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  • Police inquiry after foster child’s death

    By KIM RUSCOE – Fairfax Media | Friday, 18 April 2008

    Police are investigating the death of a south Auckland toddler who sustained unexplained head injuries while in the care of his foster parents.

    Police spokeswoman Angeline Barlow said the death of three-year-old Papakura toddler Dylan Hohepa Tonga Rimoni was being treated as suspicious.

    Middlemore Hospital staff notified police on Wednesday that a child with unexplained head injuries had been brought to the hospital by ambulance late the previous night.

    He was later transferred to Auckland’s Starship Hospital, where life support was turned off yesterday, Ms Barlow said.

    Dylan’s foster family, who were caring for him at the time, were helping police “piece together” the course of events which led to the boy’s death, Ms Barlow said.

    A scene examination was underway at the family’s Drury home and was expected to be completed later today.

    A Ministry of Social Development spokeswoman said Dylan’s foster care was not a Child Youth and Family arrangement.

  • Committee forwards plan to criminalize spanking-California


    ‘I’m a parent, arrest me,’ woman tells lawmakers
    Committee forwards plan to criminalize spanking

    Posted: April 15, 2008
    © 2008 WorldNetDailyA California mother of five has told members of a legislative committee their plan to criminalize spanking by concerned parents would mean that misbehavior and rebellion no longer could be corrected, and she could face arrest.Sarah Berke appeared today before the Democrat-controlled Assembly Public Safety Committee, whose members listened to her, then advanced the plan to criminalize spanking with any “implement,” such as a wooden spoon, little paddle, rolled-up newspaper, switch, belt or brush.

    The proposal is a rerun of last year’s attempt to do the same thing, criminalize parents who spank their children, by redefining it as child abuse.

    “I’m here today as one of the thousands of parents in our state who love our children and believe in traditional values,” she said. “As someone dead-set against the evil of child abuse, I also have a strong faith that calls on me to correct misbehavior and rebellion when it occurs.”

    She said that means, “spanking once in a while.”

    However, “my faith and moral beliefs that teach me to ‘train up a child in the way he should go’ would make me a suspected child abuser under AB 2943,” she said. “Under this bill, I could be arrested and charged with child abuse. I could be tried in criminal court, be sent to jail for a year, and lose custody of my children.

    “AB 2943 tramples the rights of good parents to raise their children with various methods of correction and discipline. This is wrong. Spanking isn’t child abuse,” she said.

    California Assembly Speaker pro Tempore Sally Lieber

    The proposal is being backed by Assemblywoman Sally Lieber, who launched the same campaign a year ago, only to see it fail then.

    Her plan would define any spanking with the use of an “implement” as child abuse.

    “AB 2943 will result in good parents being arrested, handcuffed, and charged with criminal child abuse,” said Randy Thomasson, president of the Campaign for Children and Families. No state legislature has passed a bill like this, and no state or federal court has ruled that spanking is child abuse.”

    Voting to endorse the plan were Jose Solorio of Santa Ana, Hector De La Torre of Los Angeles, Fiona Ma of San Francisco, Anthony Portantino of La Caqada Flintridge and Curren Price of Inglewood. All are Democrats. Republican Greg Aghazarian of Stockton voted against.

    The proposal next goes to the Assembly Appropriations Committee, the body that halted last year’s plan by Lieber because of the expected costs, and the status of California’s red-drenched state checkbook.

    “This bad bill labels tens of thousands of good fathers and good mothers as violent child abusers,” Thomasson said. “Under AB 2943, all mandatory reporters, including teachers, police officers, social workers, counselors and clergy, must be trained to see parents who spank as potential child abusers. The fact that Sally Lieber wants to order good parents into a ‘nonviolent parental education class’ demonstrates that she thinks parents who spank are violent child abusers.”

    “This is so wrong – God gave children to parents, not to the state,” said Thomasson, whose organization is providing Californians with information to call and e-mail their state lawmakers about the plan.

    Lieber has claimed this year’s effort would only deal with child abuse, just as last years. But she also affirms that all spanking, by definition, is child abuse.

