Author: HEF Admin

  • Silence let child abuse continue

    Silence let child abuse continue

    By KAY BLUNDELL – The Dominion Post | Monday, 23 June 2008

    Three children repeatedly beaten with a broom handle were so hungry they had to rummage in rubbish bins, and yet neighbours were too scared to report the cruelty they witnessed.

    Kylie Tekani, 30, of Porirua, has been sentenced in Wellington District Court to eight months’ home detention after pleading guilty to three charges of cruelty to a child and assault with a weapon.

    The children, aged 5, 6 and 8, were repeatedly beaten and the youngest had such a severe infestation of head lice that her hair fell out in hanks.

    Neighbours in Penguin Grove saw the children searching through rubbish bins and asking for food. Locked outside, the children would huddle under a tree, sometimes till dark.

    Though people would slip food to them as they passed on their way to school, they were too scared to report the cruelty, partly because of the intimidating presence of patched Mongrel Mob members who lived in the street. “We know it is best to keep out of other people’s business,” a resident said.

    Another, gesturing toward the gang house, said it was wiser not to get involved. Others were too fearful to speak to The Dominion Post.

    Outside the court, Tekani said she was relieved the case was over. “I want to get on with a new life.”

    The court was told that Tekani was attending a violence intervention programme, had a new job, was going to church and was seeing her children under supervision.

    “You have made a real effort to improve your life,” Judge Bruce Davidson said.

    Police became aware of the children’s plight when the youngest girl was admitted to hospital. She had been hit on the back of the head so hard that her head was forced through a bedroom wall.

    The children’s stepfather, Norman Makai, 21, was jailed this year for 5 1/2 years for ill-treatment of the children and wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

    Judge Davidson said he believed Tekani had also been subjected to violence.

    “I have no doubt Makai was violent toward you … and to some extent wore you down, but you still failed to intervene to protect your three vulnerable children.”

    Makai had said he hit the girl because she had hardly eaten her dinner.

    Doctors found her emaciated and with bruising and swelling on the backs of her legs, on her buttocks and lower back from repeated beatings. The other children had similar injuries.

    The youngest survived brain surgery, but had to learn to walk and talk again and had to wear a crash helmet for six months to protect her injured skull.

    Medical staff indicated she would continue to suffer visual problems, behaviour disorders, learning and social problems and possibly seizures.

    Inspector Mike Craig said experienced police dealing with the case were shocked by the girl’s injuries and the ill-treatment the children endured.

    The children were placed in the care of Child, Youth and Family, and now live with their paternal grandmother.

    If only someone in the neighbourhood had alerted the police or CYF, the girl might not have ended up in hospital, Mr Craig said.

  • CIR Petition to be presented today

    CIR Petition to be presented on steps of Parliament at 12.30pm today

  • USA – A Bill to Abolish the 4th Amendment


    HR 6304 – A Bill to Abolish the 4th Amendment
    On June 20, 2008 – 293 Representatives voted in favor to invalidate the 4th Amendment, but before they voted, this is what our leaders in Washington had to say about HR6304.

  • Family First confident of smacking law referendum

    7:47AM Saturday June 21, 2008

    Family First is confident it now has enough signatures to force a referendum on the anti-smacking law.

    This weekend marks the first anniversary of Sue Bradford’s controversial legislation.

    In April, the group’s petition failed as it was short of 18,000 valid signatures.

    But Family First director Bob McCoskrie said 60,000 new signatures would be presented to Parliament on Monday and should be more than enough to get a referendum.

    Mr McCoskrie said the intention of the legislation was to tackle child abuse, but it had missed the mark completely.

    He said prosecutions against parents for hitting their children were starting to come into the courts.

    The real causes of abuse need to be dealt with and good parents should be left alone, he said.


  • Joe Bennett Unleashed


    A brilliant excerpt from an interview with Joe Bennett, aptly entitled, “Joe Bennett Unleashed” – written up by Zoe George, and found in the April/May 2008 edition of the Canterbury Today business magazine.

    Child abuse is a topic of great discussion among New Zealanders, particularly in the wake of Sue Bradford’s controversial anti-smacking bill getting the governmental nod of approval last year. A move some could say hand delivered ‘nanny-state’ accusers gift-wrapped, iron-clad evidence.

    Many believe this legislation removed the rights of good parents to parent properly and does nothing to prevent abusers of children from abusing. Joe feels very strongly against child abuse, but not in the sense most of us think of it as.

    “Real child abuse is having a kid go through the state education for 12 years and coming out unable to read and write. It’s like we are tying a ball and chain around their leg and then we are amazed that they become criminals. If we can’t produce literate children then don’t look at the children, it is the system that has let them down.”

  • Child discipline law one year old tomorrow

    As the first anniversary of the so-called anti-smacking legislation rolls around, campaigners will again present a petition trying to get the law overturned.

    But the architect of the bill, Green MP Sue Bradford, says the new law is working well and should be left alone.

    The first anniversary of the controversial law is tomorrow, a day Unicef says is cause for celebration.

    Ms Bradford’s legislation amended section 59 of the Crimes Act to remove the defence of reasonable force for parents who physically discipline their children.

    The amendment, which was supported by the overwhelming majority of Parliament, gave police discretion to judge whether a reported offence warranted prosecution.

