Category: Section 59 – The Bill
Section 59 – Bill
Section 59 {Crimes (Substituted Section 59) Amendment Bill}…Crimes-Substituted-Section-59-Amendment-Bill.htm
Good Parents Made Criminals Sometime This Year?
Domestic discipline-“Every parent of a child…is justified in using force by way of correction towards the child, if the force used is reasonable in the circumstances.” Section 59 of the Crimes Act.The Select Committee’s proposed substitution amendment of Section 59 will effectively repeal all parental authority and make all parents criminals by definition, whether they…
Still much to do
There is still much more that we want to do to keep the momentum going between now and 2 May, when the Bill might next come before Parliament for its second reading. As we seek to keep up the pressure in our fight against the Crimes Amendment Bill, your prayers, financial contributions and moral support…
By Fear and Fallacy by Michael L Drake The repression of reason and public good in New Zealand by the anti-smacking lobby by Michael L Drake
1st reading to repeal Section 59 of the Crimes Act.
1st reading to repeal Section 59 of the Crimes Act. Wednesday 27 July 2005 65 MPs for 54 MPs against Support for 1st reading: Labour Greens The Progressives The Maori Party Two of NZ First’s 13 MPs
Significant Quote- Rex Ahdar & James Allan*
Significant Quote: Section 59 of the Crimes Act 1961 currently permits parents to administer moderate corporal punishment to correct their children’s misbehaviour. Various groups contend that corporal punishment should be abolished. It is, they charge, ineffective, if not harmful. They invoke the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in support. Rex Ahdar…
Hansard – 16 May 2007 – 3rd reading Section 59
Hansard – 16 May 2007 – 3rd reading Section 59 Hansard – 16 May 2007 – 3rd reading Section 59 Hansard is now up for the 3rd reading: or more specifically: Child Abuse—Child, Youth and Family Discretion Gordon Copeland— Resignation from United Future Crimes (Substituted Section 59) Amendment Bill Third Reading…