Family Integrity # 168 — Correction This is being debated in Parliament at the moment

Family Integrity #168 — Correction

Dear all,

I sent out the wrong link for listening live to Parliament’s debates over the internet.

The proper link is:
Parliament is sitting today from 2pm to 6pm and again from 7:30pm to 10pm. This link above is good during those times.


Craig & Barbara Smith
National Directors
Home Education Foundation
PO Box 9064
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Ph. +64 6 357-4399
Fax +64 6 357-4389

Serving, promoting, defending, publishing and lobbying for Christian and secular home educators in NZ and overseas since 1986.

Family Integrity # 166 — Press Release

Family Integrity #166 — Press Release

Family Integrity Calls For Dumping Of Bill

Wednesday, 21 February 2007, 10:25 am
Press Release: Family Integrity

With the current Section 59 in place, correction of children is the only acceptable excuse for using force with children. But Green MP Sue Bradford now says that correction of children is the one thing she wants to see specifically forbidden. She is happy to justify parents using reasonable force to prevent bad behaviour, but not to correct it.

The repeal lobby’s rhetoric has tried to make us believe it was the “reasonable force” they wanted to ban. Their real agenda has been revealed in the Select Committee’s amended version of Section 59 which Bradford help to write. It is the correction of children they want to ban, not the use of reasonable force. In their minds parents may compel children to stop behaving in a certain way, but they must not compel children to behave in a certain way.

The repeal lobby’s re-write of Section 59 tolerates parents using reasonable force to prevent their children from conforming to harmful, criminal, offensive and disruptive behaviours. But they will not tolerate parents using reasonable force to ensure their children conform to obedient, honest, righteous and respectful behaviours. An agenda that is more anti-parent, anti-family, in fact, one that is more foolish, illogical, non-sensical and counter to all that makes for a peaceful and orderly society would be hard to imagine.

Dump this ridiculous Bill to repeal Section 59 once and for all.

Craig Smith
National Director
Family Integrity

Family Integrity # 165 — Wagner eletter discouraging


I just received a form e-letter from Nicki Wagner, one of National’s two MPs on the Select Committee which looked at Bradford’s Bill to repeal Section 59.

Sadly, it looks to me like National have pretty much swallowed the repeal lobby’s propaganda that Section 59 is all wrong and needs changing. They only disagree in how it should be changed.
Here is an excerpt from Wagner’s email:

“Sue Bradford’s Members Bill to repeal Section 59 of the Crimes Act, commonly known as the Anti-Smacking Bill is a response to the widespread belief that “something has to be done” to stop child abuse in New Zealand and the public have been extremely interested in shaping this legislation.

Many of the submissions heard were reasonable and rational. Many were impassioned. Some conclusions came from in-depth study and expert research, and others from deeply personal and traumatic experience. Some submitters quoted the bible, and its texts were used to support all shades of opinion. Some arguments were sophisticated and scholarly. Others were simple, but based on valued family traditions. Knowing that many children were living in violent homes, we were looking for a way to keep them safe, without interfering in the thousands of households where ordinary parents are doing a good job in bringing up their kids.

And that of course was the problem. How do you make a law that can control or shape the personal and very intimate relationship between parent and child? A relationship that involves 24 hour, 7 days a week, care and attention over a period of years. How do you devise a law that is relevant at all times, under all conditions, and in each and every circumstance? Logic, says you can’t, unless it is a really general statement and, of course, the law requires specifics if you want to enforce it objectively.”

So Wagner appears here to be happy to help formulate a Bill that seeks to allow the state to “control or shape the personal and very intimate relationship between parent and child”. While she admits logic is against the task, it is not the logic of “the state has no business trying to control or shape the way I relate to my own children.” It is the logic of how to do it. She then answers the problem: “a really general statement.” That is precisely what Section 59 is today as it stands. That’s why it has served NZ so well for so long.

But even National appears to approve of the state controlling or shaping your family dynamics. This is totalitarianism at work.

