Author: HEF Admin

  • Don’t get mad- get even…even more signatures!

    02 May 2008


    Don’t get mad


    – get even…



    Here’s some interesting quotes….

    Clark: “..they don’t want to see, ah, you know, stressed and harassed parents, ah, you know, called in by the police because they, they smacked a child, so I think there’s a debate to go on..”
    Interviewer: “..right .. so, you don’t want to see smacking banned…”
    Clark: “Absolutely not! I think you’re trying to defy human nature.”
    Helen Clark – Radio Rhema – Election Campaign 2005

    “I personally think that political parties that get so removed from the voters do suffer, and I think Helen Clark is effectively whipping and forcing her caucus to do something which frankly, in my view, is largely a conscience vote which is the way National is treating it with their MP’s”
    John Key – Prime TV – before the law was passed

    “The epidemic of child abuse and child violence in this country continues – sadly. My bill was never intended to solve that problem.”
    Sue Bradford – National Radio – 21 Dec 07

    United Future leader Peter Dunne, who voted in favour of the bill, is not surprised the petition has fallen short as he says it was something launched in a fit of pique. He says it is time for people to get over the issue . Mr Dunne says the petition organisers should have been more thorough with the gathering and collating of signatures.
    Newstalk ZB this week!

    We say…

    Don’t get mad

    – get even…




    even more

















    In order to avoid ANY doubt and to get around ANY formula used to discount invalid votes, we need to collect 20,000 – 30,000 signatures on BOTH petitions preferably within 2 weeks. 1. Print off the petition form containing the 2 petitions

    2. Get as many signatures as you can on both petitions over the next 2 weeks

    * ensure the person hasn’t already signed
    * ensure they write clearly and complete all parts of the form
    * ensure they are registered on the electoral roll to vote

    * ensure you get people to fill in the “date of birth” column

    3. Send them in to the address at the bottom of the petition form as soon as possible – preferably by Monday May 12. (Even forms only half filled should still be sent in as soon as)


    Thanks for your efforts.

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  • Timaru Herald Editorial Mouthpiece for Anti-Freedom Government

    More good comments on the media over at section59.blogspot-Thanks Andy and Simeon:

    Timaru Herald Editorial Mouthpiece for Anti-Freedom Government

    By Simeon, with notes by Andy [A]

    The Timaru Herald published an editorial today slamming the petition calling for a referendum on the “anti-smacking” law as a “a sideshow“. The editorial then goes on to say that Sue Bradford’s comment telling opponents of the law to “move on” is actually popular opinion.

    But this article is wrong in the assumptions that it is making. Firstly it says that “National’s last-minute intervention that the police would not pursue inconsequential smacking took away much of the objection and the bill was easily passed.” No this took away NO objection to this legislation, if you look at recent polling then you will see that public opinion is very much the same.

    In fact, just over a week ago, a small group of volunteers collected 5,800 signatures at the V8 Racing event in Hamilton. Ahem, sorry, what did you say? public opinion has changed? Don’t make me laugh. [A]

    Next it says “But while the petition attracted 324,511 signatures, only 267,000 have been deemed valid, well short of the 285,000 to force the poll”. 267,000 is not far off 285,000 and is one of the largest petitions handed in in recent history.

    one of the largest petitions handed in in recent history.” – how much is this editor being paid? He’s just filling up paper with worthless points. It is a normal number of signatures to be submitted, and the audit is not bad news at all! Norm Wither’s “law and order” petition lost 60,000 signatures in it’s audit. [A]

    Thirdly it says “But consider what has happened since the bill was passed. The worst fears have not been realised. We have not seen a procession of parents through the courts charged with assault in the name of child discipline — there have been just five cases. Nor have we seen the law preventing the most extreme cases, with children still dying or being badly injured at the hands of their parents.” That is five cases which did not need to happen. Five families have had unneeded police interference.

