Author: HEF Admin

  • Michael Laws accused in child-smacking case

    By Kathryn Powley

    Laws is a proponent of smacking and its effectiveness. Photo / APN
    Laws is a proponent of smacking and its effectiveness. Photo / APN

    Police are investigating former Whanganui mayor Michael Laws after an allegation of child assault was made against him.

    Laws, a former RadioLive talkback host and current Whanganui District Health Board member, was reported to police after allegedly smacking one of his children.

    The incident allegedly happened at Whanganui Hospital last year. Laws, 56, was there with his three youngest children – Lucy, 9, Zoe, 7, and Theo, 5 – to visit their mother, Laws’ former partner Leonie Brookhammer, who suffered a stroke in August.

    The Herald on Sunday understands the alleged smack was witnessed by a nurse in the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation ward. She reported it to the DHB and complained to police.

    The Herald on Sunday asked police whether Laws was under investigation for allegedly hitting a child.

    A spokesman replied by email saying: “Police can confirm they are investigating a child assault complaint made against a 56-year-old Whanganui man.

    “As this matter is under investigation we are not prepared to discuss any further details.”

    Laws yesterday said: “I have no idea what you are talking about, and my private life is none of your business.”

    A source said there was no doubt Laws cared for and loved his children, but his views on smacking are well known.

    In a newspaper column last January he wrote: “Yes, I smack. The singular swift slap on the bottom is applied by myself – in public – if my kids cross the line.

    “I can report both its effectiveness and the fact that neither the police nor CYF have visited. They won’t either, because the law may be an ass, but its application is not.” New Zealand’s controversial anti-smacking law, championed by former Green MP Sue Bradford, came into effect in 2007, and removed the defence of reasonable force for parents prosecuted for assault on their children.

    A 2009 referendum found an overwhelming number of people did not believe a smack as part of good parental correction should be a criminal offence. Debate over the issue was reignited this week when aspiring politician Colin Craig, who has admitted smacking his 8-year-old daughter, said repealing the anti-smacking law was a condition of his support for a National-led government if his Conservative Party makes it into Parliament in this year’s election.

    Meanwhile, Brookhammer, 44, is recovering from the stroke at home in Whanganui. She can speak and is able to walk with the aid of a crutch.

    Laws and Brookhammer separated in 2009.

    Laws has had a high-profile and often controversial career in politics and broadcasting.

    As mayor, he banned gang patches on the street and rallied against the Geographic Board’s decision that his town should be spelled Whanganui.

    Read article here……

  • Dominion Editorial Correction

    From Bob McCoskrie of Family First:

    So the Dominion Post admitted their error from yesterday regarding smacking prosecutions (albeit a very small admission. So here’s the real issue – we have now confirmed that parents ARE being prosecuted by the police for open hand smacks on the bottom or leg with no resulting injuries at all! Totally contrary to what politicians promised and what the media have tried to tell us!

  • Smacking law is stupid: Colin Craig



    Should the anti-smacking law be repealed?

    Vote Result

    Colin Craig

    Conservatives leader and Albany businessman Colin Craig.

    Conservatives party leader Colin Craig has as good as confirmed a change to the anti-smacking law will be a bottom line if his party finds itself in a position to prop up the Government.

    Craig also admitted to smacking his child on occasion, in an interview with RadioLive this morning.

    “I occasionally do it right now. Like two thirds of other parents in New Zealand, I am not putting the good raising of a child behind a silly law.”

    Craig acknowledged he was breaking the law, but he still expected to get votes.

    “They [parents] like me, know this law is a stupid law and it’s not doing anything curb the abuse of children in this country.”

    Craig said he was not calling it a bottom-line at this stage because the election had not yet happened and he was not in a position to call the shots.

    But if he found himself in that position come election time, it would “absolutely” be on the table for review.

    “People have got to vote for us yet, we haven’t had the election. But if we get there with the numbers where it’s essential that we’re part of Government, then yes we want it to be there for review and for a change back to law that will actually work for New Zealand.”

    He said a switch to Australia’s law would be a more common-sense approach.

    “Basically the Australian one is quite limiting around what parents can actually do. So it still lets good parents get on with the business of discipline and if they want to give little Johnny a light smack they’re allowed to do that,” he said.

    “But they’re not allowed to hit Johnny around the head, and so I think it’s sensible law.

