Category: Blogs

  • Repeal Section 59 – the Facebook Group

    Repeal Section 59 – the Facebook Group Just a quick note. A Facebook Group has been started, calling for the repeal of Section 59. “Kiwis don’t want Sue Bradford’s Anti-Smacking Law. Join this group to show your support for a repeal of this new anti-parental-authority law.” Click here to join.

  • Anti-Smacking Law, One Year On

    Thanks Andy for reminding us again of this dark moment in New Zealand’s history 12 months ago. Visit Andy’s site to make comments on this: Anti-Smacking Law, One Year On One year ago, on 2 May 2008, Sue Bradford’s Anti-Smacking Bill passed it’s third reading. The bill had the numbers to pass, however the…

  • Timaru Herald Editorial Mouthpiece for Anti-Freedom Government

    More good comments on the media over at section59.blogspot-Thanks Andy and Simeon: Timaru Herald Editorial Mouthpiece for Anti-Freedom Government By Simeon, with notes by Andy [A] The Timaru Herald published an editorial today slamming the petition calling for a referendum on the “anti-smacking” law as a “a sideshow“. The editorial then goes on to…

  • Clerk Reports on Petition: 20,000 signatures to go

    Thanks again Andy for a great summary: Clerk Reports on Petition: 20,000 signatures to go “Smacking law petition fails to gather enough valid signatures” screams the headline on the TV3 news site. NewstalkZB picks up the story, picking up on comments from Sue Bradford, the Green MP who introduced the Anti-Smacking bill. “The opponents…

  • Clearing up Confusion over Referendum Process

    Andy has done a great job of presenting this at: Clearing up Confusion over Referendum Process As per my last post, there is obviously a level of confusion over the future of the petition calling for a referendum on the Anti-Smacking Law. Below I have a copy of the Referendum Process from the Parliament…

  • Referendum Scaremongering from the Media

    From: Referendum Scaremongering from the Media “Thousands of pro-smacking signatures invalid” – blares the headline on the NewstalkZB website. Firstly, it is absolutely normal in any petition, for a percentage of signatures to be declared invalid. Secondly, what is this reference to “pro-smacking signatures?” The question asked on the petition, “Should a smack as…

  • Blog-Contra Celsum-Lies, Damned Lies and Bureaucrats, Damned Lies and Bureaucrats Cindy Kiro’s World of Half Truths and False Gods “Violence breeds violence”, has become Cindy Kiro’s new mantra as she seeks to defend the recent law banning smacking. She has at her fingertips, no doubt, countless examples and case studies of families where children were thrashed and abused when young.…

  • blog-darrenrickard.blogspot

    From: Cobern’s column a slap in the face for Deborah Morris-Travers Sacha Cobern has this week sparked debate from those sensible people with commonsense, who believe smacking a child should be a valuable tool in a parents toolbox and that government have no business putting their sticky beak noses in our business. The fear…

  • More On Smacking

    From this blog:  More On Smacking I know this is turning into a smacking blog, but the issue is on my mind at the moment. Sarah and I went out collecting signatures again last night. Once again as per usual the overwhelming response was positive. The editorial in the Herald demonstrated how out of…

  • Blog-New Zealand Conservative

    Blog from: A couple of days ago I passed a group of women sitting at an outdoor table at a cafe, having morning tea together and chatting. They were definitely mothers, as there were a number of strollers parked around them, and babies sitting on some of their laps. As I passed by, I…