be downloaded from the website and click on Banners . The flyers are available as a single page or 2-up and 4-up for easy printing and distributing. Drop them in the local letterboxes or leave on the counter of any shops that give you permission. There’s also a selection of attention=grabbing posters on the website that you can download and print as well!
3. Volunteers Needed
If you would be available on the day of the March to either
* assist with security, people flow, giving out tickets for prizes, and protection of stage equipment etc (you even get a free t-shirt to keep as a momento!!)
* help carry two Family First banners as you march up Queen St (needs 5 people per banner)
please email as soon as possible, and we’ll email the details. Make it a team effort!
Thanks for your help. Democracy is worthing speak up for!
See you at The March!!
Check out the website for lots of other information and details.
Have a great weekend
Bob McCoskrie
National Director