    “It means police keep focus on parents who aren’t doing a good job as opposed to the situation in New Zealand, where we’ve had nearly 600 investigations mostly of great families and it’s incredibly disruptive and a waste of resources.”

    Opponents of the 2007 law change claimed “good parents” would be prosecuted for disciplining children and it would do nothing to stop serious harm to children.

    But recent Ministry of Social Development data showed fewer parents were being investigated for smacking their children.

    The number dropped by almost third over the past financial year, with 176 parents dobbed in to the MSD, down from 277 the year before.

    But Craig said the figure was nearly 600 investigations into parents by police.

    Police say they have prosecuted just eight parents for smacking children in the five years since the law came in.

    Seven of those parents had smacked their child in the head or face.

    The eighth parent was discharged without conviction for striking the child on the hand.

    Craig told Fairfax Media the numbers were falling because parents had simply moved to hitting their children behind closed doors.

  • Smacking debate back in the limelight



    Supporters of the controversial “anti-smacking” law are claiming victory after a dramatic fall in the number of parents being investigated for hitting their children.

    But opponents of the 2007 law change have accused the Government of fudging the numbers and the issue looks set to become an election lightning rod, with the Conservative Party, a potential Government coalition partner, committed to overturning the legislation.

    The amendment to section 59 of the Crimes Act in 2007 removed the defence of “reasonable force” for parents prosecuted for assault on their children.

    It divided the country, with its sponsor, former Green MP Sue Bradford, receiving death threats while Family First director Bob McCroskie, an opponent of the change, found plastic knives stabbed into his lawn.

    Opponents of the law change claimed “good parents” would be prosecuted for disciplining children and it would do nothing to stop serious harm to children.

    But Ministry of Social Development data shows fewer parents are being investigated for smacking their children. The number dropped by almost third over the past financial year, with 176 parents dobbed in to the MSD, down from 277 the year before.

    Police say they have prosecuted just eight parents for smacking children in the five years since the law came in. Seven of those parents had smacked their child in the head or face.

    The eighth parent was discharged without conviction for striking the child on the hand. Police said they were also being called to fewer smacking incidents though they stopped counting smacking prosecutions after the Government’s five-year review process came to an end.

    Bradford said the dramatic drop in notifications proved parents were turning their back on smacking. “This is what those of us involved in the heart of the struggle expected. That dreadful witchhunt and crazy campaign that went on at the time, none of it’s come true.

    “Anecdotally, I have so many adults who said what a lesson [the law] was. They say: ‘I used to think I had to hit my kids because my parents did’.”

    Conservative Party leader Colin Craig said numbers were falling because parents made sure smacks were not delivered publicly. “I haven’t met any parent who has stopped smacking because of the law, but I have met a number who have changed the way they do it.”

    Craig plans to make the issue an integral part of this year’s election campaign and if he gets in to Parliament, a repeal of the law will be on the negotiating table in any coalition deal, he said.

    “It would be an easy one for National to put over the line because obviously the law is not working. Child abuse statistics have risen. It’s a silly law. The vast majority of parents think this law has gone too far.”

    Bradford fears a “nightmare” scenario where Craig holds bargaining power: “Heaven forbid, if Colin Craig becomes influential in the next Government.

    “I think it leaves [Prime Minister] John Key in some difficulty. It would be dreadful to see him [Craig] and his party with the power to strongly influence a National-led Government.”

    Act, another potential coalition partner for National, supported a review of the law, as did NZ First. Labour, Maori Party and United Future support the legislation and the Government confirmed it had no plans to review it.

    Social Development Minister Paula Bennett said she was pleased to see a drop in the number of parents notified for smacking. And parents can no longer beat their children with pipe, wood and other weapons under the guise of discipline, she said.

    Key, who personally voted for the legislation, has consistently refused to entertain a law change, even after a referendum on the issue found 87 per cent of those who voted did not believe smacking should be a criminal offence.

    Family First plans to campaign strongly on the issue during the election buildup. “It’s a big issue because it was a law that came into every family home. Politicians want it to simmer down and go away, but it’s not,” McCroskie said, adding figures on falling smacking notifications are “fudged . . . It doesn’t identify cases where parents are being ransomed by their own kids.”

    A smacking debate is underway in Australia and Britain, with the United Nations putting pressure on both governments to ban it but Australian PM Tony Abbott said “gently smacking” can be good for a child.

