28 June 2009
Referendum Cost Unfortunate Outcome of Political ‘Deafness’
Family First NZ is not surprised by a poll today that says that 77% of NZ’ers think the Referendum is a waste
of money, and says that the government should save the taxpayer $9 million on a postal referendum and
simply fix the anti-smacking law now as demanded by 80% of kiwis.
“It is incredible that in the midst of a recession, the government will be spending that amount of money to tell
them what they already know – that the law should be fixed,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family
First NZ.
“But that is the unfortunate price of ‘political deafness’. The blame for having to even have a Referendum is
pointed fairly and squarely at the politicians. Even supporters of the Referendum would say that the
Referendum is a waste of money – but completely necessary in the circumstances.”
“The Referendum has resulted in a huge amount of time, energy and resources being spent collecting the
300,000-plus signatures to force the Referendum in the hope that the government would be spurred to amend
the law and target the real causes of child abuse. Unfortunately they remained deaf.”
“The law can be easily fixed by removing the criminality of parents who use reasonable force for the purpose
of correcting their children.
“The politicians have tried to paint the Referendum as confusing. They should try explaining the anti-smacking
law to parents,” says Mr McCoskrie.
“NZ’ers are crying out for politicians to listen to the voice of the people and to tackle the real causes of child
abuse, without criminalising and threatening good parents with investigation and interference from already
overworked police and CYF social workers,” says Mr McCoskrie.
For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:
Mob. 027 55 555 42