Wagner goes on to take a shot at what the Green and Labour members of the Select Committee came up with and then offers National’s amendment they hope will be accepted after the second reading: an amendment written by Geoffrey Palmer, and ex-Labour MP. I do not like this amendment. Wagner wrote:

“So after nine months of agonizing over this bill, hours of hearing submissions, debate, argument, and expert advice, the majority of the select committee (not the National party members) has come up with a nonsense, a long string of words that says everything and nothing. At present, if the bill passes, a boy throwing a tantrum and bashing his little sister around the ears with a hearth brush can be taken to his room, but cannot be given a smack on the hand or the bottom and told not to do it again. This is because any use of force for the purpose of correction is made illegal by the bill.

In an attempt to find common sense middle ground National is proposing an amendment which
Criminalises force which inflicts harm that is more than transitory and trifling. (A common law phrase which is limited to reddening of the skin – but does not allow any bruising or worse injury.).

Only allows a section 59 defence to operate on the most minor of assault charges – on the basis that serious assaults would incur more serious charges and section 59 would not apply.
Prevents the use of implements to discipline children- because even a wooden spoon can inflict different degrees of injury in different hands.

Does not allow force to be used in a manner that is cruel, degrading or terrifying, and so deals with the emotional and psychological aspects of punishment.

The amendment has been drafted by Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Palmer and the Law Commission. Sir Geoffrey has said that the amendment would “ lower the bar considerably on what is covered by section 59, and would be a very significant change to the law as it currently stands.”

We believe that this debate is not about whether smacking children is the best form of correction, it is about whether parents should be safe from prosecution if they decide to smack their children. We think that the law should be clear and that prosecution should not be left to the whims of CYFS, the police or any other individual with an axe to grind.
Nicky Wagner MP
National Party Parliamentary Office
Room 2.045 Parliament Buildings
Nicky.wagner@parliament.govt .nz
For the latest news “

Well, sadly, since Palmer’s amendment will “lower the bar considrably on what is covered by Section 59”, it will also lower the type of whim CYFS will need to justify interfering in families than ever before. And people like this present writer who believes implicitly in Proverbs 22:15, will be thoroughly criminalised because I believe an implement is necessary.

Why can’t they just leave Section 59 as it is?


Craig Smith
National Director
Family Integrity

Family Integrity # 164 — Listen in to Debate over Section 59 Bill Wednesday

Greetings all,

The Second Reading for Bradford’s Bill to repeal Section 59 is happening this Wednesday evening, 21 February by all accounts. It appears to be the second Bill in the queue for the debate as listed on the Parliamentary Order of the Day. The proceedings will be broadcast on radio and internet. Parliament will be in session on Wednesday 21 Feb from 2pm to 6pm and from 7:30pm to 10pm.

Listen to the House in session
You can hear the House in session on the radio and on the internet.
Radio New Zealand broadcasts the House in session live on the AM Network.
Radio New Zealand region—–Channel
Auckland——————————-AM Network 882
Napier———————————–AM Network 909
Wellington—————————–AM Network 657
Christchurch————————–AM Network 963
Dunedin——————————–AM Network 900

For internet live streaming, find link at:

Fire off those last-minute emails and letters to the MPs now!

Craig Smith
National Director
Family Integrity

Family Integrity # 163 — URGENT – Section 59-Second Reading possibly in 4 Days-February 21


SECTION 59 – Second Reading – Possibly in 4 Days time – February 21

Make your voice heard today

Fax, email, send letters and phone your MP or all MPs this week. This link will help you find all the relevant contact details:>.

There needs to be a ground swell of people writing to the MPs for it is they who will be voting on this bill. Let us swamp the MPs this week between today and Tuesday with Letters, emails, faxes and phoning the MPs office in Parliament. Let us all stand up this week and be counted and heard by the MPs. So…….

1. Let us all make one more concerted effort to write/visit/phone/fax our MPs. All MP contact details can be found at: Tell the MPs you are totally opposed to the repeal or the amendment of Section 59. Ask them to leave Section 59 just as it is and to simply dump Bradford’s Bill as it is far too damaging to families.

2. Contact should be via:
Consider sending an email to all the MPs using this link: OR
LETTER: A very effective way to lobby, no stamp required for your own MP.
FAX: This costs a bit more and is time consuming but effective.
PHONING: This is much easier to do than it would seem. You just ring the MPs office and say “Please add my name to the list of people you have who are against the Repeal or amendment of Section 59”. You have to give your name of course and that is it.
VISIT: This is by far the hardest to do for some people. But this is most certainly the most effective way to lobby. We are fast running out of time for visiting our MPs. Only one Saturday before February 21 now.