    To read the rest of this article click here…

    The dangers of smacking may not be true

    The dangers of smacking may not be true

    18 July 2013

    smacking 11 July 2013
    Last week, on Facebook, a friend of mine linked to a Yahoo blog post whose title caught my eye: “Spanking Linked to Mental Illness, Says Study.” My husband and I have a 14-month-old boy, whom we’ve never planned to spank. Still, we have years of discipline ahead of us, and I was curious about the findings.

    So I read the story. Then I read the study it was based on. Then I got mad.

    Despite the Yahoo headline, and many others like it, the study, published in Pediatrics in early July, does not actually link spanking to mental illness. In fact, the study has nothing to do with spanking at all. Canadian researchers asked 34,000 adults how often they had been pushed, grabbed, shoved, slapped, or hit by their parents or other adults when they were children. The authors explain that they were trying to assess the long-term effects of regular harsh physical punishment, which, they write, “some may consider more severe than ‘customary’ physical punishment (i.e., spanking).” Ultimately, the researchers reported that adults who have mental problems are more likely to say they were pushed, grabbed, shoved, slapped, or hit by their parents than healthy adults are.

    Yes, OK. Abuse is bad. But now I wanted to know: What about spanking? According to a 2011 study, more than half of all American parents spank their toddlers; some studies have put the number closer to 60 percent. But the American Academy of Pediatrics opposes it, and the practice is illegal in 32 countries, including Spain, Israel, and all of Scandinavia. So what’s the deal—are slaps on the tush OK if your children deserve it, or will it screw them up for life?

    – See more at:

  • Kevin Swanson speaker at the Family conferences Christchuch 1 & 2 and Auckland 3 & 4

    These conferences are 4 different events with the main conferences being on 1 June in Christchurch and 3 June in Auckland.

    Auckland and Christchurch “Building a God-Centered Family” conferences happening on the 1st and 3rd of June (

    More on one of the speakers:  Kevin Swanson

    Kevin SwansonKevin Swanson

    This is part of a conference tour covering two locations in New Zealand and three in Australia, featuring three speakers from the US well-known for their passionate vision for Christian family life as informed by the Scriptures. One of the speakers, Kevin Swanson, is a well-regarded radio host and the director of Generations with Vision, a program which comments on culture, family life, and child-rearing. The program reaches tens of thousands of listeners in over 100 countries.

    Recently, Mr Swanson’s state of Colorado has been debating a same-sex redefinition of marriage. This occurs just weeks after New Zealand redefined marriage, and as Australia considers its own redefinition of marriage. Although this is a topic which legislatures across the world have only been discussing for the last few years, Mr Swanson believes the battle was already being fought in classrooms two generations ago.

    “What in the world happened to Western civilisation?” asks Mr Swanson. “Why are 80-97% of children raised in Christian homes walking away from the faith in this generation? In case you’ve missed it, we are in a gigantic war of the worldviews and Christians are losing in Western world.”

    Recently, while writing his book Apostate Mr Swanson did research into the lives, ideas, roots, and fruits of the great men who made the modern world what it is. “I knew the battle was intellectual. It is just that I didn’t fully realize the spiritual element of it. On the one hand, it is a story of demonic possession, insanity, suicide, mass-murder, adultery, homosexuality, cultural and social revolutions, and unbridled, maniacal apostasy. It is the story of apostasy on a massive scale. But it is also a story of hope and victory for the last men standing in the ashes of Western civilization. It will be a testimony to the inevitable triumph of Jesus Christ over the great men of renown who picked the wrong fight in the history of the West.”

    Mr Swanson believes that the foundations for the dissolution and redefinition of the modern family in 21st-century Colorado, Australia, and yes–New Zealand–ultimately have their roots in the ideas and worldviews preached by anti-Christian intellectuals decades ago in philosophy departments and classrooms. But Mr Swanson says there is reason for Christians to hope.

    Come to the conference to find out more:

    1 & 2 June Building a God-Centered Family: Christchurch June 1 & 2 (one day separate events)

    3 & 4 June Building a God-Centered Family: Auckland June 3 & 4 (one day separate events)


    From the Smiths:

    Updated 1 May 2013:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


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  • Media Release –Christian Family Conference Tour Coming in June

    May 23, 2013

    Three well-regarded US speakers will be travelling to New Zealand and Australia this June on a pioneer conference tour aimed at encouraging Scriptural family living.

