Author: HEF Admin

  • Police investigate Kaitaia child’s death

    Police have begun a homicide inquiry into the death of a two-year-old Northland girl, with a post mortem expected to confirm the cause of death tomorrow.

    A 32-year-old woman has been charged with assault and is in police custody, awaiting an appearance in the Auckland District Court tomorrow morning.

    Police said it was too early to say whether further charges were likely.

    The toddler was taken to Kaitaia Hospital with serious injuries about 4.30am on Saturday.

    She was flown to Auckland’s Starship Hospital, where she died at 11am.

    Police spokeswoman Sarah Kennett said hospital staff had contacted police shortly after the girl’s arrival.

    She said police were not releasing details, such as the child’s relationship to the accused or whether she had any siblings.

    Investigators were today conducting an examination of the toddler’s home in Miro Place, Kaitaia.

    Senior Sergeant Geoff Ryan said police had spoken to family members, who had been co-operative.

    “We will continue to conduct inquiries with the immediate family in an attempt to piece together exactly what has occurred.

    “There are still a significant number of friends and family to be spoken to in getting a detailed background picture of the environment the deceased and her family lived in.

    “This is a tragic time for the family and we will be respecting the need for the family to have time to cope with what has happened.”

  • Referendum Votes Pouring In


    7 August 2009

    Referendum Votes Pouring In

    Family First NZ is stoked that almost 600,000 voters have already returned their voting papers on the anti-smacking Referendum less than a week after they were sent to voters.

    “Voters are obviously ignoring the attempt to dismiss this Referendum. This huge response after such a short time, and when some people have only just received their voting papers, shows just how relevant this issue is to NZ’ers. Almost double the number of people who signed the petition asking for the Referendum have now responded,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

    “It has been shameful that politicians who introduced the Citizens Initiated Referenda Act in the first place have then tried to undermine the process.”

    “It is now quite evident that NZ’ers understand the question and want their say.”

    Family First is encouraging all NZ’ers to take advantage of the Referendum to have their say on this issue.

    “There are people around the world who would love to live in a country where there is such free and open democracy. The greatest enemy to our democracy is apathy when we have this opportunity,’ says Mr McCoskrie.


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

    Bob McCoskrieNational Director

    Mob. 027 55 555 42

    Sign up now to received FREE email updates of issues affecting families – be informed!

  • Prime Minister John Key Says He’ll Change Anti-Smacking Law

    Prime Minister John Key has said that he will change the Anti-Smacking Law if parents are criminalised for giving their child a smack.
    Under the new law, all parents who give a corrective smack are made criminals, so it’s time for John to keep his word and change the law.

  • Mother in court over baby’s death

    A woman appeared in the Rotorua District Court today charged with the manslaughter of a one-year-old baby.

    Sasha Pene, 29, was accused of assaulting Trent Matthews, who was later found dead, at an Edmund Rd house in Rotorua, where he lived with Pene and her partner Joe Matthews, in June.

    Pene entered no plea to charges of assaulting the baby, injuring the baby with intent to injure him and his manslaughter.

    Judge James Weir remanded her on bail for a committal hearing on August 27.

  • Referendum an investment in the economy and our future.

    The Kiwi Party
    Press Release

    The TV One Colmar Brunton poll released today shows opposition to the anti-smacking law remains strong and consistent at 83%.
    Referendum Petition organiser Larry Baldock said the other result from the poll was that 3 out 4 New Zealanders felt the cost of the referendum was a waste of money and that is not surprising.
    “However, since the referendum requires the cost of at least two letters being posted to 3 million registered voters and the return of the voting papers by prepaid return, NZ Post will be receiving a Government investment of at least $3-4 million,” said Mr Baldock.

    “This cost could definitely have been avoided if the referendum had been held at the election last year when voters were going to the polls anyway.

    “Given that most of the estimated $9million cost of the referendum will be spent on postage, printing, advertising and employing staff for counting etc, it cannot be considered a waste. For a start the Government will get some of the money back from its SOEs like NZ Post and TV One as well as the GST from money spent elsewhere in the economy.

    “If Government spending in infrastructure is an investment in the economy and the future of our country then so is the referendum. The cost benefit ratio of reversing this ill-conceived socially destructive law will far outweigh a similar amount spent on a road, in my opinion.
    “As I have been saying in my radio ads, there are now only two people who can waste this money, the voter if he does not vote, and John key of he refuses to listen.”


    Larry Baldock 021864833

  • Is John Key deliberately misleading the public?


    Is John Key deliberately misleading the public?

    “To this point, there have been no successful prosecutions under the new law.”
    John Key – TVNZ 3 Aug 09 WATCH

    TRUE / FALSE ?


    Here’s the facts..

    That’s right – 13 prosecutions under the anti-smacking law ! And note the number of non-abusive families being investigated with no abuse being found (94%)!

    What is the difference between ‘smacking’ and ‘minor acts of physical discipline’? Good question. The police cannot and refuse to define them and there is no statutory definition for them either. They are new terms as a result of the anti-smacking law.

    Only last week, the NZ Herald highlighted a father who was prosecuted for a light smack on the leg
    ‘I asked for help but instead got conviction’

    And a case brought to the attention of the NZ Herald by Family First involving CYF forced an apology from the agency
    CYFS says sorry to ‘traumatised’ family

    How many other cases are there like this???

    Were these prosecutions warranted?

    You be the judge. Here’s just 7 cases that we’ve put before the Prime Minister. We don’t know whether these were classified ‘smacking’ ‘minor acts of physical discipline’ or ‘other child assaults’ and the police won’t say either.

    Here’s the bottom line .

    It’s quite evident there will be a ‘no’ vote in the Referendum. What we’re asking for is a STRONG ‘no’ vote – that the Prime Minister simply can’t ignore.

    Please vote – and please encourage friends, family, work colleagues to send their voting papers in.

    There’s only 2 people who could waste the $9m on the Referendum. You or me – if we don’t vote, and John Key – if he doesn’t listen.

    Kind regards

    Bob McCoskrie
    National Director

  • Poll: Smacking shouldn’t be a crime

    Over 80% of New Zealanders believe a smack should not be a criminal offence and just 13% think it should.

    That’s according to a ONE News Colmar Brunton poll.

    The poll found 83% of New Zealanders think it is okay to smack children under certain circumstances.

    Those more likely to say it’s okay under any circumstances were older New Zealanders, over 55, and those living in non-urban areas.

    But one in seven say it’s not acceptable under any circumstances.

    And only a quarter believe the current law is working as it relates to smacking and child discipline.

    Meanwhile, over three quarters of New Zealanders believe the smacking referendum is not a good use of public money.

    The poll found 76% of people polled say the $9 million price tag is unjustified, while 20% say it is.

    The poll sampled 1000 voters and has a margin of error of 3.1%.

  • Smacking Poll: People v Politicians


    3 August 2009

    Smacking Poll: People v Politicians

    Family First NZ says that the latest poll on attitudes to the smacking law is a reminder that the smacking debate is essentially a battle between the huge majority of NZ’ers and the politicians.

    “The One News poll shows 83% opposition to the smacking law, consistent with every other poll done both before the law change and in the two years since,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of the Family First NZ.

    “But our elected representatives are adopting a ‘we know better than you’ attitude and are refusing to listen to the wishes of the NZ public. This is a disgraceful display of democracy, and shows incredible disrespect.”

    “The poll also shows that those who believe that the current law may be working at the moment (25%) still don’t support the law (only 13% voting yes). The government and the police can try to paint a rosy picture on the law but the bottom line is that NZ’ers simply don’t accept it.”

    Family First NZ agree with the 76% who say that the Referendum is not a good use of public money but has been necessitated because of ‘political deafness’ and a cynical postponing of the Referendum from being held at the General Election last year.

    “This whole debate around the anti-smacking law has come down to a battle between the common sense of families and the agenda of politicians and government funded groups,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    “Parents are doing their job 24/7 and the vast majority are doing a brilliant job. It’s time we listened to them on this issue.”

    “Let’s target the real causes of child abuse – not real parents.”

    Summary of polls for the past four years


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

    Bob McCoskrieNational Director

    Mob. 027 55 555 42

    Sign up now to received FREE email updates of issues affecting families – be informed!

  • Yaca Interviews Rodney Hide

    Simeon Brown of Youth Against Child Abuse NZ (YACA) interviews ACT Party leader Rodney Hide. Visit YACA online at