    Those arrested could be charged and tried in a criminal court and be sentenced to a year in jail and lose custody of their children, the family organization said. In addition, it said, such cases could be referred to Child Protective Services and Juvenile Court.

    “It’s shameful that a lawmaker wants to ban parents from lovingly disciplining their children,” said Karen England, executive director of Capitol Resource Family Impact.

    “Many parents use a wooden spoon or similar instrument to discipline a disobedient child because they don’t want to use their hand, an instrument of love,” she said.

    Meredith Turney, the organization’s legislative liaison, testified against the plan.

    “AB 2943 equates kicking, cutting or burning a child with a responsible spanking,” she said. “The millions of responsible parents who lovingly discipline their children would never engage in such abusive behavior as burning or cutting their children,” she said.

    The California Teacher’s Association, however, supported the plan, saying, “The use of physical punishment teaches children that violence/physical force is an acceptable method to resolve differences. We need to stop the cycle of violence…”

    That organization also supported teaching homosexuality in class, as well as supported communist teachers in public schools, England said.

    “It is shocking and outrageous that the largest teachers’ union in the state wants to intrude into our homes and tell us how to raise our children,” stated England. “Not content with simply indoctrinating students with communism and homosexuality, the union now wants to prevent parents from disciplining their children.”

    England said current law already addresses abuse adequately.

    “This bill goes much further and seeks to prohibit parents from raising healthy, responsible children,” she said.

    “There is contempt in the legislature for Judeo-Christian values and AB 2943 is the most blatant evidence of this attempt to take away our freedom to raise children according to our beliefs,” Turney said.

    Lieber’s plan last year drew objections even from editorialists.

    The Contra Costa Times said the bill “is completely unenforceable. Are we to expect a 2-year-old to dial 911 and report a parent for swatting him or her on the behind?”

    The newspaper’s editorial took a straightforward shot at the issue.

    “With all of the pressing problems facing our state, what issue has the knickers of our esteemed lawmakers in such a twist? What burning concern has the ponderous pundits on the cable news shows frothing at the mouth?

    “Global warming? Plunging real estate values? Good-paying jobs being shipped off to India every time you turn around? Maybe the governor’s new health care proposal?

    “None of the above.

    “The latest meaningless, national distraction, is a silly bill proposed by Assembly Pro Tem Speaker Sally Lieber, D-Mountain View, that would make it a crime to spank any child 3 years old or younger.”

    The editorial’s suggestion? “Get real.”

  • “Give honour where honour is due.”

    NCHR has been awarded the Society Magazine’s (Norway) Diploma of Honour.

    Sweden: NCHR/NKMR, (Nordic Committee for Human Rights)

    The reason for awarding our Diploma of Honour to the NCHR/NKMR is the organisation’s more than a decennium long struggle for the rights of individuals, and those of children and their families, to an independent life without unnecessary interference from the authorities.

    Through their untiring work and unflinching efforts since the organisation was founded in 1996, the NCHR/NKMR has shown that it is primordial to fight for Human Rights. The road has been long. Despite set-backs and opposition the NCHR/NKMR has persevered and proven to be one of the few organisations in Scandinavia that really takes its work both seriously and conscientiously.

  • Changing The Heart Of A Rebel


    Dr. S.M. Davis Changing the Heart of a Rebel
    “No, rebellion is not normal. Yes, there is a solution! Many testimonies from around the world attest to the effectiveness of the Biblical principles expounded in this message.”

    “Parents of younger children say that the message has helped them understand parenting so as to prevent problems with their children. Some parents say they listen to the message every few weeks to help them stay “on track” as a parent. Still other parents have found the message to be the “lifeline” to stop a descent into destruction and save the life and future of their rebellious teen. “Your video, ‘Changing the Heart of a Rebel’ did just that for our son! I only regret we didn’t hear it while he was in his early teens so we could have prevented the whole thing!” — TN Mother”

    We highly recommend this message and have given it away in tape form to lots of parents. We were thrilled to find this online so that even more parents can listen to it.

