Around the world there is an increasing push to remove the ability for people to decline vaccines for themselves or their dependents for religious reasons. Why? Because no churches have statements objecting to vaccines for any reason.1, 2
However, there are valid reasons why people would object to vaccines—the foremost of which is the use of aborted babies in vaccines. If churches would make statements about the use of aborted babies in vaccines it would empower those who would decline vaccines to do so. It would also provide assistance in the fight against government mandated or coerced vaccination and even to appeal to private businesses to rethink their coercive policies.3
Please consider taking these actions.
A. Print, fill out, sign and give the petition to the leadership of your local church.
B. Send the petition to all your Christian contacts in the world asking them to do the same.
The petition is designed to be signed by individual Christians anywhere in the world and given to their local church. It asks their church to: one, make a statement opposing the use of fetal cell lines in vaccines and mandatory or coerced vaccination and two, communicate this opposition with the congregation and with the appropriate politicians.
The petition is designed to accomplish these things:
1. Raise awareness of the issue of the use of fetal cell lines in vaccines.
2. Alert people so that they are ready to fight against mandatory/coerced vaccines.
3. Create a ground swell of churches making statements on this issue (and posting them on their websites) to empower people to fight against mandatory/coerced vaccination.
4. Raise an objection to mandatory/coerced vaccines with the state pre-emptively.
These four things will create a good foundation for if/when further appeals need to be made to the state not to force or coerce vaccination.
One response to “Petition asking the church to make a statement about the use of aborted babies in vaccines”
I do not consent to having aborted baby cells or other unclean pollutants injected into my family
I also the SDA church should be against this satanic practice