Tag: Sweden
Sweden’s State-Sponsored “Kidnapping” of 7-year-old Homeschooler Approaches One Year Anniversary
A Review of the Egregious December 2009 Court Decision Allowing Social Services to Keep Little Domenic in State Custody It was one year ago today, June 25, when armed police, at the behest of Social Services of Gotland, stormed an Indian bound jetliner in Stockholm, Sweden, and forcibly removed the Johansson family. Their crime? They…
Stop beating on Sweden’s parents!
Stop beating on Sweden’s parents! By Caroline Olsson Translation: Ruby Harrold-Claesson, Lawyer, President of the NCHR This article was previously published on the Swedish Internet Site, Newsmill.se – 2009-12-03 http://www.newsmill.se/artikel/2009/12/03/sluta-sla-pa-sveriges-foraldrar Swedish authorities and legal institutions have a negative attitude towards parenthood, which is not good for the relationship between children and parents. Many children need…
The forcible taking of children into care and other interventions from the social services in Sweden
http://www.nkmr.org/english/archives_1_forcible_taking_of_children_into_care.htm The forcible taking of children into care and other interventions from the social services Child prisons? In Sweden? By Siv Westerberg Report from “The Family Education Trust” By Lynette Burrows The Folly of Sweden’s State Controlled Families Siv Westerberg’s lecture to The Family Education Trust, London, 19/6 1999. Spectre of Children’s Gulag haunts Sweden…
Children’s rights in the society
Ruby Harrold-Claesson sent us this translated article: http://www.nkmr.org/english/childrens_rights_in_the_society.htm Children’s rights in the society By Annette Westöö, Göteborg This year, marks the thirtieth year since Sweden became the first in the world to prohibit child-smacking. The law has attracted much attention internationally and Sweden is considered in large parts of the world as a pioneer country…
New Zealand continues to follow Sweden
From Family First NZ Media Release: https://familyintegrity.org.nz/2008/eight-smacking-prosecutions-in-six-month-period/ “According to the Police Executive Meeting 6 Month Review papers, there have been no prosecutions for ‘smacking’, but the paper (Official police papers) says that “eight ‘minor acts of physical discipline’ events against children were prosecuted with six yet to be resolved.” This is what Ruby Harrold-Claesson informed…
Discredited Anti-Smacking Advocate Back in NZ
MEDIA RELEASE July 2008 Discredited Anti-Smacking Advocate Back in NZ Family First NZ says that Canadian researcher Joan Durrant, who is currently in NZ as a guest of the anti-smacking lobby, has been discredited with her claims made during the anti-smacking debate. “In fact, her evidence was not even accepted in her home country of…