    Listen to this tape here:

    This website has this message written in 4 parts here:

    Jul. 11, 2005: Changing the Heart of a Rebel Part 1
    Jul. 11, 2005: Changing the Heart of a Rebel Part 2
    Jul. 11, 2005: Changing the Heart of a Rebel Part 3
    Jul. 11, 2005: Changing the Heart of a Rebel Part 4

  • Anti-Smacking Law Now Proved to Criminalise Good Parents


    10 April 2008

    Anti-Smacking Law Now Proved to Criminalise Good Parents

    Family First NZ says that the charging of a Glen Innes man which was subsequently dismissed in the Auckland District Court today is evidence that good parents are victims of the anti-smacking law, a law which has done nothing to stem rates of real child abuse.

    “The lawyer representing the father is agreeing with Family First’s original assertions that good and loving fathers (and mothers) would be victims of this ideologically flawed law, that members of families would use it against other members, and that supporters of Bradford’s anti-smacking law have simply abused child abuse laws,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.

    Family First has already publicized many cases where good parents have come under the suspicion and investigation of CYF and police for light smacking, or not even smacking at all.

    “As well as the many cases of good parents being investigated, here we have perfect evidence of wasted police resources and time and a good family impacted by badly drafted legislation resulting in a good father being charged and dragged through court.”

    “It is sad that it comes in a week where a step-father has been charged with the murder of 22-month-old Tokoroa boy Tyla-Maree Darryl Flynn, a woman has been charged with the murder of ten-month-old Jyniah Mary Te Awa from Manurewa, a father has been charged with the murder of Otahuhu two-month-old Tahani Mahomed from Otahuhu last December, and two men have already pleaded guilty to the gang-related drive-by shooting of Wanganui toddler Jhia Te Tua,” says Mr McCoskrie.

    “Sue Bradford was right. The anti-smacking law has done nothing to stop child abuse.”

    Family First is demanding that the anti-smacking law be amended to protect good parenting, and that resources, policing and policy is targeted at the real causes of child abuse. Family First’s 5-point Action Plan can be viewed at

    “The promises made by Helen Clark and John Key have tragically, especially for this family but also for all NZ parents, shown the law to be severely deficient,” says Mr McCoskrie.


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

    Bob McCoskrie JP – National Director

    Tel. 09 261 2426 | Mob. 027 55 555 42

    Original story

  • Couple turned down as foster parents for smacking policy-UK

    David and Heather Bowen, who only smack their daughter as a last resort.

    David and Heather Bowen, who only smack their daughter as a last resort.

    Couple turned down as foster parents for smacking policy

    By Phil Hill

    A CHRISTIAN couple have been barred from fostering because they occasionally smack their own daughter as “a last resort”.

    David and Heather Bowen, of Whitmore Road, Taunton, say they would never smack a foster child.

    But they were rejected because of their discipline policy for their own child, Emma, 9.

    Mrs Bowen, 47, a volunteer helper at Wellsprings Primary School, which Emma attends, said: “We’ve been open and honest – we smack Emma once or twice a year, but wouldn’t smack a foster child.

    “It’s controlled, on the leg and legal.

    “We sit her down and explain what she’s done wrong. It’s a last resort.”

    When the panel turned us down, it felt like walking out of hospital without Jonathan – a sense of loss and grieving.”

    Linda Barnett, Somerset County Council’s Head of Children’s Services, said several factors are considered when selecting foster parents.

    She added: “Where carers have a strong personal belief that differs from the Foster Carer Agreement, it’s potentially unfair to expect them to operate to a set of guidelines which conflicts with this.

    “This brings into sharp focus the issue of whether they’ll be able to work alongside the local authority in caring for other people’s children.”

    *What are your views on smacking children? Have your say below and vote in our online poll.

    When the panel turned us down, it felt like walking out of hospital without Jonathan – a sense of loss and grieving.”

    Linda Barnett, Somerset County Council’s Head of Children’s Services, said several factors are considered when selecting foster parents.

    She added: “Where carers have a strong personal belief that differs from the Foster Carer Agreement, it’s potentially unfair to expect them to operate to a set of guidelines which conflicts with this.

    “This brings into sharp focus the issue of whether they’ll be able to work alongside the local authority in caring for other people’s children.”

    *What are your views on smacking children? Have your say below and vote in our online poll.