Tag: Section 59
Cindy Kiro’s term ending!
This is from Family First’s e-newsletter. To subscribe send an email to: admin@familyfirst.org.nz 1. Cindy Kiro’s term ending! Herald on Sunday 25 January 2009 Controversial Children’s Commissioner Cindy Kiro will finish her five-year term in April. The Ministry of Social Development has advertised the high-profile role, with an annual salary of $195,100 . Critics have…
Police Confirm Prosecutions For Smacking
MEDIA RELEASE 19 December 2008 Police Confirm Prosecutions For Smacking LAW CONFIRMED AS SPECTACULAR FAILURE Latest figures on police activity following the anti-smacking law confirm that police are wasting valuable police time and resources investigating unwarranted complaints against parents, but they also confirm that they are prosecuting parents for smacking. “There has been a 30%…
Voters Deliver Verdict on Anti-Smacking Law
MEDIA RELEASE 2 November 2008 Voters Deliver Verdict on Anti-Smacking Law Family First NZ says that John Key and the National government should respond to the concerns of voters now rather than later, and amend the anti-smacking law to protect good parents. “The Labour government was punished and the Greens failed to achieve their potential…
Persecution of Parents To Be Investigated by National
MEDIA RELEASE 5 November 2008 Persecution of Parents To Be Investigated by National Family First NZ is welcoming comments by senior National MP Judith Collins that if elected, National will check whether the anti-smacking law has resulted in needless prosecutions and persecution of parents. “We have stacks of evidence and testimony that good families have…
Stick that could yet beat Clark
Stick that could yet beat Clark The smacking bill passed with a hefty majority in Parliament, but it has left a deep schism through middle New Zealand. Politicians from both major parties are resolutely refusing to make it an election issue, but it just won’t go away By EMILY WATT – The Dominion Post |…
Home discipline still a hot topic
Home discipline still a hot topic 4:00AM Saturday Oct 25, 2008 By Carroll du Chateau The debate has yet to die down. Photo / BOP Times Election ’08: Party policies in detail The Smacking Debate What the parties say about the smacking law In a year when the morals and ethics of our political parties…
National Adopts ‘We Know Better Than You’ Attitude
MEDIA RELEASE 22 October 2008 National Adopts ‘We Know Better Than You’ Attitude Family First NZ is labeling comments made by National leader John Key in the Dominion Post today regarding the anti-smacking law and Referendum as disappointing and deaf to the views of the overwhelming majority of NZ parents. “It was hoped that National…
ACT campaign launch: We provide the spine
http://www.stuff.co.nz/vote08/4724654a28435.html ACT campaign launch: We provide the spine 12 October 2008 ACT has launched its election campaign with leader Rodney Hide saying only his party can put some backbone into a National-led government. Act’s launch at the Alexandra Park Raceway in Auckland started a day of launches which also sees Labour, National and United Future…
Family First – Poll reveals backlash over smacking law
From Family First e-newsletter. To subscribe to this newsletter send an email to: admin@familyfirst.org.nz 1. Poll reveals backlash over smacking law The anti-smacking law is still enormously unpopular, a Herald election survey has found LISTEN Bob McCoskrie on National Radio The Panel discussing the latest poll results and the continued opposition to the law(starts at…