What happens when your teenage daughter decides to go out with a boy racer in the middle of the night. You ask CYF for help but they won’t help and say that you simply have an anger problem! And then when you do take action as any responsible parent would do, your child makes wild claims about what you’ve done to her. Why did the Prime Minister’s ‘Latta Review’ completely misrepresent the facts of this case? Are the politicians hiding the true effect of the anti-smacking law?
WATCH this 4-minute clip. And don’t think that it couldn’t happen to you or other parents of teens.
“What causes me concern is that very good parents who have no history of criminal offending do appear from time to time to be particularly caught up in a net which has been cast too wide.” Michael Bott (Lawyer)
This seventh short clip is this week’s example of “10 Good Reasons to Change the Anti-Smacking Law.”
Watch the FULL documentary (click on image below)
WHAT CAN YOU DO? At the very least, find out which political parties will fix the law to protect good parents.
It’s time we held the politicians to account on a failed law which is doing more harm than good. It’s time the politicians listened to YOU!
Kind regards
Bob McCoskrie
National Director – Family First NZ