    The speakers will include Scott Brown, of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches, which is running the conferences. Mr Brown may be best known as the producer of controversial hit documentary “Divided”, which calls Churches to recover a vision for family discipleship and worship, rather than splitting their congregations into age-segregated programs. He gives most of his time to local pastoral ministry, conferences on fatherhood, Church reformation, and strengthening the family.

    Kevin Swanson, home educated in the 1960s and 1970s, now hosts Generations Radio, a daily programme broadcast around the world. Mr Swanson is a well-known speaker and teacher on worldview, education, and Church and family life who has been interviewed on hundreds of media outlets including Dr James Dobson’s Focus on the Family and Fox News Network.

    Anthony Courter has been discipling men and fathers from his home for decades, specifically focusing on family-based entrepreneurship and ministry.

    The men will be speaking in Auckland and Christchurch in New Zealand, as well as three venues in Australia. The conferences are one-day events, with men’s meetings and fellowship/discipleship opportunities occurring on other days.

    Robert Compton, who is organising the Melbourne conference, says that the tour is an exciting opportunity for New Zealanders and Australians to interact with American leaders and get to know likeminded families in their own areas.

    “In recent years, we’ve seen some very exciting things happening in the States,” says Mr Compton.

    “Families have started searching God’s Word for principles regarding His will for family roles, discipleship in the home, and family economics. They have begun to apply these principles in their own families and God has blessed them.”

    Mr Compton says that this is nothing new for Christian families. “The family unit has been under attack since the beginning of time, yet throughout history there have been men who have searched the scriptures to find the answers to these very questions. Abraham was commended for teaching his children. Timothy learnt about God from his mother and grandmother. During the killing times in Scotland, the Covenanters still applied principles they found in God’s Word to their family even at the cost of their life. Sadly, in more recent times the Church has forgotten that families are the basic unit of society.”

    Mr Compton encourages Christian families from all walks of life to attend the conferences. “What an opportunity to get three men at the forefront of today’s battle for the family to come to New Zealand and Australia and share their knowledge. It will be encouraging to those who have already begun their journey and challenging to those who are only starting.”

    More information on the conferences can be found at

    About the “National Center for Family Integrated Churches

    Scripture makes it clear that parents are primarily responsible for the discipleship of their children.

    At the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches, one of our missions is to communicate God’s beautiful design for discipleship in the home and in the Church. We hope to use scripture to show God’s wonderful design for building harmony between Churches and families, not dislocation.”

    For more information, please visit

    Contact: To learn more about this conference tour, contact:

    Robert Compton

    or in New Zealand Jillian Wilson


    Scott T. BrownScott T. Brown

    Scott T. Brown is the director of the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches and elder at Hope Baptist Church in Wake Forest, North Carolina. Scott graduated from California State University in Fullerton with a degree in History and received a Master of Divinity degree from Talbot School of Theology. He gives most of his time to local pastoral ministry, conferences on fatherhood, church reformation, and strengthening the family. He has been married to Deborah for thirty one years, and they have four grown children. Scott also helps people think through the two greatest institutions God has provided — the church and the family.

    Kevin SwansonKevin Swanson

    Kevin Swanson was homeschooled in the 1960’s and 1970’s, Kevin has over 35 years of experience in the homeschooling movement and serves as the Executive Director of Christian Home Educators of Colorado and Generations with Vision. Today, Kevin is a homeschool father of five, host of a daily radio program broadcast around the world, and is a published author of several books, including Upgrade – 10 Secrets to the Best Education for Your Child. Serving as a passionate supporter of home education, he has been interviewed on hundreds of media outlets, including Dr. James’ Dobson’s Focus on the Family and the Fox News Network.

    Anthony CourterAnthony Courter

    Anthony Courter graduated from Bible college in ’87 with a pastoral degree. While pastoring his first church he began to see issues concerning youth ministry and fathers abdicating their God given responsibilities.  This insight caused him to become deliberately focused on discipling fathers, specifically concentrating on and encouraging family economics and family centered ministries.
    For years, the Courter home has been the backdrop for teaching men and families about economic issues such as What is Money?, Why have Passive Income, and How to have Family Based Businesses. In 2004 he founded CAMP (Carpenters Aiding Missionary Projects) in an effort to help foster within men and their families a desire for world missions and to aid missions projects around the world.
    Anthony and Michelle, his wife of 27 years, are the parents of 12 children ages 24 to 18 months – Daniel, Jessica, Rebekah, Aaron, Josiah, Esther, Joshua, Caleb, Lincoln, Elijah, Anna and Nathan. In addition to running CAMP, hosting monthly skill building workshops, and meeting local and international church needs, they are the owner and manufacturers of Solar Pathfinder.