3. Take a look at this Family First website. Family First is calling for people to advertise in papers: Protect parents from Bradford’s anti-smacking Bill. Would you be willing to SPONSOR one of these advertisements in your local newspaper OR in a major newspaper? Click here for more information

4. These are the days that Section 59 could come up in Parliament if the second reading vote is not February 21: March 14 and 28, May 2 and 16

5. Ex MP Larry Baldock is organising a Citizens Initiated Referendum opposing this Bill and needs people to help as local contacts and co-ordinators. If you’d like to be involved, please email him at:

6. We need to be Fasting and Praying for God’s Will to be done. Let us set aside the 20th and 21st for Fasting and Praying for our Nation of New Zealand.

7. Forward this email and attachment to heaps of people – your friends, neighbours and relations.

We have a new brochure “Kiss your Children Goodbye” for passing out to people. Check it out here:

Please forward this to your friends, neighbours and family.

We would also like to be able to give 1000s of this brochure away for free to people. Are you able to help with this by donating towards this cause? If so, then please send your donation to: Family Integrity, P O Box 9064, Palmerston North and mark your donation to be used for the printing of the brochure “Kiss your Children Goodbye”.

This brochure could be given out to everyone who signs Larry Baldock’s CIR. If you are collecting signatures then please consider doing this.


Larry Baldock, with his wife Barbara, will be going around the South Island holding meetings to explain and promote his Citizens Initiated Referendum. The meetings will be approx. 45mins to 1 hour in length.

So, if you are in the South Island, then don’t miss these meetings:

Blenheim Feb 19th 3.00pm St Christopher’s Hall Lounge, 90 Weld Street Redwoodtown Opp-Supervalue.

Nelson Feb 19th 6.30pm Mission Fellowship 237 Trafalgar St, above Postie Plus enter through Buxton car park

Richmond Feb 19th 7.30pm Richmond New Life, 85 Wensley Road, Richmond

For more information go to:

DVD Sale:

DVDs now half price at $5.00 per DVD look for them half way down the home page

Thanks for co labouring with us in this.
Craig and Barbara Smith
4 Tawa Street
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Phone: (06) 357-4399
or (06) 354-7699
Fax: (06) 357-4399
web site:

PS. For those who have just been forwarded this email here is some important information:


The report of the Select Committee who considered this Bill to repeal Section 59 can be read at:

In the old Section 59 correction was the only motivation allowed in the use of reasonable force with children. With this proposed new Section 59, correction is the only motivation specifically prohibited in the use of reasonable force, while other motivations are specifically allowed!

It is clear: the real motivation behind this Bill is not to stop the use of force with children, but to stop parents from correcting their children.

For information on how a private members Bill progresses through Parliament read here:,
According to this the earliest that the Bill will surface in Parliament is February 21
. The second reading could be February 21.

Family Integrity # 162 — Media Release – They obviously haven’t read the UNICEF report


15 February 2007

They obviously haven’t read the UNICEF report

Family First would like to highlight to the Prime Minister, Sue Bradford, the Children’s Commissioner and other anti-smacking lobby groups a couple of key points regarding the UNICEF report released today.

1. The Netherlands heads the table of overall child wellbeing – they have not banned smacking. Of the top 10 countries overall, half have not banned smacking.

2. Half of the best 10 countries for child health and safety have not banned smacking.

3. Of the countries with the lowest rates of negative behaviour and risk-taking by its young people, seven out of the best 10 have not banned smacking.

And most significantly,

4. The top eight countries for quality of family and peer relationships have not banned smacking.

Vindication for great kiwi parents.

Enough said.


For more information contact Family First:

Bob McCoskrie JP – National Director
Tel. 09 261 2426 | Mob. 027 55 555 42
email. |
P.O. Box 276-133, Manukau City, Auckland, New Zealand

Family First NZ (Inc) was formed in April 2006 to speak up in the public domain on family issues. It has a Board of Trustees, a Board of Reference including Ex-All Black Michael Jones, TV personalities Jim Hickey and Anthony Samuels, over 200 financial supporters and over 2,000 e-mail supporters.

