9 June 2008 – Family Integrity #392 — U4L, closet smacker exposed
—–Original Message—–
From: Craig Hill [mailto:craighill@maxnet.co.nz]
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2008 10:34 PM
Subject: U4L,closet smacker exposed
Hi All,
We’re having a wonderful time with the Auckland push.
The Warriors game realized over 1100 signatures, which is pretty good considering the small team, but the best part of the weekend has been the hypocritical Anti-Smackers.
Try and figure these stories out.
First case scenario,
A mother walked past the table this morning at the netball courts, she very indignantly stated “You shouldn’t be smacking children”. Then as she walked away and to everyone’s amazement her daughter asked “Then why do you smack me so often?” Another mother in the crowd heard this and appropriately responded “AH, A closet smacker”.
The double standard, hypocrisy, and the so called perceived moral high ground shown by this Anti-Smacker is bad enough, but sadly and worst of all is that this mother is probably losing her cool and is hitting in anger, poor child.
Second and Third case scenario,
At the Warriors game, remember “all was fine until the end of the match”.
Now let’s set the tone for this hypocrisy. In regards to parenting the anti-smacker is pretty quick to claim that all violence leads to violence, then they will conveniently confuse the physical aspect of a correctional smack as and with that of a violent beating. So, according to their own admission and interpretation of parental discipline then we must assume that the physical nature of a rugby league match should then be classified as violent actions. How else do you describe “a man physically throwing other men to the ground as not being violent”.
Now I’m confused. All of a sudden our anti-smackers recognize how the situation surrounding a physical action determines whether it is violent or not. Interesting.
Here’s the question, Why were the anti-smackers so well behaved entering the match and then very aggressive upon leaving?
Given the information above a “modern day evolutionary psychologist” may interpret this change in character as a result of being exposed to the aggressive nature of the game. They may claim something like “the aggressive actions witnessed in the game has aroused some ancient hunting gene” etc etc etc.They may also claim that the above reaction from the Anti-smackers validate the “Violence leads to violence” interpretation.
I think our second and third case scenarios give a better answer.
Another woman, on leaving yelled “YOU JUST WANT TO BEAT YOUR CHILDREN”. Tired of these false allegations I let her have it, I made sure I gave her everything and more, the same kind of misguided logic, a taste of her own medicine, I gave her my best and I enjoyed it. She was put in her place. I said, “Now look here Lady, I don’t know who you are but lets get your facts straight. You say all we want to do is beat our children, we can’t even beat the Rabbitohs”. The crowd roared with laughter.
Then another woman had a crack at us, I will not repeat her flowery vocab, it was not pleasant. I was stunned, but then it happened. From the din of the crowd came a loud, drunken voice. It was heard by all. This man, even in his condition, summed up the situation better than Helen Clark on steroids. No one could argue with him and all agreed, he was right. This is what was said: “Now that’s a woman who was never hugged as a child”.
We can’t even beat the Rabbitohs. Here is the problem, the reason for their character change, the reason for their nastiness. “The Warriors lost”. Their team of physical/violent men lost and were clearly not as physical/violent as the Rabbitohs. They turned their frustration on us, we became the victims, beaten with their lies we struggled on to keep up with the hordes willing to sign the petition.
Now on a serious note, we had a wonderful time. However the more I see and hear the reactions, like the examples above, the more sorrow I feel for these folk. Sadly many have been deceived by those deliberate but mischievous arguments, many don’t understand the importance and the need for the parent to be the authority in the home.
Unfortunately we don’t have the time to wait for these folk to wake up, we need to take positive action to regain our ground, the first step is to collect as many signatures as possible to force democratic process and change the direction our current leaders have chosen.
Even if there is only one signature on a form it will be well received, we are close to entering our last week so…..
Kind Regards,
Craig Hill
All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing” (Edmund Burke 1729-1797)