Tag: CIR Petition
PM between a rock and a hard place
The Kiwi Party Press Release Kiwi Party leader Larry Baldock welcomed the news that John Boscawen’s bill was drawn from the Ballot only one day after the Chief Electoral Office released the final results of the referendum. This is good news for all those who want to see a smack no longer a criminal offence…
Smacking poll ‘no’ landslide confirmed
Smacking poll ‘no’ landslide confirmed The Dominion Post Last updated 14:38 25/08/2009 http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/2787019/Smacking-poll-no-landslide-confirmed The final results of the smacking referendum have been released, showing that more than 1.68 million ballots were cast – with 87 per cent voting ‘no’. The poll question asked: “Should a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal…
Vote Against Smacking Law Exceeds Vote For MMP
MEDIA RELEASE 25 August 2009 Vote Against Smacking Law Exceeds Vote For MMP Family First NZ says that more NZ’ers voted against the smacking law than voted for our Electoral system to change to MMP. “The final turnout for the anti-smacking Referendum was 56% with 87.4% voting no. The turnout for the MMP referendum was…
More Window Dressing on a Rejected Law
MEDIA RELEASE 25 August 2009 More Window Dressing on a Rejected Law Family First NZ says that the government has done more ‘compromise’ on a ‘compromise’ law but the window dressing is a cynical attempt to ignore the overwhelming majority of NZ’ers who reject the anti-smacking law. “The Police have already been doing regular reviews…
What should happen with the smacking legislation now?
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/ Readers’ Poll Put in your vote What should happen with the smacking legislation now? Leave it as it is Clarify the guidelines Scrap it Final Results: Leave it as it is: 781 (14%) Clarify the guidelines: 1668 (30%) Scrap it: 3022 (55%) Total Votes: 5471 http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10592900&pnum=0
Post-Cabinet press conference on the “smacking” referendum
Added 24 August. Press conference. Source: www.youtube.com Post-Cabinet press conference on Maori seats in the Auckland “super city” and the “smacking” referendum
Key: I won’t ignore smacking vote
Key: I won’t ignore smacking vote By TRACY WATKINS – The Dominion Post http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/2779737/Key-I-won-t-ignore-smacking-vote Last updated 17:18 24/08/2009 Referendum Condemns Law LATEST: Prime Minister John Key has unveiled a compromise option on the so-called anti-smacking law after it was overwhelmingly rejected in a referendum. Mr Key took a series of proposals to Cabinet today following…
Cabinet Ministers Swamped With Emails
Keep your emails going into the Prime Minister and his cabinet. Two links to help with this: Here are the addresses to write to: https://familyintegrity.org.nz/2009/the-message-is-clear-decriminalise-light-smacking/ Here is an idea about what to say: we totally endorse Larry Baldock’s suggestion of merely repealing two clauses of the current act, rather than pass a new Bill https://familyintegrity.org.nz/2009/referendumsection-59-the-way-forward/…
Key mulling smacking options
http://tvnz.co.nz/one-news/key-mulling-smacking-options-2937313/video Key mulling smacking options (2:48
The anti-smacking law: Only a law change is morally acceptable
From beretta-online The anti-smacking law: Only a law change is morally acceptable 4 Comments NZ Prime Minister John Key is saying that he takes the referendum outcome seriously, and that he wants to reassure parents that they will not be investigated or prosecuted just for smacking a child. See the story here. Police and Child…