FI – 321

30 November 2007 – Family Integrity #321 — Petition tables

—–Original Message—–
From: Wayne Robinson []
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 4:18 PM
To: Craig Smith
Subject: RE: Petition tables


The Wellington region desperately needs volunteers to man tables to collect signatures for the referendum against the anti-smacking bill. At present there are too few of us trying to canvas the whole region. Some folk have taken up the challenge but we need more folk to cover various areas of Wellington city and the Hutt Valley etc.

Those of us who are doing it are spreading ourselves thin trying to get the signatures.

I will coordinate those who are willing but we need numbers on the ground to make this effective in our area.

Please help. Those who are willing and able can contact me on ; home Ph. 9775501 or Mob 021 308 679.