    There is to be a review of the law next June, two years after its introduction.

    Unicef executive director Dennis McKinlay said fears that good parents would face charges for minor infringements of the law had been well and truly laid to rest.

    “Police and the public have shown that this law works well and that parents can find better and more constructive ways to discipline and guide children than hitting them,” Mr McKinlay said.

    However, Kiwi Party leader Larry Baldock and supporters will on Monday again present signatures on a petition trying to force a referendum that would ask the question: “Should a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand.”

    When the petition was presented earlier, supporters had collected 324,316 signatures, but after these were checked for validity there were only 269,500 — less than the 10 percent of enrolled voters which has to be reached for a referendum to be held.

    Mr Baldock today said the petition, to be presented to the Clerk of the House on Monday, would be checked and a random sample audited over the next two months to see whether the 285,027 signatures were valid.

  • FI405-U4L: Let’s bring this puppy home “in style”

    20 June 2008 Family Integrity #405 — U4L; Let’s bring this puppy home “in style”
    —–Original Message—–
    From: Craig Hill []
    Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:42 PM
    Subject: U4L; Let’s bring this puppy home “in style”

    Hi All,

    New Total 384,000

    This is a call to all folk in AUCKLAND, WELLINGTON AND CHRISTCHURCH

    Let’s make sure we have the last laugh, this coming weekend is our last opportunity to ensure the referendum.

    The signatures will be handed in early afternoon on Monday, ALL folk in the above areas have the opportunity to pass collected signatures directly to contacts who will then deliver them to Wellington on Monday. You can also contact these people to help with organized activities within the above named cities.

    Auckland contacts, Bernie Ogilvy mob 021610919 or Craig Hill 021746113

    Christchurch contact, Ruth mob 021872459 or Andy 0211140751

    can collect and deliver your petitions to Gordon Copeland’s office in Bowen House Monday morning or bring them with you to the steps of parliament at noon.

    Any inquiries from Wellington and all general inquiries contact Craig 021746113

    Response to the Auckland push,

    What can we say, just a big thanks to all those involved. And the Christchurch team certainly led the way, well done.

    Auckland and Hamilton did well

    Warriors fixture, 1100+
    WWE Wrestling 600+
    All Blacks 1300+
    Road side 400+

    And wait for it

    Field days 8700+

    Other results

    Wellington 212
    Porirua 312
    Hastings 400

    Pertinent information

    A Land Fit For Criminals,
    This is a must attend, I am certainly alot more wiser having listened to “David Fraser”. He pulled down and exposed a number of myths relating to prison systems and
    sentencing policies. Click here for his itinerary

    Family First’s “Rally for Families”
    Family First Media Release 19 June 2008
    Family First is joining with the NZ Sikh Society, Samoan, Sri Lankan, Asian and other community groups to hold a rally on Saturday at the Manukau City Square behind the Westfield Shopping Centre at 2pm. They are calling on South Auckland families to come together in a stand of unity.

    “The community has been rocked by a number of violent crimes and it is vital that families of South Auckland stand together and support each other during this time,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ, and a Manurewa resident.

    The Rally will be held on Saturday 21 June at 2pm at the Manukau City Square behind Westfield Shopping Centre . Speakers include Acting Manukau City Mayor Gary Troup, Family First’s Bob McCoskrie, Charlie Borrell (father of Augustine Borrell) and representatives from the ethnic groups represented.


    Craig Hill
    021 746 113

    All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing (Edmund Burke 1728-1797)

  • Re: Pro Choice Propaganda


    Also see: Abortion – High Court decision

    The Case brought by Right to Life against the Abortion Supervisory Committee has highlighted that:

    (1) New Zealand effectively has abortion on demand – almost 99% of women who apply to have an abortion are granted the right to proceed because certifying consultants have been willing to accept, based largely on good faith in the claims of women – that the continuance of their pregnancy will or might result in an impairment or deterioration of their ‘mental health’ (anxiety, stress, etc).

    (2) There are serious and substantial grounds to doubt the lawfulness of many of the approximately 18,000 abortions carried out each year in New Zealand, because the grounds for many of the terminations involved a very liberal interpretation of the provisions of the law for termination, which when correctly applied – only allow for authorisation of an abortion (termination) when the certifying consultants are convinced, based on real evidence, that by not terminating the pregnancy the mother will face a real threat of serious danger to to her health or life.

    (3) The Abortion Supervisory Committee has failed in its statutory duty to protect the rights of unborn children by aiding and abetting the termination of thousands of unborn children under their watch. They must be held to account.

    The gross negligence of this Committee has been highlighted in that they have allowed thousands of abortions to proceed under their watch, when there were clearly NOT good reasons – in keeping with the law (serious danger to the life or health of the mother) – for the termination of the unborn child to proceed.

    These statutory and moral failures will be addressed by Right to Life in continuing Court action in its seeking of a writ of mandamus from the High Court directing the Committee to comply with the strictures of the law and spelling out more clearly its statutory duties in relation to the activities of certifying consultants.

    In his judgment Justice Forrest Millar stated:

    “There is reason to doubt the lawfulness of many abortions authorised by certifying consultants. Indeed, the committee itself has stated that the law is being used more liberally than Parliament intended”.