    Of course “the worst fears have not been realised”. I have been saying this from the beginning. The Labour/Greens government knows it would be suicide to allow the police force to administer this draconian law to it’s fullest extent. No indeed, they will wait until (they hope) they get elected into Government again next year, and then will begin the regime of Government initiated home-invasion on thousands of good, caring family-homes. [A]

    Fourthly it says “So what has happened? Until the research is done it is only guesswork to assume the legislation is producing behavioural change. Anecdotally, there appears to be greater awareness by parents of alternatives to physical discipline, which is a good thing.” We will reap what we sow.

    Perhaps it is a good thing, but it doesn’t even begin to justify the introduction of such a anti-freedom law, against the will of the majority of the population (83%). [A]

    Lastly it says “Politicians will welcome the prospect of no anti-smacking referendum at this year’s election. It would be a sideshow to the far more serious main event, and yet could also be a rogue element in terms of colouring voters’ intentions. It is time to move.” Yes that is true, Helen Clark and Sue Bradford will welcome no referendum at this election because if we have one everyone will be reminded at the ballot box about what Labour and the Greens have done. But no it is not time to move on because politicians are our servants not our masters.

    Why are you lot so paranoid, so beside yourselves with concern at the prospect of a referendum being held? [A]

    to comment on this go to: 

  • California May Ban Spanking Washington Times
    April 28, 2008

    Washington Times Op-ed—California May Ban Spanking

    by J. Michael Smith
    HSLDA President

    It’s often said that California is a trendsetter. Ideas that begin in California have a habit of making their way across the country.

    Currently, many families have been alarmed at the recent California Court of Appeal ruling that prohibits homeschooling unless the parent is a certified teacher.

    In just 10 days, more than 250,000 people signed the Home School Legal Defense Association petition opposing this decision. Not all these families were homeschoolers. James Dobson of Focus on the Family says the ruling was an “all-out assault on the family.”

    The good news is that the Court of Appeal has granted a request for a rehearing of its decision on homeschooling, which by law, automatically vacates the decision, meaning it’s no longer binding.

    The court has solicited a number of public school establishment organizations to submit amicus briefs, including the California Superintendent of Public Instruction, the California Department of Education, the Los Angeles Unified School District, and three California teachers unions.

    Although there is no guarantee the outcome will be different after the rehearing, The homeschool community welcomes the opportunity to file an amicus brief advocating that the court retain the current method of homeschooling in California through the private school exemption.

    Just when things seemed to be settling down in California, on April 3, Assembly Bill 2943 was introduced by assembly member Sally Lieber. This bill would have the practical effect of making a noninjurious spanking with an object such as a ruler, folded newspaper or small paddle illegal in California. The bill is identical to Assembly Bill 755, which failed to pass the assembly last year.

    This bill amends Penal Code section 273(a), which makes it a crime to cause unjustifiable pain, harm or injury to any minor child. If the bill passes, spanking with an object such as a stick, rod or switch would be lumped in with throwing, kicking, burning, or cutting a child.

    Striking a child with a fist. Striking a child under 3 years of age on the face or head. Vigorously shaking of a child under 3 years of age. Interfering with a child’s breathing. Brandishing a deadly weapon upon a child. These are all factors that a jury could use to conclude that a defendant in a criminal case has inflicted unjustifiable physical pain or mental suffering.

    What the bill would do is to equate discipline administered via an implement with the above conduct, which obviously is abusive behavior toward a child.

    This likely will have several negative unjustifiable consequences in California. Prosecutors could end up filing criminal charges against parents for simply spanking their children with an object even though reasonable, age-appropriate corporal discipline is a protected right of parents in every state.

    Secondly, by the mere fact that jurors in criminal cases would be instructed that they could consider spanking with an implement to be criminal conduct would imply that the legislature believes that this type of conduct is abusive conduct. Finally, if this law passes, it will have a chilling effect on parents who reasonably exercise discipline through the use of spanking with an implement.

    Although this is not a homeschool issue, it is a parental rights issue. One of the foundations for the right to homeschool is based upon the fundamental right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children.

