FI-353-CIR Update 22

23 February 2008 Family Integrity #353 — CIR Update 22

From: Larry Baldock []
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 9:02 AM
Subject: CIR Update 22


Hi Everyone,

Well it was great to announce that we had 322,752.

The last two weeks we have averaged over 10,000 per week, with 6,000 coming in on Wednesday alone.

That is just fantastic, well done everyone.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could make it to 330,000 by Friday when I deliver them to Wellington!

If you are going to be anywhere near the steps of Parliament at this Friday 29 Feb I will need a hand to carry about 40 boxes up the stairs.

You must let me know though if you are coming so I can make sure we do not have anyone sneaking in and running away with a box or two.

Please call me or email to register your plan to join us.

Some of you may have seen the interview my wife and I gave on Close up on Thursday night. In case you missed it the link is below.

Close up interview

And then this is the full press conference from Friday. TV1 and 3 did not cover much of it I am afraid.

The Announcement

Q&A 1


For those in the Sth Island, we will be holding our Kiwi Party Conference on Sat March 1st and I plan to begin with a review of the petition process and celebrate what has been accomplished. We will be honouring a few individuals also who have made a great contribution. If you would like to join us, even just for that part of the program, just come along. Details are on the website.

I’ll be in touch again after the delivery.


Larry Baldock

Party Leader

The Kiwi Party