The forcible taking of children into care and other interventions from the social services in Sweden

The forcible taking of children into care and other interventions from the social services

Child prisons? In Sweden?
By Siv Westerberg

Report from “The Family Education Trust”
By Lynette Burrows

The Folly of Sweden’s State Controlled Families
Siv Westerberg’s lecture to The Family Education Trust, London, 19/6 1999.

Spectre of Children’s Gulag haunts Sweden
By Chris Mosey

DSS Snatched Child Prodigy – Searching for Another ‘Adoption Bonus’?
By Evelyn Reilly, Massachusetts News

Newborn Snatched By DSS From Parents Who Were In Hiding
By Ed Oliver

The Christine Case
Collection of articles from Associated Press and Fight CPS and Win

Destruction of the Natural Family
By Pamela Gaston

Child died in foster home
By Marianne Sigström

Taking children into care in Sweden
By Linda Ärlig

Enfuriated mother attacked social worker
By Ruby Harrold-Claesson

Barnstable Mother Exposes DSS Abuses
By Eric Darbe, Massachusetts News

Rebecca’s Christmas. A tale of evil from real life
By Ann-Louise Hansson


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