    The erosion of parental rights is a dangerous trend. If California continues to push to have homeschooling parents be certified teachers and limit heretofore well-established disciplinary tools of parents, it will be asserting the view that the state knows what’s best for children, thereby limiting the authority of parents to raise their children in a responsible way.

    Defending parental rights is apparently going to be an uphill battle in California. Now is the time to take a look at amending the U.S. Constitution to protect parental rights.

    Michael Smith is the president of the Home School Legal Defense Association. He may be contacted at (540)338-5600; or send email to

  • Count on Anti-Smacking Petition Labelled ‘Incredibly Dodgy’


    29 April 2008

    Count on Anti-Smacking Petition Labelled ‘Incredibly Dodgy’

    Family First NZ is labeling the counting of the signatures on the anti-smacking petition as ‘incredibly dodgy’.

    “Despite a very thorough audit of a sample of signatures, the government statistician has applied a further margin of error against the number of signatures,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ. “But margins of error go both ways, plus and minus, and it completely ignores the purpose and function of the previous thorough audit process.”

     “This would suggest that there is an agenda to try and ‘kill’ the petition.”

    Family First is still completely confident of success with the petition despite this setback and says the websites hosting the petition forms have been inundated with downloads of the petition form today.

    “We have had almost 300 downloads just today on just the Family First website, and many emails requesting the forms,” says Mr McCoskrie. “That is similar with other organisations hosting the forms.”

    “Despite the hopes and dreams of Labour and the Greens, this issue is not going to go away any time soon. Parents who opposed this law will get to be heard – no matter how hard they make it.”

    How many signatures were submitted?
    How many were needed to force the referendum?
    Only 285.027
    How many were found invalid after the thorough audit?
    The government statistician ( our emphasis added ) took a sample of almost 30,000 and found an ‘invalid’ rate of about 13% (pretty good considering Norm Wither’s law and order petition had 20% invalid rate).
    So that means 324,216 less 13% invalid = 282,067 – a shortfall of about 3,000?
    Yes – that’s what you would expect
    But they’re saying that the shortfall is 18,027; 15,000 greater than the sample would indicate
    That’s what the government statistician ( our emphasis added) is saying
    So how did he get the extra invalid signatures numbering 15,000?
    That’s the million dollar question. They have literally plucked a figure out of the air (arguing ‘margin of error’ and despite their already thorough audit), said it’s their ‘best estimate’ – and under the Act, they don’t have to be accountable for how they came to that figure.

    Do the organisers have extra time to collect the 15,000 shortfall
    YES! 2 more months.
    Have any more signatures been collected since the previous cut-off date?
    Yes! Almost 20,000 (including 6,500 at the V8 races last weekend – gotta love those petrol-heads!)
    So you have enough to force the Referendum?
    You would think so, but based on the confusing and suspicious calculations made by the government statistician ( our emphasis added ) we will collect a buffer of 20,000 more signatures to be totally sure


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

    Bob McCoskrie JP – National Director 

    Tel. 09 261 2426 | Mob. 027 55 555 42

  • Clerk Reports on Petition: 20,000 signatures to go

    Thanks again Andy for a great summary: Clerk Reports on Petition: 20,000 signatures to go

    “Smacking law petition fails to gather enough valid signatures” screams the headline on the TV3 news site.

    NewstalkZB picks up the story, picking up on comments from Sue Bradford, the Green MP who introduced the Anti-Smacking bill. “The opponents of the “anti-smacking” law are being told to move on, as their petition calling for the repeal of the legislation change does not have enough valid signatures to force a referendum.” presents a confused story, claiming that the petition organisers have been dealt a “major blow”.

    David Farrar at Kiwiblog tells it like it is.

    “They needed 285,027 signatures valid signatures. They got 324,216 but a sample found around 11% were not able to be found on the electoral roll plus 1% illegible and 0.5% duplicates. This is about normal off mory.So their valid signatures were calculated as 269,500 so they need 16,000 more valid signatures which is probably 20,000 more total signatures to be safe.

