Category: Uncategorized

  • Detox from c. j.ab

    Detoxing from Spike ProteinTransmission, Masks, PCR Tests, Jab This is incomplete and I will be adding to it as I find out new things, and deleting those things that have been shown not to work. I am not qualified in any way to be doing this except that I have started collecting anything I find…

  • Petition to the Church to Re-Open

    We submit to you that the governmental responses to the SARS CoV 2 virus have been in error. They have followed the precedent set by communist China for responding to a potential pandemic rather than a Biblical precedent. In doing so, they have acted ultra vires their God-given jurisdiction in these ways: A. By requiring…

  • Global Christian Home Education Online Conference August 17-21 2020 Mark your calendar! August 17-21, 2020 Cost is only US$20! Unlimited, Lifetime Access Pass Registration is OPEN! Features include: • Passionate speakers that pour out words of life into parents • Edifying Facebook community group where homeschool parents can interact with speakers, vendors, and homeschooling parents from around the world. • Online “vendor hall”…

  • Free Online International Home Schooling Conference 13-19 July 2020

    Has the Covid-19 pandemic affected your family life and found yourself accidentally homeschooling? We can’t deny that this crisis has affected so many lives in one way, shape, or form. Some are better prepared than others, while some are struggling to keep afloat. Things changed quickly in the educational world. And if you find yourself…

  • The Ministry of Education’s latest recommendations for Sexuality Education in schools

    1. Ministry of Sexualisation. 2. Gender theory taught to 5 year olds. 3. Gender clinics, and secrets kept from parents. 4.Sexuality forced into every subject even maths


    What happens when your teenage daughter decides to go out with a boy racer in the middle of the night. You ask CYF for help but they won’t help and say that you simply have an anger problem! And then when you do take action as any responsible parent would do, your child makes wild…

  • Smacking law is stupid: Colin Craig

    STACEY KIRK Share Opinion poll: Click here to anwer this poll: Should the anti-smacking law be repealed? Vote Result Conservatives leader and Albany businessman Colin Craig. Conservatives party leader Colin Craig has as good as confirmed a change to the anti-smacking law will be a bottom line if his party finds itself in a…

  • Submissions published for the Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill

    The 578 submissions for the Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill are here so far:  View all evidence (including submissions) “Evidence put forward to select committees as part of their consideration of individual items of business, including submissions from the public. Only evidence that has been released by a committee will be…

  • Marriage Website Launched

    This site is down at the moment Here is a post from their Facebook page: “Our web host just informed us that the Denial of Service attack our site sustained this morning was the largest in NZ history. Our tech team is in the process of moving the site to a more resilient offshore server.”…


    it in your browser. HAVE YOUR SAY A new resource for families to contact MP’s Hi Barbara Family First NZ has launched a brand new resource for families. HAVE YOUR SAY helps you communicate with Members of Parliament by email. It is important that our elected representatives hear your voice on issues that are…