    From the Smiths:

    Updated 1 May 2013:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


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    Coming Events:

  • Building a God-Centered Family: Auckland June 3 & 4

    Scott Brown, Kevin Swanson, and Anthony Courter are coming to Auckland as part of their NZ/Aus tour! Registrations open now!

    INFO: this tour, we will focus our teaching on matters of church and family life. While families are in a state of frustration and even collapse all over the world, we bring a vision of hope. That vision is the biblical vision for family life. This conference series is designed to deliver that vision of hope by explaining from the scriptures and how family life is designed to operate in the midst of church life and economic life.  These issues of church and family begin with understanding that scripture is sufficient for all things – including church, family and economic life. Our desire in fulfilling the great commission is to do what Jesus commanded His disciples, to “teach them to obey all things that I have commanded them” (Matt 28:20). Our Lord, in His Word has spoken on a multitude of practical church and family issues to instruct His people how they ought to live in harmony with His Word.
    Monday, June 3:Venue: Manurewa Bible Church, 84 Maich Rd, Manurewa
    Contact details: Jillian or 021 023 71151.Programme:

    8:30-9:00 Registration

    9:00-10:00 Session 1, Building a God Centered Family

    10:00-10:45 Session 2,  The Power of a Happy Marriage

    10:45-11:00 Break

    11:00-11:45 Session 3, God’s Beautiful Design for Discipleship in the Church

    11:45-12:00 Questions and answers

    12:00 to 1:30 Lunch

    1:30-2:30  Session 4,  Preparing Boys for Battle

    2:30-3:15  Session 5,  Preparing Girls for Dominion

    3:15-3:30  Break

    3:30-4:30  Session 6, Building a Family Economy

    4:30 to 6:00 Supper

    6:00-7:00 Session 7, Nurturing Beneficial Family Affections

    7:00-8:00 Session 8, A New Kind of Father

    Tuesday, June 4th:

    To be announced

    Building a God-Centered Family - Auckland Tour

    Building a God-Centered Family – Auckland Tour

    Jun. 03-04, 2013

    On this tour, we will focus our teaching on matters of church and family life. While families are in a state of frustration and even collapse all over the world, we bring a vision of hope. That vision is the biblical vision for family life. This conference series is designed to deliver that vision of hope by explaining from the scriptures and how family life is designed to operate in the midst of church life and economic life.

    On this tour, we will focus our teaching on matters of church and family life. While families are in a state of frustration and even collapse all over the world, we bring a vision of hope. That vision is the biblical vision for family life. This conference series is designed to deliver that vision of hope by explaining from the scriptures and how family life is designed to operate in the midst of church life and economic life.

    On this tour, we will focus our teaching on matters of church and family life. While families are in a state of frustration and even collapse all over the world, we bring a vision of hope. That vision is the biblical vision for family life. This conference series is designed to deliver that vision of hope by explaining from the scriptures and how family life is designed to operate in the midst of church life and economic life.

    On this tour, we will focus our teaching on matters of church and family life. While families are in a state of frustration and even collapse all over the world, we bring a vision of hope. That vision is the biblical vision for family life. This conference series is designed to deliver that vision of hope by explaining from the scriptures and how family life is designed to operate in the midst of church life and economic life.


    From the Smiths:

    Updated 1 May 2013:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


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    Coming Events:

  • Building a God-Centered Family: Christchurch June 1 & 2

    Scott Brown, Kevin Swanson, and Anthony Courter are coming to Auckland as part of their NZ/Aus tour! Registrations open now!
    On this tour, we will focus our teaching on matters of church and family life. While families are in a state of frustration and even collapse all over the world, we bring a vision of hope. That vision is the biblical vision for family life. This conference series is designed to deliver that vision of hope by explaining from the scriptures and how family life is designed to operate in the midst of church life and economic life.  T…hese issues of church and family begin with understanding that scripture is sufficient for all things – including church, family and economic life. Our desire in fulfilling the great commission is to do what Jesus commanded His disciples, to “teach them to obey all things that I have commanded them” (Matt 28:20). Our Lord, in His Word has spoken on a multitude of practical church and family issues to instruct His people how they ought to live in harmony with His Word.SCHEDULE
    Saturday, June 1st:
    12:00-12:45 Registration / Family Lunch/Fellowship (bring own food/purchase locally – facilities available to cook/prepare)
    12:45-1:40 Intro/Session 1, Building a God Centered Family
    1:50-2:35 Session 2, The Power of a Happy Marriage
    2:45-3:30 Session 3, Preparing Boys for Battle
    3:30-3:45 Break (Afternoon Tea)
    3:45-4:15 Questions and answers
    4:15-5:15 Session 4, Preparing Girls for Dominion
    5:15-6:45 Dinner Break (bring own food/purchase locally – facilities available to cook/prepare)
    6:45-7:45 Session 5, Nurturing Beneficial Family Affections
    7:45-8:45 Session 6, A New Kind of FatherSunday, June 2nd:
    10:30-12:00 Church Service, Message Title – “God’s Beautiful Design for Discipleship in the Church” – Scott Brown
    12:00-12:30 Break/Refreshments
    12:30 – 1:30 Building a Family Economy (At Calvary Chapel Christchurch following 10:30 service)
    1:30 – 2:30 Shared Lunch (bring food to share – facilities available to cook/prepare)
    NOTE: All services at Calvary Chapel Christchurch are age-integrated.
    Building a God-Centered Family - Auckland Tour

    Building a God-Centered Family – Auckland Tour

    Jun. 02-04, 2013

    On this tour, we will focus our teaching on matters of church and family life. While families are in a state of frustration and even collapse all over the world, we bring a vision of hope. That vision is the biblical vision for family life. This conference series is designed to deliver that vision of hope by explaining from the scriptures and how family life is designed to operate in the midst of church life and economic life.

    On this tour, we will focus our teaching on matters of church and family life. While families are in a state of frustration and even collapse all over the world, we bring a vision of hope. That vision is the biblical vision for family life. This conference series is designed to deliver that vision of hope by explaining from the scriptures and how family life is designed to operate in the midst of church life and economic life.

    On this tour, we will focus our teaching on matters of church and family life. While families are in a state of frustration and even collapse all over the world, we bring a vision of hope. That vision is the biblical vision for family life. This conference series is designed to deliver that vision of hope by explaining from the scriptures and how family life is designed to operate in the midst of church life and economic life.

    On this tour, we will focus our teaching on matters of church and family life. While families are in a state of frustration and even collapse all over the world, we bring a vision of hope. That vision is the biblical vision for family life. This conference series is designed to deliver that vision of hope by explaining from the scriptures and how family life is designed to operate in the midst of church life and economic life.


    From the Smiths:

    Updated 1 May 2013:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


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  • Family First Muzzled Because of Traditional Marriage Views

    "I believe it is time for us to speak up for what is best for families." family issue



    As a valued supporter of Family First NZ, please take a moment to read this urgent Media Release. The Charities Registration Board started investigating our status as a charity in the month following the start of the Same-Sex Marriage debate (August 2012). Although their investigation was supposed to be completed late January this year, they held off notifying us of their decision until the marriage debate was completed. Coincidence? Yeah right.

    And the reason they want to deregister us as a charitable organisation? We promote a point of view about family life that does not, apparently, have a public benefit – and we promote the view that the union of a man and a woman through marriage is the fundamental social unit.

    Yes – incredible, and sad! What effect will this have? Family First will no longer be exempt from income tax (even though we are non-profit!) but more significantly, donations to Family First will no longer qualify for the donation rebate.

    But this will just make us more determined to speak up and challenge the issues affecting families – and we’ll be completely politically incorrect while doing it. Attempts to decriminalise euthanasia, abortion,  street prostitution, sexualisation of children in the media, sex education, anti-smacking law, adoption, marriage, CYF Complaints Authority, child abuse inquiry, broadcasting and advertising standards, and many more!

    There are two things you could do:
    * Email both the Prime Minister and the Minister responsible for Charities and tell them what you think
    * Empower us to continue speaking up for families. Until the 27 May, donations still qualify for the Donation Rebate 🙂


    6 May 2013

    Family First NZ has received notification that the Charities Commission intends to deregister the charity, citing Family First’s traditional view of marriage being one man and one woman as one of the reasons for the deregistration. The investigation began just after the gay marriage debate started last year.