    I suspect the Government is nervous about having every voter reminded of the law they are primarily identified with, at the very point at which they are voting.”

    Meanwhile, Bob McCoskrie doesn’t have any time for the media hype, and gets to the main point, which is:

    “the success of the petition demanding a public referendum on the highly unpopular and extremist anti-smacking law shows that politicians should respond now, not after the election, to the wishes of NZ parents.”

    The Clerk of the House has disqualified 16,294 signatures – this comes as no surprise, despite the wild exaggerations from the mainstream media. In fact, this is a relatively low number of signatures to be crossed out, as we see in an excerpt from this article (23 Feb 08) from the Section 59 blog:

    In the last petition demanding a referendum (Norm Wither’s 1999 law and order referendum), almost 60,000 signatures were disallowed by the Clerks who check the validity of the signatures.”

    “We have already collected an additional 20,000 signatures” says Larry Baldock in his Press Release, 29 April 2008, “We were always concerned about the hurdles to be crossed in the audit process, said Mr Baldock, and for that reason we continued collecting signatures after we handed in the 324,511 signatures on Feb 29th.”

    Click here to download the petition form. If you haven’t already, sign it, get your friends and family to sign it, and then send it to the address on the bottom of the form.

  • The Petition

    The Petition

    If you haven’t already signed Larry Baldock and Sheryl Savill’s petitions, download the petition below, print it, sign them and post it to the address included – simple.

    also, you can be gathering signatures for the petition. Download and print it and get your family, friends, neigbours and work mates to sign it!

    Download the petition + FaQ (3 pages)

    Download the petition only (1 page)

    You will need a PDF reader, such as adobe Reader, to open these documents. If you don’t already have it, you can get it here – Get adobe Reader


    29 Apr 2008

    Hi Barbara,



    Smacking law petition fails to gather enough valid signatures ” TV3 news site
    The opponents of the “anti-smacking” law are being told to move on, as their petition calling for the repeal of the legislation change does not have enough valid signatures to force a referendum.” – NewstalkZB
    Smacking opponents told to ‘move on’ after failure NZ Herald
    Smacking Petition falls short ” Dominion Post

    How many signatures were submitted?

    How many were needed to force the referendum?
    Only 285.027

    How many were found invalid after the thorough audit?
    The government statistician ( our emphasis added ) took a sample of almost 30,000 and found an ‘invalid’ rate of about 13% (pretty good considering Norm Wither’s law and order petition had 20% invalid rate)

    So that means 324,216 less 13% invalid = 282,067 – a shortfall of about 3,000?
    Yes – that’s what you would expect

    But they’re saying that the shortfall is 18,027; 15,000 greater than the sample would indicate

    That’s what the government statistician ( our emphasis added) is saying

    So how did he get the extra invalid signatures numbering 15,000?
    Beats me (pardon the pun!). They have literally plucked a figure out of the air (arguing ‘margin of error’ and despite their already thorough audit), said it’s their ‘best estimate’ – and under the Act, they don’t have to be accountable for how they came to that figure.

    Do we have extra time to collect the 15,000 shortfall
    YES! 2 more months. As they say, “it’s not over until the….”

    Have any more signatures been collected since the previous cut-off date?
    Yes! Almost 20,000 (including 6,500 at the V8 races last weekend – gotta love those petrol-heads!)

    So you have enough to force the Referendum?

    You would think so, but based on the confusing and suspicious calculations made by the government statistician ( our emphasis added ) we need a buffer of 20,000 more signatures to be totally sure

    What about the 2nd petition demanding a Commission of Enquiry to identify and tackle real child abuse and their causes
    This petition is also 20,000 short but because it had less than the required number of signatures as at the first cut-off date of February 28th, the 20,000 on the 2nd petition need to be submitted by May 14 – that’s right – 2 weeks away


    Thought you’d never ask!

