Family Integrity #460 — Before you VOTE in the Referendum consider this:
Before you vote in the Referendum please consider these items below.
1. Letter to the Prime Minister asking him to withdraw the Referendum:
In the interests of saving our country most of the estimated $9 million to complete the referendum, Sheryl Savill, the petition proposer, and myself would withdraw the referendum, (as per Sec 22A (1) of the CIR Act 1993) in return for an agreement by yourself to amend the current sec 59 of the crimes Act in the following way.
Delete the following sub clauses from the amended Sec 59,
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) or in any rule of common law justifies the use of force for the purpose of correction.
(3) Subsection (2) prevails over subsection (1),
Read more at the two links below:
2. Sheryl Savill the name behind the petition explains the referendum in 90 Seconds-Youtube:
3. Read real-life stories of how the Anti-smacking law has hurt Kiwi families….
4. Anti-smacking law insult to Tino-Rangatiratanga
5. Simon Barnett Explains the Referendum in 90 Seconds-Youtube
6 NZ Correction Referendum: Vote Yes? No! `SATIRE’-Youtube
7. The NZ `anti-correction law’ and the referendum – your `unemotional’ guide to Section 59—Youtube
8. Anti-Smacking Referendum ’09: ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED
Please consider these links above before you vote
and please also take a look at:
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