Family Integrity # 161 —- Fund raising


1. Thank you so much to those who gave donations in order to bring Ruby Harrold-Claesson out to New Zealand from Sweden. It was a successful trip in many ways.

A. Ruby convinced Childrens Commissioner Cindy Kiro that the figures Sue Bradford was quoting about child abuse in Sweden going down since smacking was banned there were wrong. Bradford and others were saying that a total of 9 children were abused to death from 1971 to 2000 (an average 0.03 per year). The facts are that from 1971 to 2000, 224 children died in Sweden from physical abuse by parents/care-givers, (an average of 7.4 children per year). You can watch Bradford trot out known lies on You Tube at:

B. Since Ruby’s trip we don’t hear much from Sue Bradford or Cindy Kiro about Sweden, although we know they are still looking to Sweden as a model: Cindy Kiro visited Sweden after Ruby’s visit to New Zealand.

C. Our visit to the Families Commission and the Children Commission was very enlightening. Ruby mentioned the mismanagement by their equivalent of CYFs and Dr Rajen Prasad said “That is in Sweden. Sweden might mismanage their CYPs cases, but here in New Zealand we don’t, and never will. We will make sure that they don’t.” Cindy Kiro said the same thing when we were in her office. And now we have

which is letting the world know that New Zealand already has its share of mismanaged CYFs cases.

D. We learned much from Ruby, and she is continuing to take an active interest in what is happening in New Zealand.

2. NEW FUND RAISING PROJECT: “Kiss your Children Goodbye” Brochures
We printed off a small number in our first printing to meet urgent publication deadlines. We now have orders for nearly 2000 more brochures with orders coming in nearly every day. We have run out of money to print any more. We would like to see these brochures in nearly every home in New Zealand. We’d like to see 30 to 40,000 printed, costing around $10,000 or more. Are you able either to contribute to the cost of printing these brochures or/and able to distribute them in your area? Perhaps if you are collecting signatures for Larry Baldock’s CIR, you could give out a brochure at the same time. Please earmark your gift and contact us if you are able to distribute the brochures.

Kiss Your Children Goodbye

3. Ed Rademaker has been working for Family Integrity for 30-35 hours a week. This has been a real blessing during this busy time. But now we are out of funds so are looking for people to contribute to Ed’s income. Please contribute to this fund and earmark your gift. Thank you.

Thanks for co labouring with us in this.
Craig and Barbara Smith

Family Integrity # 160 — Additional CIR meeting

Another meeting with Larry Baldock speaking on Section 59 and the Petitions to oppose repeal is scheduled for:

to be held on Wednesday, 14th February,
in The Reformed Church, 178 Forbury Rd, St Clair,
at 7 p.m.

Family Integrity # 159 — CIR Meetings


Larry Baldock, with his wife Barbara, will be going around the South Island holding meetings to explain and promote his Citizens Initiated Referendum designed to combat Bradford’s Bill to repeal Section 59 . The meetings will be approx. 45mins to 1 hour in length.
So, if you are in the South Island, then don’t miss these meetings:

Ashburton Feb12th 10.00am Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron St

Timaru Feb 12th 1.00pm New Life Christian Centre 134 Morgans Rd

Cromwell Feb 13th 10.30am Cromwell Presbytarian Church Elspeth St West of New World

Queenstown Feb 13th 1.00pm Impact Church 14 Yewlett Cres, Frankton

Invercargill Feb 13th 7.00pm Cornerstone New Life Church Cnr Clyde & Tay St.

Gore Feb 14th 9.30am Gore New Life Church 11 Jacob St

Dunedin Feb 14th 3.00pm 106 Easther Crescent

Oamaru Feb 15th 10.00am Union Parish, at 22 Eden St, Oamaru

Christchurch Feb 16th 10.00am & 3.00pm 1st floor 320 Manchester St

Blenheim Feb 19th 3.00pm St Christopher’s Hall Lounge, 90 Weld Street Redwoodtown Opp-Supervalue.

Nelson Feb 19th 6.30pm Mission Fellowship 237 Trafalgar St, above Postie Plus enter through Buxton car park

Richmond Feb 19th 7.30pm Richmond New Life, 85 Wensley Road, Richmond

For more information go to:

DVD Sale:

DVDs now half price at $5.00 per DVD look for them half way down the home page

Locations of visitors to this page


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