    We need to collect 20,000 signatures on BOTH petitions preferably within 2 weeks.


    1. Print off the petition form containing the 2 petitions

    2. Get as many signatures as you can on both petitions over the next 2 weeks

    3. Sending them in to the address at the bottom of the petition form as soon as possible – but at the latest by Monday May 12. (Even forms only half filled should still be sent in as soon as)


    Thanks for your efforts.

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  • CIR Petition

    Sorry folks but we are just going to have to do some more work.

    I trust you will have a clear picture of the situation after reading the actual letters attached in my press release. Sometimes the media are masters at confusion.

    We will be given back all the petitions we submitted, all 324,511. We will have two months to add as many as we can. We already have 20,000 extra signatures and we thought that might have been enough, but you can see if the Government Statistician uses his formula again that could leave us short.

    I think we need to have at least another 20-30,000 to be sure we have sufficient.

    When we do resubmit approx 370,000 the Clerk of the House will go through the whole process again with a completely new random sample. Who knows whether that sample will be better or worse!

    Let’s therefore make sure that what we collect from now on are as clear and accurate as possible. Get the date of birth if at all possible as that can make a big difference in the certification. Make sure address details are complete and printed clearly.

    You have been fantastic, we can do this,

    Many thanks,


    Larry Baldock
    Party Leader
    Phone: 021 86 4833
    The Kiwi Party
    PO Box 9228
    Tauranga 3122
    New Zealand
    Ph: 07-543-0601
  • Time to overhaul the CIR Act says Kiwi Party Leader.

    Time to overhaul the CIR Act says Kiwi Party Leader. The Kiwi Party
    Press Release
    “It is no wonder that only 3 out of 42 official attempts to call for a Referendum over the last 15 years have succeeded,” said Mr Baldock.

    Kiwi Party Leader and CIR petition organiser Larry Baldock announced today that the Petition to force a referendum on the question, “should a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?” had not been certified by the Government’s statistician as having sufficient signatures.
    “We were always concerned about the hurdles to be crossed in the audit process, said Mr Baldock, and for that reason we continued collecting signatures after we handed in the 324,511 signatures on Feb 29th.

    What has taken us by surprise is the bizarre formula used by the Government’s Statistician to evaluate the results of the sample taken by the clerk’s office.

    The Government’s Statistician asked for a sample size of 1/11th to be carefully checked. That turned out to be 29,501 signatures out of the total count of 324,511. Of those signatures the Electoral Enrolment Centre ascertained that 25,754 where valid.

    Accordingly, assuming that the sample was representative of the whole, the number of valid signatures should have been; 25,754 x 11 which equals 283,294. The number required is 285,027 so this indicates a shortfall of just 1,733 signatures!

    However the Government’s Statistician has said that his best estimate is just 267,000 or a shortfall of 18,027; 16,294 greater than the 1/11th sample would indicate.
    I think the 283,294 people who, based on the sample, validly signed the petition, deserve an explanation from the Government’s Statistician of that discrepancy. Why has he decided that the signatures of 16,294 people who are validly enrolled on the electoral roll are to be set aside?

    It seems to me to be similar to the IRD”s recent $600million error which goes to prove that government departments can make mistakes!

    I think we should call for an independent review by the Auditor General. How else can those 283,294 be assured that their signatures have been taken into account?

    The Kiwi Party is making the review of the CIR Act 1993 an important priority to give New Zealanders a better chance of having their voices heard through the referenda process.

    We have already collected an additional 20,000 signatures, but we now feel we need to collect at least another 20,000 before we resubmit the petition within the two months allocated under the Act,” said Mr Baldock.



    Larry Baldock


    Attachments: Referenda_Petition_-_Savill.pdf
    Larry Baldock
    Party Leader
    Phone: 021 86 4833
    The Kiwi Party
    PO Box 9228
    Tauranga 3122
    New Zealand
    Ph: 07-543-0601