Belgium’s Child Euthanasia Sends Clear Warning
Media Release 14 Feb 2014: Family First NZ says that the passing of the child euthanasia law in Belgium sends a clear warning of just where these laws will end up, and NZ should reject any attempts by politicians to decriminalise euthanasia. “International evidence shows that deaths by assisted suicide and euthanasia have been increasing wherever the practices have been legalised, and that the door is opened to a world of
abuse. There is a slippery slope, and the Belgium decision shows just how slippery that slope is,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.
“And that slippery slope will quickly impact NZ. Labour MP Maryan Street, who intends to reintroduce her bill to decriminalise euthanasia after the general election, was recently quoted as saying: Application for children with a terminal illness was a bridge too far in my view at this time. That might be something that may happen in the future, but not now. This means that she isn’t ready to propose euthanasia for children with disabilities just yet, but that will soon change.”
“The euthanasia lobby always claims that it’s about the issue of choice, but the international evidence and experience prove otherwise. Now the coercion is aimed at children, and at the parents during a very difficult time. A Belgium Senator (left) even admitted that during the debate, euthanasia supporters talked about children with anorexia, mental illnesses, and children who were tired of life. Belgium has the same so-called safeguards in their law as Marian Street is proposing. Nonetheless, a 2010 study found 32% of euthanasia cases were carried out without request or consent. In fact, last month Dr Mark Cosyns, a leading euthanasia doctor, admitted to not reporting the many euthanasia deaths that he has done. Belgium is unable to control or prevent the abuse of the existing law. Now they have expanded it to impact children.” READ MORE
BBC News – Belgium votes euthanasia for children – no age limit
NZ euthanasia campaigner wants euthanasia for children
3 News / LifeSite News 17 Feb 2014: The champion of euthanasia in New Zealand says Belgium’s bold move of euthanising children is already happening here. Lesley Martin says the only difference here is it’s happening covertly, and without official sanction. But she’s keen to see us follow the country that’s now gone the furthest of any when it comes to giving children the right to die. Professor Michel Ghins (anti-euthanasia Belgium) agrees, but believes those rights are to life. He says the Belgian law should sound as a warning to other countries tempted to legalise adult euthanasia. “Once the step has been made it’s very difficult to prevent all kinds of extensions to take place.” New Zealand parliament has debated euthanasia twice and refused to take the first step. The palliative care council is also opposed, it says treatment to relieve symptoms can have an unintended consequence of hastening death, but this is not euthanasia. Lesley Martin’s assertion has been contested by Dr. David Richmond, emeritus professor of geriatric medicine and spokesperson for Euthanasia-Free NZ. He believes that the Australia and New Zealand Society for Palliative Care “would strenuously deny that terminally ill children are deliberately overdosed with medication so as to bring about their early death.” Martin’s allegation, he says, is a deliberate attempt at “trying to convince the New Zealand public that there is already widespread use of euthanasia in New Zealand,” in order “to soften them up for the re-introduction of the End of Life Choice Bill or its successor.” READ MORE
Euthanasia has a proven ‘slippery slope’ – Sue Reid
Dominion Post 18 Feb 2014: Mother, social commentator and writer for Family First NZ Sue Reid lost her son when he was seven days old. Her experience helped convince her New Zealand should not follow Belgium in allowing euthanasia for children.
“…Suffering doesn’t belong in a nice neat little box with a clean end. Parents have more chance of peace of mind, post-death of a child, by walking through all the palliative care options and knowing they did all they could… Palliative care provides new and powerful medications for many ailments to ensure health-challenged children are comfortable with minimum pain. Those that may respond with “why would you let your child suffer?” clearly underestimate and misunderstand suffering. Suffering in life doesn’t have nice, neat answers so a law like that of Belgium blindsides a healthy community rallying to foster support for loved ones. Civilised and compassionate countries like New Zealand should nurture a ‘culture of life’. READ MORE of this excellent Op-Ed
WATCH Plea from a child to a King: Stop Child Euthanasia
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