    “This is a highly politicised decision which is grim evidence that groups that think differently to the prevailing politically correct view will be targeted in an attempt to shut them up,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

    “The Commission argues that Family First’s efforts to represent the voice of 80%-plus of families on the anti-smacking law or half of New Zealanders on attempts to redefine marriage, for example, have no ‘public benefit’, and that it is in the ‘public interest’ for Family First to be deregistered.”

    “The timing of the investigation and notification is also cynical in that the Commission deliberately held off the notification until after the final reading of the gay marriage bill, despite the Commission promising that their decision would be made at the end of January. The investigation began just after the gay marriage debate started last year.”

    “It is now evident that any charity that speaks up on issues which are deemed incorrect by the political elite are in danger of being penalised. An easy way for opponents of a point of view is for them to use the Charities Commission to muzzle them.”

    Family First is a non-profit organisation which receives no government funding, is funded purely by donations and gifts from New Zealand families, and relies heavily on volunteer time.

    “You know a country is in trouble when a family group speaking up, publishing research, and holding conferences on traditional family values is deemed to be of no public benefit, and is in the public interest to be punished. It seems to be almost illegal to hold a viewpoint,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    Under the Official Information Act, Family First has requested a list of which charities supporting the anti-smacking law and supporting the gay marriage law have had similar investigations. They have also requested information on who made complaints against Family First NZ.

    “Family First gained approval as a charity, has also passed two ‘audits’, and have made no change to the nature of our operations over the past seven years. It appears that only the opinion of the Commission has changed,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    “The good news is that even if Family First NZ looses its charitable status, we won’t be going away. We will continue to represent and be a voice for a massive proportion of NZ’ers on many social & family issues.”


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

    Bob McCoskrie – National Director

    Mob. 027 55 555 42

  • Home Schooling Issues and Action Station


    1. Final court hearing for the Johansson family soon

    New email address for sending to the Swedish Supreme Court:

    Supreme Court of Sweden asked to free abducted homeschooled boy

    WND: Homeschool parents have 1 shot to see son again

    Desperate Homeschooling Parents Plead for Help—Hope Court Will Hear Case

    2.Romeike family in the USA: Court hearing tomorrow 23 April 2013

    Home School Family Has to Go, Chechen Islamists Got to Stay

    The U.S. Government wants to deport this homeschool family: You can help keep them there


    3. Home Educating German family in New Zealand needing to find a job in New Zealand or overseas urgently


    4. Beneficiaries

    Where to for Beneficiary families now that the Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill has passed its Third Reading


    1. Johansson family

    1. Write emails and faxes to the Gotland Social Services at the following addresses:

    2. Write emails,  ring and/or visit Central AucklandContact Swedish Embassy – New Zealand
    P O Box 37542
    Auckland 1151

    Visiting address:
    Level 3, 13 O’Connell Street, Auckland
    Tel: +64 9 302 2879
    Fax: +64 9 302 2535
    3. Most important if you can only send one email then send it here:
    Contact the Swedish Supreme Court:
    Box 2066 103 12 Stockholm, Sweden
    Email: or

    Note added 24/4/13 Thanks for sending emails.  If your email to bounced then it could be because the inbox is getting full. In the mean time keep sending your email to this address.  Resend your email tonight as it is 8:50pm over there at the moment and the inbox may not be cleared during the evening. So begin trying to resend your emails from 8:30pm tonight. Thanks

    New email address for sending to the Swedish Supreme Court:

    Contact Swedish media:,,,

    2. Romeike family

    HSLDA Chairman Mike Farris asks “Please pray for us as we prepare for the hearing on April 23 in the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit,” which is today in the USA for those of us in the Southern Hemisphere.

    3. German family (originally he was needing a job by 18 April this date has been extended a little)

    This father needs a teaching job of at least 30 hours a week as a Primary School Teacher. He can also teach at Secondary School level especially German, English and Music. He is interested in teaching in a Christian, Private or a State School.

    Please ask all your teaching and Principal friends if they know of an opening for a job that he could have.

    If you know of anything or have any questions then please ring me 021 027 82221 or 06 357 4399 or send an email to Thanks

    4. Beneficiaries

    This law will come into effect in July 2013. We need to be mindful of those on a benefit and help where we can.


    From the Smiths:

    Updated 2 February 2013:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


    Needing help for your home schooling journey:


    Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:


    This link is motivational:

    Exemption Form online:

    Coming Events:
